Stage Door Egos

#100re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/26/05 at 3:27pm

Language guys!! Bernadette Peters.

#101re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/26/05 at 3:31pm

I was standing with a few ensemble members after a Wicked performance and I asked them why they werent signing (as a joke). "Nobody wants our autograph" was the reply. You have to ASK people if you want an autograph. Was it rude of them to stand off to the side of the crowd and not sign peoples programs?

#102re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/26/05 at 3:31pm

You had a problem with Bernadette? I've always found her to be incredibly sweet and very accomodating

"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...

Depaultheatrekid Profile Photo
#103re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/26/05 at 3:32pm

For the most part I have had very pleasant experiences with stars at the stage doors.... John and stephanie from Q were amazingly nice, Natalie V. Balcon walked directly past us on her cellphone ignoring us all....Rick Lyon ran past us with about 5 bags of stuff, but in his defense we were told he lived in Jersey and didnt want to miss his bus. All of the actors in Spamalot are extremely nice and posed for pics, at Wicked JLT Joey, And Idina were all very nice, Michelle walked away and George Walked away smiling, Carole Didnt come out. I saw the pre-broadway try-out of Sweet Charity in Chicago and Denis O'hare was soooo nice we talk for about 10 minutes then when Christina came out she had a baseball cap pulled way down over her head and two bags she didnt a back spinned as to not be noticed and got into her car it seemed very well choreographed almost no one noticed her until she was in the car and gone..Also there was no security at the stage door that night
Updated On: 4/26/05 at 03:32 PM

#104re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/26/05 at 4:23pm

I also think that alot of preformers believe (esp. if they are supporting charecters, ensemble, or not well known) that the crowd of people standing at the stage door isn't for them...

#105re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/26/05 at 4:23pm

sorry...double post...
Updated On: 4/26/05 at 04:23 PM

#106re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/26/05 at 4:24pm

I would have to say-

Wicked- Idina, Chris, JLT, Joe, Shoshana, David and Carol and so sweet. So is Bill Youmans (Doctor Dillamond) Michelle Ferder... She is well... shall we say aloof... she came out the 3rd time I went to stage door, which was "Kids Night On Bway" and she went "Wow" and just walked down the line not signing anything even though I knew who she was and said "Michelle!"

Brooklyn- Very sweet people... expect for Ramona is a tad standoffish... but maybe it was just a bad night.

Beauty and The Beast- Christy Carlson Romano is amazingly sweet... Her bodyguard got on my nerves like someone else said... he's a jerk... n the kids who play Chip... so nice!

ShuQ Profile Photo
#107re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/26/05 at 4:30pm

When I went to Wicked, Joel and Kristin didn't come out...and Idina had to be some where quickly so she wasn't talking but she signed...she kept apologizing so it was all good.

Qfan2.0 Profile Photo
#108re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/26/05 at 4:37pm

2 instances that havent been mentioned before one good and one very bad:

1. Good- the whole cast of doubt was amazing and signed and took pictures and talked with everyone(well there were about 20-25 people out there no barriers). I had a good 15 minute conversation with adriane lennox about her character and the show

2.In the miami try out for little shop. The guy who was going to be orin, reg rogers, looked perplexed and disturbed by the people ( i saw it in previews). a friend of mine saw it later in the try out and said that reg rogers left in drag to get away from fans (his orin was a very genius characterization too)

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#109re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/26/05 at 4:39pm

Wouldn't you think that the fans would notice a 6 foot guy in drag? re: Stage Door Egos

#110re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/26/05 at 4:39pm

Christopher Fitzgerald one time was trying to leave unoticed and this girl was like "Chris!" and he stopped turned around and did the whole crowd of people... Chris Fitz is such a great guy. Idina was quite and didnt take pictures with people but she did sign and I took pics of her. Her assisant is quite nice aswell. JLT is such a warm hearted person and I had done this welcome letter campiagn from me and the members of Glitter and when she found out who I was she hugged me. So sweet. Sho and David were quick because of KNOB and the chaos... But David took as many pics as you wanted when he had done the line of people. Carol was nice but quick. Joey was funny and signed my Joey Mc single from back in the day... awesome guy!

Qfan2.0 Profile Photo
#111re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/26/05 at 4:43pm

well he apparently was really crazy i guess.

Also the whole pens being given out at the stage door was done when i saw all shook up.

Nutzoboi2 Profile Photo
#112re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/26/05 at 4:49pm

The cast of Good Vibrations were all really cool on Sunday, they stopped for pictures, I didn't know all their names, but they were so friendly even on a sad day! The tall dark hairded dude was awesome (he said he was really tired) and the tall blonde boy was smokin' hot!

can I hold ya hand booboo? There's Only US...NO DAY LIKE TODAY!

#113re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/26/05 at 4:50pm

Wow... I've never heard of that... Has that ever happened to you before at any other show?

Qfan2.0 Profile Photo
#114re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/26/05 at 4:52pm

well a few posts back they said they do that at hairspray

camthom Profile Photo
#115re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/26/05 at 5:03pm

no. no and no. the actors who you've just paid your $100 to see in the show owe you nothing more than to perform in the role they've performed. If someone stops to give you an autograph, you should consider yourself fortunate that they stopped and had a moment with you. You can't possibly think that because you paid for a ticket to the show, that the actors in said show are required to be nice, friendly or courteous to you. Of course, it's nice to live one's life that way and to be all those things, but these people are not whores (not all of them anyway). re: Stage Door Egos

Seriously though, they work their a**es off all week, usually not just performing 8 shows, but making appearances, going to auditions, doing readings and concerts. If they want to go home and sleep after they've just busted their butts for 3 hours, let them go. I think people need to change their outlook on this-you should feel privileged if someone DOES make a connection with you, not pissed off if they don't.

Malice Profile Photo
#116re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/26/05 at 5:10pm

That is interesting to hear the bad stuff about Harvery Fierstein. Both times I saw Hairspray, in 2003 and right before he left in 2004 I saw him hanging with the stagecrew guys laughing and each of them cracking jokes. He seemed incredibly nice and down to earth. He saw me and some other people on line gawking at him and smiled at us.

If Idina Menzel was ever rude to anyone at the door, cut the poor woman some slack after all the business with the crazy racist she should be commended.

#117re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/26/05 at 5:20pm

qfan2.0, no I said that the stage door guy or manager has sharpies that he hands to the Actors as they come out of "Hairspray" if they need one to sign autographs and then they hand them back to him when finished. Also, yes! These young men & women do a lot more than just perform, but it is not like they have been on a 32 hour shift in an ER or doing neuorsurgery or a 16 hour surgery to save a life or someones eyesight or hearing. It is what it is, Entertainment, to make us see life and others a different way, to hear beautiful music, moving lyrics, laugh & cry, and to appreciate the talents they are sharing with us as an audience. They deserve applause, not a damn crown, unless of course it is Galinda! So they can certainly sign a few Playbills as they leave the theatre most of the time.

Qfan2.0 Profile Photo
#118re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/26/05 at 6:09pm

starlight that is what i meant

Kristie-K2 Profile Photo
#119re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/26/05 at 6:39pm

OMG....As some of you know I flew from Oregon to see Jessica Lange.....So many people on this broad said Miss Jessica would not sign and she was awful...Even Dollypop said I should give her candy and Flowers(I hope it was a joke).....Anyway, she was wonderful, joking, signing, laughing.....She was was Christian Slater.......I also saw Kathleen Turner.....wonderful and sweet!!!!!Wonderful experience!!!

#120re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/26/05 at 6:42pm

the NICEST stage door ever - john lithgow. he was so sweet!! there weren't many people left back there by the time he came out b/c he took a while, but i was happy to wait. he told me i was very pretty, ahhhhhhh.

gregory jbarra was a sweetheart too!! he even took out his laptop to see if he got an email some guy said he sent him, it was so cute!!!

"grace, you're stuffed in a box getting rid of ass plaque. let's face it, this evening is a bust."

ozdustgirl2 Profile Photo
#121re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/26/05 at 6:55pm

So far I havent met any unkind actors at the stage door. I was at the WICKED door twice and I got Idinas autography both times, as well as Laura Bell Bundys who was in for Kristin and she was very kind, we talked and she took a picture with me. I also got Sean McCourts autograph and he was very nice also we talked and he took a picture with me as well.

"There are times when were dirt broke, and hungry and freezing and I ask myself why the hell am I still living here?...And then they call!" ~ Mark Cohen RENT movie

Rose_MacShane Profile Photo
#122re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/26/05 at 7:25pm

Here's where I stand: I don't think actors "owe it" to sign autographs or anything, but they should still be polite about it. Just because they're doing a show and have fans does not mean that they're entitled to be outright mean to people either. I mean, I wouldn't hound a celeb for an autograph or be nasty if they didn't do it. Common courtesy is all I ask.

#123re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/26/05 at 7:40pm

When I saw Little Women, Danny Gurwin came out and only did a few people at the end and then left after everyone on the other end was begging for an autograph. I don't get how a performer can turn down everyone but a selective few.

Sutton was really nice though, i asked if i could hug her and she was like "sure, of course!"

Ruth Sherwood Profile Photo
Ruth Sherwood
#124re: Stage Door Egos
Posted: 4/26/05 at 7:43pm

I completely agree Rose. The performers do work hard on the stage, but without these fans, they would not have a job. I think to at least be nice is a reasonable expectation.

"Life beats down and crushes the soul and art reminds you that you have one." -Stella Adler
