
What is going on with LA "WICKED" Leads?- Page 3

What is going on with LA "WICKED" Leads?

emo_geek Profile Photo
#50re: What is going on with LA 'WICKED' Leads?
Posted: 7/6/05 at 3:04am

It has not. The minute it is I will get tickets.

"I never had theatre producers run after me. Some people want to make more Broadway shows out of movies. But Elliot and I aren't going to do Batman: The Musical." - Julie Taymor 1999

Pinguin Profile Photo
#51re: What is going on with LA 'WICKED' Leads?
Posted: 7/6/05 at 3:05am

HAHAHA...got it.

-Anyone want to turn anarchist with me?

"Bless you and all who know you, oh wise and penguined one." ~YouWantItWhen????

emo_geek Profile Photo
#52re: What is going on with LA 'WICKED' Leads?
Posted: 7/6/05 at 3:08am

I have heard Eden do Elphaba and I can see why they wanted her for broadway. Like I said Eden inspires me more then anyone,

"I never had theatre producers run after me. Some people want to make more Broadway shows out of movies. But Elliot and I aren't going to do Batman: The Musical." - Julie Taymor 1999

#53re: What is going on with LA 'WICKED' Leads?
Posted: 7/6/05 at 3:23am

Ok...this is both slightly naive (well not exactly naive but you know what I mean) and rather off topic BUT I was wondering what is the deal with the lottery? Where should I go to get in it and how does it work exactly? Is it basically give you my name and they pick the winners out of a hat type of deal?

NOTE: both for LA and SF (for the where part)


"If you can talk, you can sing...if you can walk, you can dance." - T.K. Greene

#54re: What is going on with LA 'WICKED' Leads?
Posted: 7/6/05 at 11:50am

I realize these ladies are only human, we all are, but we still all have to show up for work. It sounds as though Kendra and Stephanie no longer appear together in the show as one of them is always out. That is ridiculous. If Block's injury was truly severe, she should take a leave of absense long enough for her to nurse herself back to good health. And Kendra? What's going on with her?

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#55re: What is going on with LA 'WICKED' Leads?
Posted: 7/6/05 at 11:53am

They both are having health issues and this is a difficult show to perform and heal at the same time. I think Block is very wise to sit out SF.

Popular Profile Photo
#56re: What is going on with LA 'WICKED' Leads?
Posted: 7/8/05 at 2:53am

Did anyone else notice that the L.A. run is doing not 8, but NINE, yes NINE shows a week?? I've said this before and I'll say it again...give them a freakin break! If their Doctors limit them to 6 shows a week then that's what they must do. And on the 2 show days you are simply not going to get the two leads together. Deal with it. The injury (at least to Stephanie) is not her fault and she's doing the best she can to heal. Do you think that either one of them DON'T want to be there? I would think the people on this board would empathize with them as it must be terribly hard to have to sit out an opportunity to do what you have a burning passion to do. Part of being a performer is taking care of your instrument - whether it be your body or voice, or in most cases both. I for one am excited about their futures and look forward to seeing them in many other shows - so to them I say, do what you must today so that we can see you healthy in the future! Don't risk permanant injury because of a momentary feeling of loyalty to people who bought tickets for you, that's just silly! Sure I'd be disappointed if I missed someone I was going specifically to see but I would understand and I wouldn't moan about it and demand they get a paycut or replaced like some have suggested.
Just my two cents...

TheatreDiva612 Profile Photo
Pinguin Profile Photo
#58re: What is going on with LA 'WICKED' Leads?
Posted: 7/8/05 at 3:08am

Of course you're right that performers have to take care of their instrument; and Stephanie certainly has not done anything wrong. But part of the responsibility of doing several shows a week is PREVENTING injury and developing the endurance (vocally and physically) to do the full schedule. I don't want to personally criticize any of the performers, but not all of them have had major reported injuries like Stephanie (who I agree is very wise to step out in San Francisco). It is extremely difficult to do a full schedule; but it's also their job, and while there are always exceptions, expecting a certain amount of accountability is not ridiculous.

-Anyone want to turn anarchist with me?

"Bless you and all who know you, oh wise and penguined one." ~YouWantItWhen????

ThE nEw KiD Profile Photo
ThE nEw KiD
#59re: What is going on with LA 'WICKED' Leads?
Posted: 7/8/05 at 3:20am

Adam Lambert is the best male vocalist EVER. He should be the male lead period. No offense to the other guy but no one can match Adam vocally...NO ONE!

Check it out and see what I mean:


The kid's a genius

Popular Profile Photo
#60re: What is going on with LA 'WICKED' Leads?
Posted: 7/8/05 at 3:21am

Fair enough, Penguin. I totally agree but it's not really their responsibility to report any serious injury to the public, only to the producers, or whoever is in charge that makes decisions. And if the people in charge make an unwise decision to keep someone on who doesn't have the stamina then that too is not their fault, in which case, wouldn't you rather see the understudy anyway. The bottom line is we shouldn't judge unless we know the facts... I'm sure if the tables were turned and people were judging you for missing shows you were ordered by medical professionals to sit out (that you already probably feel horrible about missing) it wouldn't feel too good, would it?

DAME Profile Photo
#61re: What is going on with LA 'WICKED' Leads?
Posted: 7/8/05 at 3:24am

I just looked at the schedule.. and they are only doing 8 shows a week. Not 9. Tuesday thru Friday. twice on Saturday and twice on Sundays.


Pinguin Profile Photo
#62re: What is going on with LA 'WICKED' Leads?
Posted: 7/8/05 at 3:30am

It is most definetely both the responsibility of the producers and the performers, I wouldn't argue that. But I do feel like it's fair game discussion. I understand your objection.

-Anyone want to turn anarchist with me?

"Bless you and all who know you, oh wise and penguined one." ~YouWantItWhen????

Popular Profile Photo
#63re: What is going on with LA 'WICKED' Leads?
Posted: 7/8/05 at 4:45am

Dame, and twice on Thursdays as well... at least for the week of the 17th according to ticketmaster.

Updated On: 7/8/05 at 04:45 AM

#64re: What is going on with LA 'WICKED' Leads?
Posted: 7/11/05 at 1:19pm

I went on Saturday night - second time I went on a weekend night, second time I saw Emily in for Kendra. I have to say, after seeing Emily the first time, I was hoping to see her name up on the boards again. I actually sqealed a little when I saw her name. And I was very excited that my sister and my friend got to see Emily. They loved her as much as I, and are hoping to get her again when they go again. I am going a third time (also on a Friday night) and do hope to see Kendra, just to compare. But I saw Kristen, and think that Emily measures up completely. Caught Stephanie both times so far, happily.

whiskedaway Profile Photo
#65re: What is going on with LA 'WICKED' Leads?
Posted: 7/11/05 at 1:27pm

"Dame, and twice on Thursdays as well... at least for the week of the 17th according to ticketmaster."

but on that week, sunday only has one performance. also i saw it last night and kendra was out, emily was in. she was ok but i think i liked kendra better.

#66re: What is going on with LA 'WICKED' Leads?
Posted: 7/11/05 at 2:54pm

I heard that Kendra will be out this Wed night as well.

Popular Profile Photo
#67re: What is going on with LA 'WICKED' Leads?
Posted: 7/11/05 at 4:00pm

and now on another thread I read that Eden will come in to do some of the L.A. days that Stephanie is out before SF... that would make sense - she needs to sort of warm up to it again after all this time I would think. That should be interesting if it's true.

SimpleJoysHaveSimpleVoice Profile Photo
#68re: What is going on with LA 'WICKED' Leads?
Posted: 7/11/05 at 4:16pm

I hate theater rumors!!! But in the same breath...I love rumors!!! That's what makes the theater so interesting.

Popular, what thread has Steph not finishing the LA run?

"Bad theater is better than no theater" Some smart guy.

Popular Profile Photo
#69re: What is going on with LA 'WICKED' Leads?
Posted: 7/11/05 at 4:22pm

This was posted by someone on the "Eden is Elphaba in SF for the month of August" thread:

This is from the Eden Espinosa Fans Club:

"Eden will play some dates in LA then open SF... This is from a very accurate source. She'll probably play the days in LA that Stephanie is not doing. Eden is from the LA area, so she'll probably be staying with family there. Her parents, grandparents, and uncle are very supportive and great people. I don't know the exact dates for LA...you may have to check with the theater. Hope this helps everyone."

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#70re: What is going on with LA 'WICKED' Leads?
Posted: 7/11/05 at 4:22pm

Eden, like Stephanie, is a Los Angeles native. It would probably be a nice gesture to let her do Stephanie's missed shows (or matinees, which seem to be most of her missed shows) before SF.

SimpleJoysHaveSimpleVoice Profile Photo
#71re: What is going on with LA 'WICKED' Leads?
Posted: 7/11/05 at 4:24pm

Broadway Belter...can anyone from the Jenna camp confirm this??

Sending out an SOS.

"Bad theater is better than no theater" Some smart guy.

Popular Profile Photo
#72re: What is going on with LA 'WICKED' Leads?
Posted: 7/11/05 at 4:38pm

Acutally Michael Bennett, all of the lotteries that I've won except for one were matinees - and I've seen Steph all 5 times.
