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Wicked vs. Avenue Q

#50re: Wicked vs. Avenue Q
Posted: 7/30/04 at 6:17pm

I think people go to Wicked b/c it's a familiar story, family friendly and follows in the traditional musical path. Avenue Q on the other hand is not what you would call traditional. Myself being a fan of both shows agree that it's like apples and oranges (or puppets and witches). I myself would be embaressed to go see Avenue Q with my family. Although I am a fan of the original idea, I almost feel dirty while I listen to the cd with other people. Yes Wicked does have some plot flaws but I think that if you think about the heart of the musical...the relationship between the characters and the passion the cast puts into their performance, I think Wicked is a better Musical. I also think that the amazing Avenue Q actors put just as much passion into their performance..I just don't think it has the same kinda of magical feel Wicked gives. I get chills every time I listen to my Wicked cd, for Avenue q, sure I laugh but it just doesn't give me that feel.

Now please don't throw things at me :)

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#51re: Wicked vs. Avenue Q
Posted: 7/30/04 at 6:23pm

I'm just going to say "Avenue Q" and leave it at that.

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

#52re: Wicked vs. Avenue Q
Posted: 7/30/04 at 7:18pm

Q makes me laugh, but that's because it's well written and well acted. Wicked gives me chills, that's because it's well acted, and there's enough talent there to make a great show from mediocre material. Without the right people, Wicked is nothing, Q could probably get by on quirkiness alone even in the hands of a less than briliant cast.

#53re: Wicked vs. Avenue Q
Posted: 7/30/04 at 7:27pm

Wicked all the way!

I haven't seen Avenue Q but I don't think I would like it better. I mean I don't really like when they talk about stuff like that even if it is in humor.

I also like Wicked because I can relate to Elphaba and I think most people can

#54re: Wicked vs. Avenue Q
Posted: 7/30/04 at 7:30pm

WICKED....No far........slam dunk......homerun

Is Avenue Q still running?? I'm pretty sure it's closed by now.
Isn't it?

#55re: Wicked vs. Avenue Q
Posted: 7/30/04 at 7:34pm

With all due respect, if you haven't seen both, you really can't say which one is better.

#56re: Wicked vs. Avenue Q
Posted: 7/30/04 at 7:35pm

Seen both. Thanks for the respect.

#57re: Wicked vs. Avenue Q
Posted: 7/30/04 at 7:42pm

I wasn't specifically talking to you, NYBroadwayNY. You're quite welcome.

Corine2 Profile Photo
#58re: Wicked vs. Avenue Q
Posted: 7/30/04 at 11:20pm

NY Broadway NY
Avenue Q is running at almost 100 capacity.
I don't think it will be closing any time soon.
Sticks sock in NY BROADWAY NY.
That is much better.
re: Wicked vs. Avenue Q Updated On: 7/30/04 at 11:20 PM

#59re: Wicked vs. Avenue Q
Posted: 7/31/04 at 2:11am

"Avenue Q is running at almost 100 capacity."

John Tartaglia said the whole cast is signed on for at least anothe year.

fae Profile Photo
#60re: Wicked vs. Avenue Q
Posted: 7/31/04 at 2:47am

okay..... sometimes i like to go to this funky little sushi place with my friends, get drunk on sake and trash all of the two-timing men in our lives. and sometimes i'd rather visit mom and eat meatloaf and mashed potatoes at the kitchen table while we talk about "the old days." honestly how do you compare which is a better time? i guess it depends what kind of mood i'm in.

that said..... avenue q. is fresh, hilarious and profound in a nonchalant sort of way. wicked is dazzling and the music is endearing. tonight i chose not to see either. i stayed home and watched "postcards from the edge" which hit the spot.

Ocean Breeze soap. It's just like taking an ocean cruise only there's no boat and you don't go anywhere.

#61re: Wicked vs. Avenue Q
Posted: 7/31/04 at 2:56am

hah fae that was great how you compared sushi to avenue q- ok i choose avenue q. im a sucker for classic musicals but im obsessed with avenue q and there's no way anyone could dislike this show. it's almost a compltely new idea, and wicked isn't since it' a prequel to the wizard of oz-dont get me wrong i love both of these shows and enjoyed them equally but i somehow find myself popping avenue q into my cd player more than wicked

eyecu Profile Photo
#62re: Wicked vs. Avenue Q
Posted: 7/31/04 at 4:00am

Avenue Q is your medicore comedy that lowers itself to crude humor to gain laughs. Not that it isn't funny, because it is. That's the only humor most adults understand. The music isn't anything too spectacular, and minus the whole puppet thing I wouldn't call it groundbreaking. Some can argue a deeper meaning under it all, but take it at face value and you'll have an enjoyable, fun show good for a laugh. Lets just see if it can face the test of time.

Wicked: The Musical is almost, what I would call, a spoof of the book it was based on. Dumbed down and lightened up for the kiddies, it is satire at its finest. It tries to capture the hearts and minds of kids and adults alike, some would say they came up short. Though whatever your opinion may be, you have to agree the cast really makes it shine. It's sad but true, without the lovely and bubbly Kristin Chenoweth and the sweet and sassy Idina Menzel it's hard to see this show lasting much longer. Not unless the new cast is up to par with their original counterparts. Though its ties to an already memorable classic, Wicked has a jump on Avenue Q with the cult following.

To quickly sum up, both are great shows, but like everything in life contain their flaws. It's hard to say which one is better.

#63re: Wicked vs. Avenue Q
Posted: 7/31/04 at 4:30am

You really can't compare the two at all. So, the way I look at it is "Did the show accomplish everything it wanted too?"

Avenue Q, to me, did just that. It wasn't trying to be a show with a big, soaring, traditional Broadway score, because it totally wouldn't work for the kind of show it is. The book, I think, is amazing. It managed to give a show with crude adult humor a heart. I left the theatre actually touched by these puppets, which I never thought was possible.

Wicked, on the other hand, could have been a much better show. The lyrics are mediocre at best, as with the music. The score only really peaks 3 times at most. (Not to mention, "For Good" is a blatant rip off of Side Show's "Who Will Love Me As I Am?") The characters are very underdeveloped. It's still an enjoyable night at the theatre, I'll give it that, and I loved most of the performances, but technically, it is not a great show.

Therefore, Avenue Q wins my vote.

#64re: Wicked vs. Avenue Q
Posted: 7/31/04 at 5:54am

it seems that many who have jumped on the AQ 'Originality' bandwagon, have somehow forgot some very vital facts...

does anyone remember the little show called 'The Muppets(originated in 50s)' or how about 'Sesame Street(started in '69)' or you wanna try 'Fraggle Rock('83)' or how 'bout 'Triumph the Insult Dog(88')' or how 'bout the ever classic Richard Pryor(70's) & unless you have been living under a rock, we all know Peter Jackson, great Director of LOTR, well, this one takes the cake.. go ahead & take a look at 'Meet The Feebles(1989)' --- take a look at any of these and if you can come back & say that AQ is Completely Original(besides that it was the first on Broadway), I'll give you a pat on the back.

Muppets have talked about life dilemmas since the beginning including sex, Sesame Street actually had an HIV-positive muppet in 2002, Muppets took Miss Piggy as far as you can go on a kids show, Fraggle Rock was all about life (& crossing the junk yard), Triumph has been doing what he does since before 88', Richard Pryor did EVERYTHING crude and yet you cared for him completely making him THE comedic icon that all comedians bow to & 'Meet The Feebles', well, just watch it, google it, whatever it, & you'll see what I'm talkin' about -

unlike many on this thread, this is not an opinion, this is facts laid out for you (dates, composition, etc.)

And not that Awards matter but knowing that 'Wicked' sweep every 2004 Award Organization in regards to Noms & Winners (asides from the Tony's) speaks serious Volumes - winning for Best Musical, Score, Lyrics, Costume, Set, etc. in the Drama League, Outer Critics, Drama Desk & Tony Noms - all the people involved in each of those Boards, that's some Serious company -

So, talk about how the lyrics were mediocre, score peaks 3 times at most or characters underdeveloped or not original at all because its a prequel --- it's an embarassing critique at best -

I'm unlimited, I am wicked through and through...
Updated On: 7/31/04 at 05:54 AM

sabrelady Profile Photo
#65re: Wicked vs. Avenue Q
Posted: 7/31/04 at 8:49am

OHMY!! Ithought I was the only one who remembered the FEEBLES! NOW THAT was some sicko funny stuff.The Elephant avoiding the paternity suit from the chicken! The Cow in the Porno flick! crushing her partner in a "very special way"!! The "Q" is no where near as funny.
And the walrus who had to be treated @ hospital for chaffing!!
OHHHH I am sn*ing just @ the memories! Updated On: 7/31/04 at 08:49 AM

#66re: Wicked vs. Avenue Q
Posted: 7/31/04 at 8:55am

Thank you 'sabrelady'.. you are my Co-Star Broadway Legend!

if some would actually take the time to learn of origins - there really wouldn't be much of a debate & a weak one at that -

I'm unlimited, I am wicked through and through...

#67re: Wicked vs. Avenue Q
Posted: 7/31/04 at 10:37pm

Read up AQ bandwagon

I'm unlimited, I am wicked through and through...

#68re: Wicked vs. Avenue Q
Posted: 7/31/04 at 10:44pm

Thank you Blair, I agree with your judging method. And thanks to Shizam for the info.

musicalfandukie Profile Photo
#69re: Wicked vs. Avenue Q
Posted: 7/31/04 at 10:45pm

i personaly think there both good shows..but WICKED is far more greater in all aspects. still think it was ripped off at the tony's but i think most people agree with me cause wicked kills avenue q when it comes to ticket sales even tho AQ won the tony. Updated On: 7/31/04 at 10:45 PM

#70re: Wicked vs. Avenue Q
Posted: 7/31/04 at 10:53pm

no doubt musicalfandukie, no doubt...

killin' in the sales! gotta love it!!!

I'm unlimited, I am wicked through and through...

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#71re: Wicked vs. Avenue Q
Posted: 7/31/04 at 10:57pm

I loved both shows, but "Wicked" is just more magical for me.
Just my opinion... after seeing "Q", had no problem with it winning Best Musical. I was more shocked that "Assassins", (which I loved) won for "Best Lighting" over "Wicked" ! How???

#72re: Wicked vs. Avenue Q
Posted: 7/31/04 at 10:59pm

And to add to the list that ShizamM did, Muppets on Broadway........Oh.....dear........EXCUSE MEEEE!!!, I meant puppets (with no resemblance whatsoever to Jim Henson's creations and in no way have anything to do with Sesame Street or Jim Henson's Muppets)
ANYWAY, puppets on Broadway aren't new or original. Remember a little Disney doo dad called Lion King??
Avenue Q- NOT original
WICKED---On a different planet than AQ.

#73re: Wicked vs. Avenue Q
Posted: 7/31/04 at 11:03pm

politics Testing1232, politics... that's how many of these things win - I loved the Assassins lighting - That was actually one of the main things I talked about even during the show itself but it remains the same throughout - Wicked is ever-changing Beautiful, magnificent lighting in accordance w/ the story (the mended sunrise scene, the night rain, etc.) So 'How did Assassins win for lighting?' - it's BS politics

and how 'bout the Massive adverts that AQ did before the Tony's - Vote Q buttons, brochures, t-shirts, posters and stickers everywhere, it was literally a Political Campaign - pretty weak

I also loved AQ but Wicked is what Musical Theatre is all about in the end - Huge, Sweeping Score, Set and Cast and leaves you feeling high - IT is truly magical!

and anyone who stated they were overwhelmed by the 'Wicked' set is just cutting on themselves - if you can't take the Beauty of Wicked, be taken away into a Sweeping Story, that, unfortunately, is your fault - to say that you feel more at home with a permanent set of an old beat-up co-op building, why are you even going to the theatre in the first place - stay home..

I wasn't going to post on this thread because it was so irritating, all the talk about how AQ is SO SO original so I had to give it up and let all those people down with the simple facts of the matter - nothing really to say after you read all the laid out facts...

I'm unlimited, I am wicked through and through...
Updated On: 7/31/04 at 11:03 PM

NYCbabe3789 Profile Photo
#74re: Wicked vs. Avenue Q
Posted: 7/31/04 at 11:04pm

I was glad that Q won Best Musical, but I thought book should've gone to Wicked and score to Caroline or Change. Oh well...I was also mad about Assassins winning lighting over Wicked. Grrr.
