
Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.- Page 4

Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.

Steve2 Profile Photo
#75re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.
Posted: 7/7/07 at 4:44pm

nealb1 said "That can happen.....the hype and the expectation level is so high, that when you see a show, it doesn't meet your expectations."

I think this is often the case, human nature I suppose.

Phantom2 Profile Photo
#76re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.
Posted: 7/7/07 at 6:20pm

Well, get over it. Ms. Ebersole is phenomenal.

"I'm learning to dig deep down inside and find the truth within myself and put that out. I think what we identify with in popular music more than anything else is when someone just shares a truth that we can relate to. That's what I'm searching for in my music." - Ron Bohmer

"I broke the boundaries. It wasn't cool to be in plays- especially if you were in sports & I was in both." - Ashton Kutcher

BrianIdol Profile Photo
#77re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.
Posted: 7/7/07 at 6:39pm

trust me when i say, the night i saw her, she was far from phenomenal.

#78re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.
Posted: 7/7/07 at 7:16pm

It seems that Christine is damned if she goes on, damned if she doesn't anymore. People moan and complain when she takes a day off because God forbid she be out because she's supposed to be giving a legendary performance... but now there's this. She should have taken time off if she couldn't give that same performance. So what is it?

It's like writing "Norma Shearer for the win!" in a Joan Crawford biography.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#79re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.
Posted: 7/7/07 at 7:27pm

I have no problem with people having a different opinion on her performance.

BUT to some of us she truly was phenomenal. And many of you are making it like we can't feel she was phenomenal.

But it's all of a matter of opinion. So to make it out like she was never good in the role is kind of disheartening.

So I agree with Vanessi. She's damned either way these days. And it's sad it came to this. But I am glad I witnessed her performance, because it truly was one of the most acclaimed/best reviewed performance of my generation.
Updated On: 7/7/07 at 07:27 PM

BrianIdol Profile Photo
#80re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.
Posted: 7/7/07 at 8:02pm

i agree with you as well...I'm just giving my honest opinion.

Jellylorum Profile Photo
#81re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.
Posted: 7/7/07 at 8:57pm

I love Christine Ebersole, and I think she lives up to all the hype she got. Some people don't like her performance, but I'm fine with that. To each his own.

About her giving less than stellar performances lately (I haven't actually seen her recently, just basing this on what I've heard from others), it's understandable. She's been performing in a pressure cooker all along.

"I just sense that all the people who didn't like the show or her performance to begin with are smelling blood and coming in saying it was overrated all along."

It's the same thing that happened with Spring Awakening. Some of the fans say people used to love it but are hating it now because it became popular, but that's not the case. The people who disliked it have disliked it all along, and were just afraid to say so because they would be attacked for it.

"It's a goddamn beautiful day, shut up!"
Updated On: 7/7/07 at 08:57 PM

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#82re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.
Posted: 7/7/07 at 9:12pm

Thanks, Jelly.

And for the record, your sig is my absolute favorite line in the show. re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#83re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.
Posted: 7/7/07 at 9:12pm

Thanks, Jelly.

And for the record, your sig is my absolute favorite line in the show. re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

#84re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.
Posted: 7/7/07 at 9:34pm

I don't think ANYONE is saying that she was never good, or isn't good, or isn't talented.

I think there's a concern being expressed about how much effort she's putting into some of her performances.

She's great. She's a fantastic actress and singer, and she's performing a brilliantly written role. But at both shows I saw, I was more focused on how delicately she was tip toe-ing around the stage. Which is not to say that she was bad, or mediocre, she was still excellent, but as a fellow actor, I could see the caution in every move not to tire herself too much.

I COMPLETELY understand, and I am not an angry fan, nor do I doubt that she was entirely deserving of every accolade at one point in time. But, clearly, there's at least some inconsistency in her performances. The woman is tired, I understand; the situation is just not ideal.

Personally, I think I have too much bloom.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#85re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.
Posted: 7/7/07 at 9:52pm

I could see the caution in every move not to tire herself too much.

- I agree without that 100 percent. I noticed the same thing in April.

But Ebersole isn't the first to "phone" in a performance. Many of the greats would rarely call out - but when they were in after a while they would start to phone in. Merman and Gwen Verdon are two famous cases. To maintain her stamina Verdon would cut certain numbers in SWEET CHARITY (she also did in REDHEAD, I believe.) And I don't blame her. The original choreography was very exhausting. Plus Charity is a very physical role - and she barely gets a break.
Updated On: 7/7/07 at 09:52 PM

lawyerman Profile Photo
#86re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.
Posted: 7/7/07 at 9:57pm

i just wanted to add that i saw her this past week, posted that i was disappointed in her perf- and i was- but i never said she was BAD in the role. I still found her characterization REMARKABLE, and someone mentioned her untrained singing voice- she sounded FINE to me, just squeaky and lil tired. i think its quite a feat for her to be this exhausted and still technically perform so well.

that said, she lacked energy. exhaustion is the likely culprit, tho i guess shes upset that its closing in 2 weeks after their big Tony wins- i dont know. but she lacked a certain energy, an excitement and stage presence. there were moments that fell a wee bit flat, not in a crazy awful sense but in a "eh, i was expecting a little more" sense. the applause when she walked out at the start of Act 2 was awesome- really coulda woken her up a bit (tho she was fine in Act 1, i felt the character was bland more than her perf was). But the perf at the end of that number wasnt as loud and raucous because the song was just lacking oomph, for lack of a better word.
in "around the world" i like how- on recordings and youtube and other such documented evidence- she really yells on "its take a hike!" so i noticed how she kinda just muttered "take a hike" its a small example but add em up and you get the sense that she is tired.

i agree with everyone pointing this out and hope she snaps out of it at least before they film her for PBS.
but i dont think she was overrated or hyped up wthout cause. even at her weaker moments she embodied lil edie QUITE brilliantly.

theaterkid1015 Profile Photo
#87re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.
Posted: 7/7/07 at 11:07pm

A thought occured to me:

Anyone think it's a sort of depression? I mean, I don't think the closing was necessarily shocking. The show has never done great business. So, here Ms. Ebersole is, in a show that she got raves for twice, the "role of a lifetime," "the event no passionate theatre-goer should miss," and it can't sustain a year on Broadway, even with her exhaustive self-marketing and committment? It can't make anyone too thrilled. This might be affecting her performance. Not saying it should, but I think it might explain some of her later problems.

Some people paint, some people sew, I meddle.

jv92 Profile Photo
#88re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.
Posted: 7/8/07 at 12:30am

I'm sure when Gwen phoned it, it was still phenomenal!

ljay889 Profile Photo
#89re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.
Posted: 7/8/07 at 12:35am

^ Agreed!

zooxanthellae Profile Photo
#90re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.
Posted: 7/8/07 at 12:38am

"i agree with everyone pointing this out and hope she snaps out of it at least before they film her for PBS."

Just for the record, PBS has no intentions of fliming or airing Grey Gardens as this e-mail was sent to me from a representative after inquiring about it.

"We thank you for your e-mail regarding our programming.

Since "Grey Gardens" is about to close, it is too late for Great
Performances to consider taping this production for future viewing.
Furthermore, it is questionable if funds and staff would be available.
In any event, even if they were still able to do so, there are so many
other productions that are ready to be aired, that it would be quite a
long time before "Grey Gardens" would be shown.

However, we appreciate the suggestion, since suggestions and comments
are helpful to our staff and we thank you for having taken time to email

Your interest and support are valued. We hope you will continue to
enjoy the many diverse programs on PBS."
Updated On: 7/8/07 at 12:38 AM

Jellylorum Profile Photo
#91re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.
Posted: 7/8/07 at 1:14am

I feel honored to be thanked twice in a row. I love you too, Rath. re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.

"It's a goddamn beautiful day, shut up!"

#92re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.
Posted: 7/8/07 at 1:28am

I may need to duck and cover at this one, but...

You do realize Christine Ebersole is CRAZY? I mean LITERALLY crazy.

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#93re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.
Posted: 7/8/07 at 1:28am

Uh, in what way?

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

#94re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.
Posted: 7/8/07 at 1:32am

I mean, like wakko. Loony bin. Bellevue. Not well adjusted in the head.

Jellylorum Profile Photo
#95re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.
Posted: 7/8/07 at 1:33am

Can you please elaborate on that?

"It's a goddamn beautiful day, shut up!"
Updated On: 7/8/07 at 01:33 AM

jaimiecheno Profile Photo
#96re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.
Posted: 7/8/07 at 1:36am

bah, do you know christine personally to make that statement? if you don't thats incredibly disrespectful...to say that about anyone is unfair...and if you do for some reason know and her believe her to be "not well adjusted in the head" this forum probably isnt the place to discuss it.

Subtle...but sassy! www.the8thavenueobserver.com

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#97re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.
Posted: 7/8/07 at 1:49am

Well, I DO know Christine Ebersole and she is NOT crazy.

We can all sit here and debate her performance til the end of eternity, but you need to keep your comments respectful and not say foolish, tacky, libelous things like that.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#98re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.
Posted: 7/8/07 at 1:50am

I would take Jerby's word over Bah's word anyday.

cturtle Profile Photo
#99re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me.
Posted: 7/8/07 at 2:24am

i saw the show in november and thought she was great. but i must say i didn't fully appreciate her performance until i saw the documentary. then i realized she had that woman down totally! i'm paying quite a bit to go back to nyc to see the closing performance, so it better be good! :)

btw ... what the hell is PHONING a performance??

RIP glebby <3
