
The Hair benefit is cast!!!- Page 3

The Hair benefit is cast!!!

#50re: The Hair benefit is cast!!!
Posted: 8/16/04 at 11:34am

"AH! Other Raul fans! Amazing! He would make an incredible addition. "

You will fit in quite well here...

#51re: The Hair benefit is cast!!!
Posted: 8/16/04 at 11:37am

**eeek** J-tart and Gav!!! YAY! I wanna go now.

tapbaby2356 Profile Photo
#52re: The Hair benefit is cast!!!
Posted: 8/16/04 at 1:38pm

OH! one of my all time favorite musicals... HOLY COW! and what an amazing cast! oh my gosh... i'd do just about anything to see that... urg why can't my new york trip be then??? this sounds incredible... and i really hope a recording is made!

#53re: The Hair benefit is cast!!!
Posted: 8/16/04 at 2:11pm

I think its so funny that I asked my dad if he would let me go and he said "only if Gavin and Idina are in it" hehehehehehe!

#54re: The Hair benefit is cast!!!
Posted: 8/16/04 at 3:09pm

ha ha ha. That is GREAT! LOL

StrStruckDreamr9 Profile Photo
#55re: The Hair benefit is cast!!!
Posted: 8/17/04 at 12:34am

Shira, "damn living in Los Angeles"?! Try "damn living in Hawaii"! This is such an amazing cast and sounds like it will be incredible. Idina, John T., Gavin...Hunter... *tear* re: The Hair benefit is cast!!!

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#56re: The Hair benefit is cast!!!
Posted: 8/17/04 at 12:41am

Please sweet G-D tell me they are gonna make a CD of this one so this pathetic floridian can have a small sample of how friggin' awesome this is gonna be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#57re: The Hair benefit is cast!!!
Posted: 8/17/04 at 12:42am

i hope they maek a cast recording of this!!!! i hat that they did not make one of chess or funny girl re: The Hair benefit is cast!!!

Gypsy2 Profile Photo
#58re: The Hair benefit is cast!!!
Posted: 8/17/04 at 3:28pm

This is really an incredible cast they got together, and I wish I could go. Then again, it will be all of them at Bryant Park this thursday, along with Brooklyn, won't it? I expect it to be very, very crowded. But it's a really great cast. I assume Idina will play the role that she played last time she did Hair, right?

You know it and you want it... you just can't believe you've got it.

#59re: The Hair benefit is cast!!!
Posted: 8/17/04 at 3:58pm

Im sure she will, but multiple people will be playing the same role.

Miphba Profile Photo
#60re: The Hair benefit is cast!!!
Posted: 8/17/04 at 7:12pm

Does anyone know if this is definatley, in fact, the cast that will be preforming in Bryant Park on Thursday?

#61re: The Hair benefit is cast!!!
Posted: 8/17/04 at 7:20pm

They have not announced who is performing or what they will be performing at Bryant Park

Seany Profile Photo
#62re: The Hair benefit is cast!!!
Posted: 8/17/04 at 7:27pm

I don't like that parts aren't given to certain people. I think there should be 1 Claude, 1 Berger, 1 Sheila, etc.

There's a light in the darkness of everybody's life.

My Fair Lady Profile Photo
My Fair Lady
#63re: The Hair benefit is cast!!!
Posted: 9/1/04 at 9:31pm

I am positively giddy right now.

bwaybaby2 Profile Photo
#64re: The Hair benefit is cast!!!
Posted: 9/3/04 at 11:04pm

WILL THERE BE A RECORDING????? does anyone know now?
