devonian.t Profile Photo
Posted: 5/27/16 at 2:57am

I don't know if ultimately it would have fared any better if had opened earlier in the season, but it would have had a greater chance to garner some attention for itself. I think it's a big mistake for so many shows to open in a cluster at season's end, because they're all competing both for attention and patronage.


For once, I agree with you!  Only one or two shows can make a big splash in the Spring.  I think there is some vanity involved when certain shows are unlikely to woo the Tony crowd, and in those cases it would be better to open- if logistically possible- outside of Tony rush hour and try to gain enough time in the spotlight to build a following.

Uncageg I think you are right- there are people who will not just take a chance on a second choice.  And imagine if the people who see Wicked 30 times only went twice but experimented with 28 other shows- benefits all round as more shows would increase attendance and some Wicked obsessives would broaden their horizons.

Posted: 5/27/16 at 3:05am

Of course, its always sad when something closes and I feel for all the people that worked on this show and put so much time and energy into this.

That said, maybe I am just old fashioned but I personally don't really care for  a "musical" when the music is not written for real musical instruments but for electronic equipment. Electronic sound has it's place in a lot of venues but in live theater on Broadway, it doesn't seem right to should have live music played by live musicians and written as a musical score, not as basically a computer program.

I remember seeing some shows on tour with that big inflated giant union RAT stationed outside the theaters with union members complaining that not enough real life musicians were being used and computers were filling in for some of the instruments. But it's ok here? I mean I know it's cheaper but I don't get it.



gypsy101 Profile Photo
Posted: 5/27/16 at 3:39am

John Adams said: "I wish that in general, BWW articles were better written (more comprehensive). The article about American Psycho gave no additional information about the show's closing, in particular why the show is closing, beyond what was stated as the headline. What's the point of that? That's so d@mned frustrating!"

Given that most shows on Broadway close because they aren't selling enough tickets / making enough money to stay open, it doesn't really need to be stated in the article. And it seems like you know why the show is closing, given your long in-depth analysis of its grosses.

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

SweetLips Profile Photo
Posted: 5/27/16 at 3:43am

Poor Benjamin Walker. First he goes into Andrew Jackson which was a smash off Broadway. It moves to Broadway and it died. Now this. What does he have to do to get a hit? You gotta feel for  this guy. It's fate was sealed when he got passed over for a Tony nod.

What a stupid thing to say---seems like you are saying he deliberately goes about to choose the wrong show.

Another negative comment from you--you have a curious way of deriving pleasure.


PS....I think he might already know the shows havn't been successful but clever of you to point that out--in case he's not sure.






Updated On: 5/27/16 at 03:43 AM

gfaustswa Profile Photo
Posted: 5/27/16 at 4:45am

What the ****?   No way.    I have so many friends and people I meet on the plane to going to see this show (I'm a flight attendant).  NO!   I must get another overnight in NYC to see it once  more.   Between this closing and Nashville TV series ending, i'm lost!     =(

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
Posted: 5/27/16 at 4:55am

Uncageg I think you are right- there are people who will not just take a chance on a second choice.  And imagine if the people who see Wicked 30 times only went twice but experimented with 28 other shows- benefits all round as more shows would increase attendance and some Wicked obsessives would broaden their horizons.

While I don't completely disagree with this statement, I just want to say that while I do have shows I frequent, I always make a point to see the new shows that open or interest me. Each new season brings a new crop of shows, but everyone has their go to show that if they can get to see it - they do it. Some people are more open to seeing new things, some people are just stuck in their habits and frequencies. I also don't know that many people who are into Wicked that I think would be that interested in American Psycho. I feel like those who are into Spring Awakening, American Idiot, Hair, or some other rock musical would be more inclined to be interested in American Psycho. Do people need to be open to seeing new things? Absolutely, and I personally know plenty of people who could benefit from leaving their show comfort zone and seeing something new, but alas you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. 

American Psycho was a huge gamble and alas, it was not as successful as people would have liked it to be. It should, as someone else pointed out, stayed as an off-Broadway musical - if for no other reason than to test out the waters and move to Broadway upon success there. 

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.
Updated On: 5/27/16 at 04:55 AM

Posted: 5/27/16 at 5:24am

That said, maybe I am just old fashioned but I personally don't really care for  a "musical" when the music is not written for real musical instruments but for electronic equipment. Electronic sound has it's place in a lot of venues but in live theater on Broadway, it doesn't seem right to should have live music played by live musicians and written as a musical score, not as basically a computer program.

But in the case of AP, I think the electronic music fit the show perfectly. There's no other way to replicate the 80s synth-pop sound, which the show embodies, and I don't think any other genre of music would have fit the show.

Posted: 5/27/16 at 8:04am

ClumsyDude15 said: "I also don't know that many people who are into Wicked that I think would be that interested in American Psycho."


Oh really??? Everyone I know that loves Wicked as much as me loved American Psycho. I think having a few Wicked alumni in the show helped too.

Hi, I'm Val. Formerly DefyGravity777(I believe)

dramamama611 Profile Photo
Posted: 5/27/16 at 8:15am

There is a huge difference, however, between a Wicked fan and a broadway/musical fan that is a fan of Wicked.  BIG difference.



If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
Posted: 5/27/16 at 8:17am

KathyNYC that has to be the most ridiculous comment I've read on here. 


As as for the gross and capacity, it was stuck around the mid way in gross though still doing ok. To the person who said its capacity was always under 60 percent that's simply not true, it's average capacity was around 85 to 90 percent. 


This week also saw the show have its second best week in terms of gross. I know sales can be looked at for upcoming weeks and months but I think with one other big marketing push, a bit trashier to aim at the non theatre crowd they could have easily got through the summer. I'm kinda confused by this one closing so quick

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

Posted: 5/27/16 at 8:30am

dramamama611 said: "There is a huge difference, however, between a Wicked fan and a broadway/musical fan that is a fan of Wicked.  BIG difference."


Me and ClumsyDude15 have a lot of the same friends. We are all musical/Broadway fans that love Wicked. Most of the people(Wicked fans) I know have seen American Psycho more than once with the exception of ClumsyDude15 himself who hasn't seen it yet. 

Hi, I'm Val. Formerly DefyGravity777(I believe)

Liza's Headband
Posted: 5/27/16 at 8:32am

As has been pointed out numerous times on this Board, the capacity is irrelevant and says nothing of its commercial viability. We don't know how many are being papered, receiving comps, securing substantial discounts, etc.  I was bored to death with this particular dramatization of a movie and novel I love. It's a shame they didn't better refine the material; the score in particular. Good riddance to bad rubbish! 

dramamama611 Profile Photo
Posted: 5/27/16 at 8:33am

Thats my point: you are musical theater fans AND fans of Wicked.  There are gads of people that are ONLY Wicked fans.  

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Posted: 5/27/16 at 8:35am

Hi, I'm Val. Formerly DefyGravity777(I believe)
Updated On: 5/27/16 at 08:35 AM

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
Posted: 5/27/16 at 8:43am

Frozen will be a mega hit . American Psycho flops. Explain that to me please.Do people really believe the former is batter than the latter? The former will just be a Disney theme park show on speed. AP has much more to it.

Poster Emeritus

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
Posted: 5/27/16 at 8:53am

Frozen has an infinitely wider target audience. What a strange comparison to make. And it is years from opening?

This show really shouldn't have screwed over Second Stage. It would have greatly benefited from an Off-Broadway run before taking the leap (if ever), with time to tinker. Real arrogance. 

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
Posted: 5/27/16 at 8:58am

I agree the producers should have let it run Off Broadway at first, it would have done great. Im hoping that this rapid announcement when the show was still showing signs of life means they are either planning on moving it Off Broadway, doing a cast album or filming the show. 

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
Posted: 5/27/16 at 9:00am

Hogan, There are many instances where just the number of performances are given without the preview count.  For example, when you see a list of the longest-running Broadway shows you never see Rock of Ages is #27 with 2,328 and 22 previews.  It's just 2,328 performances.  Rock of Ages is an extra-pertinent example as it is actually tied with Man of La Mancha for #27 on the list. Rock of Ages had 22 preview and Man of La Mancha had 21 previews.  The preview count doesn't break the tie. It's 2,328 performances total and that's it. 


If someone asks what are shows that only played one performance we all know that they mean Home, Sweet Homer, Glory Days, Onward Victoria and the like. No one says Onward Victoria ran 24 performances.


On the other hand, shows like Truckload, Senator Joe, Bobbi Boland and Me Jack, You Jill that closed in previews would only ever be described as playing 3 previews or 16 preview and not 3 performances or 16 performances.  


You could truthfully say that Rock of Ages ran 2,328 performances and 22 previews, but you can't add them together and claim 2350 performances. The article announcing this closing should not have done so either and that was my point. American Psycho will have run 54 performances (or 54 performances and 27 previews). 

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
Posted: 5/27/16 at 9:03am

The comparison is that it seems to be that when in doubt transfer a full-length cartoon movie to the stage. The fact that people continue to buy it instead of trying something different escapes me. Cannot fault Disney . As long as people keep eating it up, they will keep churning it out. Does not reflect well on the theater going public. Moral of the story is just appeal to the lowest common denominator and you will be fine.


Poster Emeritus

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
Posted: 5/27/16 at 9:09am

Why is a cartoon movie inherently inferior to a live-action one like American Psycho? 


I would argue that some of Disney's films have included to most sophisticated Broadway-style songs of the past several generations. Ashman and Menken should be given special credit for helping to revive widespread acceptance of musicals. 

Updated On: 5/27/16 at 09:09 AM

Posted: 5/27/16 at 9:14am

Mr Roxy said: "Frozen will be a mega hit . American Psycho flops. Explain that to me please.Do people really believe the former is batter than the latter? The former will just be a Disney theme park show on speed. AP has much more to it.


Seriously?  Been to a Disney theme park recently?  And with due respect to all the "Broadway fanatics" who populate this Board (which, of course, includes me), you are not representative of the audience that the industry is trying to attract to make money.

Latest figures I could find -- Disneyworld :  52 million people.  Broadway:  13 million (2015 season).

Also, from the Broadway League -- 2/3 of Broadway tickets were purchased by out of towners.  The average patron sees FOUR shows a year.

One last point -- when was the last time that someone on these Boards paid full price -- or premium price -- for a ticket for a show like AP?  Yeah. me neither.


songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
Posted: 5/27/16 at 9:14am

I don't think that is what he's saying. He's saying it's just sticking with the easy shoving these animated films on stage where in most cases the artistic endeavour is much less than how much money it can make. American Psycho obviously wanted to make money but it's creative stood head and shoulders above, the show was original and unique in presentation, music and direction. 

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
Posted: 5/27/16 at 9:19am

I would strongly disagree that its creative elements stood head and shoulders above Disney's more obvious (e.g. successful) commercial ventures, especially if we're including writing. But I would agree that it is, of course, a more unusual/unique show. That's why I gladly saw it twice even though I found it to be pretty unremarkable added up. 

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
Posted: 5/27/16 at 9:22am

Sorry but it's design, sound, lighting, video, set etc stood head and shoulders above any Disney or kids film turned show I've ever seen. 

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
Posted: 5/27/16 at 9:26am

Yes, its technical elements and some design elements were extremely impressive and effective, but in service to an incompetently written piece.

Updated On: 5/27/16 at 09:26 AM
