
Megan Hilty shines in 9 to 5 (review- 4/18 8 PM)- Page 3

Megan Hilty shines in 9 to 5 (review- 4/18 8 PM)

defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#50re: Megan Hilty shines in 9 to 5 (review- 4/18 8 PM)
Posted: 4/20/09 at 7:45pm

It's not a big secret that I'm also TS3. I'm only on this name because I'm suspended until tomorrow.

Are you going to see you friend Steph? Updated On: 4/20/09 at 07:45 PM

#51re: Megan Hilty shines in 9 to 5 (review- 4/18 8 PM)
Posted: 4/20/09 at 8:06pm

Val, you and WAT pull this crap every time someone criticizes a performer or show you like. You accuse them of personal attacks and then get pissy when they defend themselves.

Let's throw aside all the statements people have made on you in this thread. Okay? You are way out of line here. Criticizing a performer in a REVIEW is not "bashing". It is criticsm, and there is no problem with posting it on a public forum. I very highly doubt a successful, busy performer like Stephanie J. Block takes the time to read what a bunch of tired old queens had to say about her, and even if she does, tough biscuits. Just because she's nice to you at stagedoor does not mean you need to take the time to accuse anyone who suggests that perhaps her s*** DOES stink. This argument is sad and pathetic. I don't know if it was deliberate, but you siced everyone on you by wailing about Steph. You've got to stop taking everything so personally. (And this goes for everyone in this thread and at BWW, myself included)...just close the browser. Listen to some music. Play with your dog. Get a breath of fresh air. This is an INTERNET MESSAGE BOARD, and it is not life or death.

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

#52re: Megan Hilty shines in 9 to 5 (review- 4/18 8 PM)
Posted: 4/20/09 at 9:01pm

Bumped because this s*** is bananas.

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#53re: Megan Hilty shines in 9 to 5 (review- 4/18 8 PM)
Posted: 4/20/09 at 9:02pm

I heard that SJB was being replaced by Susan Boyle.

#54re: Megan Hilty shines in 9 to 5 (review- 4/18 8 PM)
Posted: 4/20/09 at 9:09pm

"Those that have no talent, teach. Those who have no idea what talent is, critique."

Hey, now--teaching is just a different way of sharing talent. Ever heard of a Master Class?

defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#55re: Megan Hilty shines in 9 to 5 (review- 4/18 8 PM)
Posted: 4/20/09 at 9:12pm

Don't try feeding her logic, you'll confuse her.

Popular Profile Photo
#56re: Megan Hilty shines in 9 to 5 (review- 4/18 8 PM)
Posted: 4/20/09 at 9:53pm

adamgreer - I'm going to focus on the positive points you made and try to get this thread back on track =)

It was thrilling to witness such a marvelous, show-stealing performance from a young actress, who 3 years ago was standing by for the role of Glinda in Wicked.

Agreed! Sorry your expectations weren't met in other areas of the production. I had high expectations as well. Fortunately, mine were more than exceeded, and Megan's performance played a huge part in that.

emilyfaye48 Profile Photo
#57re: Megan Hilty shines in 9 to 5 (review- 4/18 8 PM)
Posted: 4/20/09 at 10:06pm

Megan Hilty is phenomenal as Doralee. And I swear to god if Stephanie J. Block doesn't win a Tony for this role somethin' ain't right in this world. she blew me away

Without bread we'd just be hungry but without theatre we'd be dead

#58re: Megan Hilty shines in 9 to 5 (review- 4/18 8 PM)
Posted: 4/20/09 at 10:46pm

^^and i swear if Stephanie J Block does win a Tony for this particular role, somethin' aint right with the world. Seeing from the OCC noms, it seems as though all 3 girls will be considered leading and Kathy Fitzgerald will be considered Feature. Even the idea of Block winning over Ripley is enough to make me laugh.
Updated On: 4/20/09 at 10:46 PM

Lenexajones Profile Photo
#59re: Megan Hilty shines in 9 to 5 (review- 4/18 8 PM)
Posted: 4/21/09 at 4:57am

I also saw the show on the 18th [just got back from NY]. We loved it from beginning to end. Megan stole the show, but the others were quite entertaining. The set movements were awesome and innovative. The heat was intolerable...

WestVillage Profile Photo
#60re: Megan Hilty shines in 9 to 5 (review- 4/18 8 PM)
Posted: 4/21/09 at 10:05am

The only thing Megan steals is Dolly's performance from the movie.

thesondhead Profile Photo
#61re: Megan Hilty shines in 9 to 5 (review- 4/18 8 PM)
Posted: 4/21/09 at 12:54pm

Well said, West Village.

"I am a camera with its shutter open, quite passive, recording, not thinking...someday all of this will have to be developed, carefully printed, fixed." - Christopher Isherwood

#62re: Megan Hilty shines in 9 to 5 (review- 4/18 8 PM)
Posted: 4/25/09 at 1:18am

I just randomly decided to buy a ticket for tonight's show. I was in row B. I didn't see any noticeable additions or deletions from the show. I was hoping they had cut some of the songs or something, but nope, nothing. I think Act 1 is pretty great, and the show really flys by. But in Act 2 the show just drags. There are two throwaway songs in a row - "5 to 9" (which could be great, and starts off well, but then goes nowhere and just fizzles away), and the song by the Boss and the gospel choir (the song just goes on FAR too long, and again, goes nowhere). Those two songs should be cut or reworked. I mean, Marc Kudish attempts to scissor off the ropes with his Tab cap, but no mention of it is ever made? Like, he shows no signs that he either couldn't get it to work, or that he should try something else.

Another thing that bothered me this time was the scene with the elevator right before they smoke pot. It just confused me that Block's character just jumped into the conversation and understood what they were talking about. Her character seems kind of clueless, so it confused how she could just pick up so quickly that they were talking about how Hilty wasn't sleeping with the boss.

And I really think Hilty will win the Featured Actress Tony. Brantley is sure to love her, and she's an audience favorite. Her scene where she storms into the office and talks about the gun just bowls over the audience both times I've seen it, and she's really on fire in that scene. And her "Backwoods Barbie" is great. I just wish she had another song to sing in Act 2 rather than that awful Boss number.

#63re: Megan Hilty shines in 9 to 5 (review- 4/18 8 PM)
Posted: 4/25/09 at 1:20am

Oh, and to spark up the whole "Janney vs. Ripley" debate, but I honestly could see Janney gaining some steam. I mean, she's giving a great comedic performance, and she really shines. She's doing a great job. I was just trying to picture the show with the inevitable replacement casts, and I just can't imagine anyone bringing the sort of power to the role that Janney can do. It helps that she's so tall. She just draws such focus.

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#64re: Megan Hilty shines in 9 to 5 (review- 4/18 8 PM)
Posted: 4/25/09 at 2:23am

I saw this mess the other night. I think Megan Hilty fares the best, and Block obviously has an incredible voice. Allison Janney is one of my favorite actresses, and I think she's absolutely brilliant, but in this, she is completely out of her element. While she lands the jokes and does as well as she can with the crappy material, she looks awkward and comes off self-conscious for great chunks of time. I could see her doing a musical like Company, but why she thought this was a good use of her talents I will never understand. She looks fabulous, particularly in that white pantsuit, and gamely does her best, but there's just something totally awkward about her in this show. The only time I felt she was "in the zone" was during her moments of physical comedy (pushing the stretcher, etc) and the dream sequence.

The music seems slapped into the show; every time the intro to a song began I would think to myself, "Oh, God, do we really need to do this NOW?" Add that to the hideous choreography (which seems forced into the show with a crowbar), the messy staging, and the slapdash jokes and scenes from the movie and you've got one big pile of overproduced crap. I was so disappointed because I was truly hoping to enjoy myself, but this show was bad (and LOUD! Everything had a backing track and crazy lights flashing all over the place! I can understand wanting to drown out Janney, but Hilty and Block?).

#65re: Megan Hilty shines in 9 to 5 (review- 4/18 8 PM)
Posted: 4/25/09 at 2:29am

I agree with some of your comments. The choreography is pretty weak. There isn't one moment in the show where I think it works right. The beginning of the show is kind of awkward. It's like this sort of abstract choreography piece for such an obviously commercial show. It just starts the show off on a weak foot. The timing is slow.

But I don't think Janney looks awkward at all. At least, it's nothing I've noticed.

I actually think some of the music works perfectly sometimes. I love most of the underscoring. The part in the hospital is perfectly underscoring, and when I heard the music I expected there to be a song, and it sort of is screaming for a song to happen. I mean, Janney stops and has this sort of inner monologue with herself. It's a musical. Why not make that a musical moment and take away the Roz song. Like we need ANOTHER song from a minor character.

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#66re: Megan Hilty shines in 9 to 5 (review- 4/18 8 PM)
Posted: 4/25/09 at 2:33am

I guess what I mean is that she seems so totally out of place, particularly when singing. She's not pulling off the Roz Russell thing I was hoping she would. It just seems like she's this alien they stuck in amongst everyone else. I know she's never done a musical before but even in the book scenes there's just something off. I was watching interviews with her early on in the process and it was obvious to me how self-conscious she felt, and I'm not sure if that's fully gone away yet. I suppose it's to be expected for a non-singer who's co-starring with two vocal powerhouses like Block and Hilty.
Updated On: 4/25/09 at 02:33 AM

it'sjustshowbiz Profile Photo
#67re: Megan Hilty shines in 9 to 5 (review- 4/18 8 PM)
Posted: 4/25/09 at 10:40am

RentBoy86, in the L.A. production there was a song in the hospital scene. It was (rightfully) taken out.

CateBroadway Profile Photo
#68re: Megan Hilty shines in 9 to 5 (review- 4/18 8 PM)
Posted: 4/25/09 at 12:36pm

Who's Megan's cover just out of curiosity? I haven't seen the show yet nor seen a program.

defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#69re: Megan Hilty shines in 9 to 5 (review- 4/18 8 PM)
Posted: 4/25/09 at 12:39pm

Gaelen Gilliand.

#70re: Megan Hilty shines in 9 to 5 (review- 4/18 8 PM)
Posted: 4/25/09 at 1:37pm

What was the song about or called? Is that the music from the song that's in the hospital scene now? I guess it just feels awkward because I'm use to there always being a song in every scene, so it seems weird to have this music start up and then no song start.

defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#71re: Megan Hilty shines in 9 to 5 (review- 4/18 8 PM)
Posted: 4/25/09 at 1:38pm

I Killed The Boss sung by Violet.

#72re: Megan Hilty shines in 9 to 5 (review- 4/18 8 PM)
Posted: 4/25/09 at 2:10pm

I liked this show, but to think it would win Best Musical over Billy Elliot is just plain delusional.

On the good side, Megan Hilty is awesome and deserves to be nominated for her role. Not to win because I think there are other actresses who should win more, but definitely she deserves to be recognized for her work.

#73re: Megan Hilty shines in 9 to 5 (review- 4/18 8 PM)
Posted: 4/25/09 at 8:46pm

Anyone have audio of the cut songs? I can't imagine they'd be any worse than "Always A Woman." Awfulness.
