
My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.- Page 3

My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.

#50re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.
Posted: 7/8/05 at 1:48pm

Saw BROOKLYN, didn't care for it, don't understand the vitriol towards it and its fans. Broadway's large, it contains multitudes (paraphrasing), why do you think all of Broadway should be only what YOU like? There's room for everyone.

Thenardier Profile Photo
#51re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.
Posted: 7/8/05 at 1:56pm

Yes, I saw BKLYN a week or so before it closed.

The cast is very talented. Not a big fan of Eden's - but Ramona is hot sh*t.

The show NEVER made me care about the characters. IT was one song after another and I was being told how to think. Last time I checked, I'm old enough to think for myself.

In one line, "Paradice" said everything wrong with this country, the world, whatever. Well, that really solved everything.

And it isn't like Rent?

I could break every little thing down, but I will just say two words: PICKLE DRUM.

The show has some good songs...well, OK songs...

Anyway, every show, no matter how bad it does, will gain a fanbase. Some shows find its fanbase AFTER they close.

And, I like flops....I have a thing that draws me to flops...BKLYN did nothing for me.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#52re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.
Posted: 7/8/05 at 2:02pm

Ironically, I bet the show will end up being pretty huge on the community theatre circuit. Done horribly mind you, but often.

#53re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.
Posted: 7/8/05 at 2:22pm

Sorry ddtruit, you took me a little too literally. My (mis)quote was an allusion. "I contradict myself? Very well, I contradict myself. I am large, I contain multitudes"

Of course Broadway is small compared to other media. And certainly shows have their lifespan (some shorter than others). I'm simply taking issue with those who say BROOKLYN should never have had a life, much less hung on as long as it did.

I'm saying Broadway is big enough for all types of entertainment. The big blockbuster hits, the one man shows, the "jukebox" musicals, the dark heavy plays, and the *ahem* shows like BROOKLYN. I'm not saying it should still be open - its box office take saw to that - but do you see any shows beating down the doors to the Schoenfeld?

I'll confess that I never had an interest in seeing the show, either. I saw it in a professional capacity. Again, didn't care for it - but I'm not making fun of those who did, and don't understand why others do. Never will.

#54re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.
Posted: 7/8/05 at 2:30pm

That's funny that I happened to spot this thread after reading the following:
click me!

WonderBoy Profile Photo
#55re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.
Posted: 7/8/05 at 2:34pm

Hahahahaha! That is too funny yet so accurate!

"For me, THEATRE is an anticipation, an artistic rush, an emotional banquet, a jubilant appreciation, and an exit hopeful of clearer thought and better worlds." ~ an anonymous traveler with Robert Burns

#56re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.
Posted: 7/8/05 at 2:46pm

Ugh people read too much into it. I don't know why they find it necessary to pick apart every little piece of the play. It's called having an imagination. Not everything has to be completely accurate, they call it a "fairy tale", which means that it isn't supposed to be believable, just something for enjoyment. That's why people who don't look into every little detail so much actually end up enjoying themselves more(and I'm not talking about just BKLYN either).

MagicToDo82 Profile Photo
#57re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.
Posted: 7/8/05 at 3:13pm

Now this is a trip down unpleasant memory lane, and I liked Brooklyn when I saw it. Didn't change my life, but it didn't offend me horribly - however, I give everyone permission to keep ripping on it:) Carry on.

There's always room for pathos - and jazz hands.

#58re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.
Posted: 7/8/05 at 3:16pm

Okay, that, thespian, was very funny. I love that site. Have you seen their treatment of WICKED?

#59re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.
Posted: 7/8/05 at 3:27pm

I watched Brooklyn and I enjoyed it -- definetly not one I'd see again but still not extremely horrible. But that portrayal of the show is hillarious! and so accurate, I loved it (it's now under my favorites)

Yes ghost, I have. Wicked is one of my favorite shows (...sue me, lol) but I found their look on it hillarious as well! I think I have a new favorite site!

Thenardier Profile Photo
#60re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.
Posted: 7/8/05 at 3:35pm

" It's called having an imagination. Not everything has to be completely accurate, they call it a "fairy tale", which means that it isn't supposed to be believable, just something for enjoyment."

That's the point. It is the "fairy tale" mixed with real life, serious issues like AIDS, etc. They try to take you into this serious moment and ruin it.

emo_geek Profile Photo
#61re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.
Posted: 7/8/05 at 3:37pm

Brooklyn changed my life.

"I never had theatre producers run after me. Some people want to make more Broadway shows out of movies. But Elliot and I aren't going to do Batman: The Musical." - Julie Taymor 1999

Mr.  Tuttle Profile Photo
Mr. Tuttle
#62re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.
Posted: 7/8/05 at 4:58pm

Dearest Sarah and other I heart BKLYN fans...

It seems to me that you are too young to understand or even grasp the simple concept that just because a musical is on Broadway..we don't have to worship it. We, as artisit and consumers, have ever right to demand a quality production if we are paying to buy a ticket.

This does not mean we are "smarter" or snobbish than you who think BKLYN is a work of art. Everyone has an opinion. If this show was the bestest ever for you...wonderful. As you can see, to many of us, this show was far from a worthy production. It lacked a competent script, music, performances...should I go on?

Perhaps when you get a chance to see and experience other productions, you'll be able to realize what we are taking about.

Ignorance is temporary. Stupidity last forever. Watch out BWW... HE'S BACK.

#63re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.
Posted: 7/8/05 at 8:04pm

First of all, there is no need to talk so condescendingly, which just further proves my point of how you all think your knowledge is far superior to that of us simple BKLYN fans. You have no idea what my age is and unless you do you really cannot make comments as to how young I am. Clearly, the concept that you cannot grasp is that we are not saying you have to worship BKLYN, there is something called middle ground. You do not have to love it but you also do not need to constantly post about how horrible you think it is. And I have in fact experienced plenty of other productions and, through that, have actually learned how to make up my own mind about the shows I see (what a concept!). I know that BKLYN is not the greatest musical ever written and there are definitely some changes that could be made, but I still enjoyed the show when I saw it and happen to indeed like the show very much.

#64re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.
Posted: 7/8/05 at 8:38pm

BKLYN was "amazing".

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

LittleFish8386 Profile Photo
#65re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.
Posted: 7/9/05 at 10:25am

Be careful what you post, ps27b, it will come back to haunt you.

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#66re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.
Posted: 7/9/05 at 2:51pm

MY hunch... BKLYN is closed and everyone should just leave well enough/bad enough alone, depending on your opinion.

http://www.beintheheights.com/katnicole1 (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

Starchild Profile Photo
#67re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.
Posted: 7/11/05 at 2:48pm

Well said, Sarah!

Mr. Tuttle, you have it all wrong. If I were you I wouldn't be so condescending if I didn't use the English language properly. Try spell check and a dictionary. Or better, just try allowing those of us fans who did actually enjoy BKLYN to have that, while YOU enjoy whatever it is that YOU enjoy. As Sarah rightly said, no one is asking you (or anyone) to worship BKLYN. Your opinion of what is enjoyable musical theater is your own, as is everyone else's (besides, we don't "worship" BKLYN, we "feel" it -- you don't, and that's OK!). It would be adult of you to take the Ghostlight2 position and say, to each her own. However, you feel the need to name-call on this board [[QUOTE from Mr. Tuttle:: And one wonders where all our little "BKLYN" fans have gone to. You don't see the freaks around here anymore. Maybe they are having a time out? END QUOTE]]. It is clear that your opinion does not come from a reasoned, thoughtful, or mature point of view but from some darker place where you feel it's OK to resort to such playground tactics as name-calling and ganging up. If I wanted the opinion of the playground bully, I could go to PS 282 and beat it out of him. Now run along and go condescend to someone who can't form her own opinion and doesn't read that well.

Signed, BKLYNluvr

And NO BobbyBubby, to anticipate your question, I wasn't paid to write this message or anything about BKLYN (I wish!). But if you enjoyed it, I'm accepting donations.

VB: Mr. Wonka, my name is Violet Beauregard... WW: I don't care.

Tiny-Toon Profile Photo
#68re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.
Posted: 7/11/05 at 2:59pm

*kisses Starchild*
Mr. Tuttle and all you BKLYN bashers, what possible purpose would a shill accomplish at this point? And why do you think your opinion is better than ours? I'm sure you're just a lonely person who sits around the computer all day typing these messages bashing Brooklyn and enjoying our replies.

Updated On: 7/11/05 at 02:59 PM

Starchild Profile Photo
#69re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.
Posted: 7/11/05 at 3:45pm

Look MojaniD, it's Tiny Toon! re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.

VB: Mr. Wonka, my name is Violet Beauregard... WW: I don't care.

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#70re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.
Posted: 7/11/05 at 5:10pm

I know I said to drop the subject, but I just have to...
*high fives Sarah, Starchild, and Tiny-Toon*

Mr. Tuttle, you said yourself that "Everyone has an opinion." To me, that is the whole point. Your opinion was that you disliked BKLYN. And that's fine, I know that feeling has been echoed by many other people on this board. However, there were also many people on this board who saw BKLYN and enjoyed it. It's really all a matter of opinion. Nobody's asking you to worship the show. Let the people who enjoyed the show keep on going, and if you didn't enjoy the show, just let it go. That's all.

*steps off soapbox*

http://www.beintheheights.com/katnicole1 (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

uncageg Profile Photo
#71re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.
Posted: 7/11/05 at 5:49pm

I saw Brooklyn Here in Denver twice. Very much enjoyed the show. I was in a much smaller theatre here. However I did not see it on Broadway because as much as I enjoyed it, I wouldn't pay Broadway prices for it. In my opinion, it should have done Off Broadway. I liked the music but did not buy the OBCR because I just didn't like the live recording. Had it been done as a studio recording, I would have purchased it.

Just give the world Love.

Tiny-Toon Profile Photo
#72re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.
Posted: 7/11/05 at 6:17pm

uncageg, you do know that they recorded it IN a studio, twice with 100 fans, and once without, right?

Updated On: 7/11/05 at 06:17 PM

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#74re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.
Posted: 7/14/07 at 4:01pm

BUMP, just because it's funny. re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#75re: My Hunch... Brooklyn is going to be biggest show this yr.
Posted: 7/14/07 at 4:07pm


