
Woman in White Reviews...- Page 5

Woman in White Reviews...

#100re: Woman in White Reviews...
Posted: 11/18/05 at 1:29pm

Thanks for your review Greg. Always great to hear new opinions of the show. I would love to see Ruthie Hen"something" in the role of Marian. The show is certainly not for everyone, but then again niether are Harry Potter movies. lol

DAME Profile Photo
#101re: Woman in White Reviews...
Posted: 11/18/05 at 1:31pm

I detest this show.


Greg in Dallas
#102re: Woman in White Reviews...
Posted: 11/18/05 at 1:32pm

LOL...Ruthie Henshaw...she was fantastic!

VinnieTheIceman Profile Photo
#103re: Woman in White Reviews...
Posted: 11/18/05 at 2:10pm

First, there was only one press night and it was Wednesday evening. EVERY NY critic was there. Second, the show changed greatly from London. Brantley completely re-reviewed it. Shows do change...ask Twyla Tharp.
Updated On: 11/18/05 at 02:10 PM

wickedfan Profile Photo
#104re: Woman in White Reviews...
Posted: 11/18/05 at 2:22pm

Vinnie-You're not gaining any respect from these posters with your comments. So why are you still at it?

"Sing the words, Patti!!!!" Stephen Sondheim to Patti LuPone.

VinnieTheIceman Profile Photo
#105re: Woman in White Reviews...
Posted: 11/18/05 at 2:47pm

Wicked fan, it's obviously not about respect. Look at your name.

Now Ulla Dance
#106re: Woman in White Reviews...
Posted: 11/18/05 at 2:58pm

ohhhh vinnie, you stun me once again...

there were TWO press nights...tuesday and wednesday, i kid you not. I'd love to know where you get your information.

Oh and don't worry, this show has all the good reviews it needs...it doesn't need your negativity as well...

#107re: Woman in White Reviews...
Posted: 11/18/05 at 3:04pm

Ummm, you can make changes as much as you want. Sometimes, after reviews come out, shows make changes based on the reviews.

Piazzaslight Profile Photo
#108re: Woman in White Reviews...
Posted: 11/18/05 at 3:16pm

Vinnie, leave us alone.

The show's review score was 3.4 out of 5.0. To me, that is pretty good. Can do better, but good nonetheless.

Here's my proof:

You see, we have proof. You don't.

MARGARET: "Clara, stop that. That's illegal." - The Light in the Piazza

"I'm not in Bambi and I'm not blonde!" - Idina Menzel

VinnieTheIceman Profile Photo
#109re: Woman in White Reviews...
Posted: 11/18/05 at 3:42pm

Ulla, the show got slammed, as I told you it would. You can cross your fingers all you want, tell me about the "score" of the reviews on entertainment-link (what a joke), and rewrite history, but the show is toast. Sorry. Market away. LOL

Now Ulla Dance
#110re: Woman in White Reviews...
Posted: 11/18/05 at 3:49pm

i would hardly say the show got slammed, maybe by your precious ben brantley...but actually local new york newspapers enjoyed it.

And thanks, i will market away, actually this show is VERY easy to market.

but please, stay away from the marquis theatre, i would want the roof to come crashing down on top of you

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#111re: Woman in White Reviews...
Posted: 11/18/05 at 4:17pm

even though the reviews weren't glowing, this show has done close to 95% capacity every week it has been running so far. (that's better than Jersey Boys and Sweeney Todd - both of which got raves) The Woman in White will have a healthy run on broadway.

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#112re: Woman in White Reviews...
Posted: 11/18/05 at 4:20pm

Friedman and Greg~

It's actually "Henshall". re: Woman in White Reviews...

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#113re: Woman in White Reviews...
Posted: 11/18/05 at 5:17pm

How many stars did the post give it?

#114re: Woman in White Reviews...
Posted: 11/18/05 at 6:52pm

Wicked...The Post gave it 3 1/2 stars.

Clive Barnes really liked it.

From what I've seen Brantley's review seems to be in the minority. The rest of the reviews are mixed to good and the Post and the Daily News (Kissel)loved it.

"Take Care! When I am thwarted I am very terrible!"

VinnieTheIceman Profile Photo
#115re: Woman in White Reviews...
Posted: 11/18/05 at 7:36pm

Seriously, can you people read a newspaper?

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#116re: Woman in White Reviews...
Posted: 11/18/05 at 8:00pm

Uhh...I have the review from online, it didnt say how many stars it gave the show and it usually does? What the hell is your problem?

Now Ulla Dance
#117re: Woman in White Reviews...
Posted: 11/18/05 at 8:13pm

because he's bitter and can't even back up his own ridiculous claims

blaxx Profile Photo
#118re: Woman in White Reviews...
Posted: 11/18/05 at 8:14pm

It almost seems that Vinnie has a personal problem with this show... it looks far from being in any kind of trouble to me.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

Now Ulla Dance
#119re: Woman in White Reviews...
Posted: 11/18/05 at 8:18pm

The thing is blaxx, its not...

okay admitted, Brantley didn't give it a good review, fine.

but this is an adrew lloyd webber show...tourists will keep this show going for years...and now that phantom is surpassing cats as the longest running musical ever...it seems that only andrew lloyd webber can beat andrew lloyd webber. This show is going to get TREMENDOUS exposure from that...

i said it once, i'll say it again, vinnie has NO idea what he's talking about

VinnieTheIceman Profile Photo
#120re: Woman in White Reviews...
Posted: 11/18/05 at 8:46pm

Ulla baby, you said the show would get good reviews. It didn't. Now "it will last for years." It won't. You have no idea what's going on. Their wrap for today as of 4 pm, the day after opeing night, was terrible. The show is an afterthought in this season.

Mamie Profile Photo
#121re: Woman in White Reviews...
Posted: 11/18/05 at 8:48pm

Go back and look at the reviews Phantom got. The last thing this show needs to worry about is reviewers. The public will like it just fine.

A click for life.
mamie4 5/14/03

Now Ulla Dance
#122re: Woman in White Reviews...
Posted: 11/18/05 at 9:06pm

ohhh vinnie, talking out of your ass again huh?

i NEVER said it would get good reviews...i said to give it a chance, something you've obviously never done...

still haven't answered us as to where you get your information

#123re: Woman in White Reviews...
Posted: 11/18/05 at 11:28pm

Vinnie - You and I have different definitions of "BRUTAL" I guess. That wasn't so hard to take!! The reviews were mild in my books. What they did prove is this cast is superb.

Now what is your definition of "TOAST"?? Every show has to come to an end eventually.

#124re: Woman in White Reviews...
Posted: 11/19/05 at 12:05am

Did anyone read the Wall Street Journal Review???

Happy to report its a total RAVE!
Some qoutes-
"Ms. Friedman, who underwent breast-cancer surgery two weeks ago, returned to the show last Thursday in a front-page display of true grit. No less newsworthy, though, is Mr. Lloyd Webber’s own return to form. Not only is “The Woman in White” a solid three-base hit, but for much of its length it proves to be a highly impressive piece of musical theater as well."

"Not being a fan of Mr. Lloyd Webber’s high-priced brand of kitsch, I confess to having been taken aback by the first act of “The Woman of White,” whose witty domestic tone suggests a cross between “Pride and Prejudice” and “Dracula.” Far more than merely fluent, it is at once beautifully paced and unabashedly operatic in scale"

"“The Woman in White” is still an exceedingly well-made entertainment that will send you home sated…."

Very exciting news for all of us Woman in White fans! Vinnie, are you shocked? You repeatedly told us this show was going to get the worst reviews. Well raves from the New York Post, The Daily News AND The Wall Street Journal prove you so so wrong. I also saw the show tonight! Spoke with many cast members afterwards at the stage door. I specifically asked about Previews/changes/and rehearsals. There was NO REHEARSAL on Wednesday afterall. The press WAS there on Tuesday and Wednesday night and since Maria isn't doing double days until she is recovered they generously gave the entire cast a day of rest. Vinnie, you are getting your information from a terrible source! Also if you actually DID like the show like you mentioned THEN why are you only taking delight in the bad reviews. Wouldn't you have posted the Wall Street Journal's rave as well? Hmmm think we have what would be considered the opposite of a shiller. Do you guys have a name for that yet? I'm sorry Vinnie but I am so glad you are wrong about all of this!

*Thanks to all for the spelling of Ruthie Henshall. I didn't know if it was Henshall or Henshaw so I thought Hen"something" would suffice. I'm still a Friedman Fan but I have to admit Ruthie Henshall is pretty amazing too. I'll write more about the show tonight later!

Updated On: 11/19/05 at 12:05 AM
