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SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)- Page 8

SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)

educator06 Profile Photo
#175re: SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)
Posted: 2/20/07 at 10:12pm

Updated On: 2/20/07 at 10:12 PM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#176re: SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)
Posted: 2/20/07 at 10:16pm

Whose blog?

I'd ask why post it in a blog as opposed to on the boards, but I guess the blog gives one the liberty of pretending to be nice on the boards and then hiding their snark behind some other alias to avoid any backlash.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 2/20/07 at 10:16 PM

#177re: SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)
Posted: 2/20/07 at 10:17pm

Did you actually think I was going to dignify that with a response? It's hard to have an intelligent conversation with someone who calls me a "pretentious bitch," orders me to "stay away from Broadway" (good luck enforcing that one), and tells me not to see Rent (already have done that five times - and it's one of my favorite shows). I would be perfectly willing to discuss the show with you if you didn't resort to petty personal attacks. At this point, it's not going to happen, but I find it slightly amusing that my post enraged you to that point.

ETA: Just wanted to add that the comment on your blog is not mine; I won't be commenting on your blog at all. I hope you can recover from your conniption fit to have an enjoyable evening. Updated On: 2/20/07 at 10:17 PM

#178re: SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)
Posted: 2/20/07 at 10:20pm

I heard from someone that Katharine Mcphee went to see Spring Awakening that night.

"This is a stupid story. It never stops. But we keep making lemonade! We're opening the biggest f***ing lemonade stand you ever saw!" -Walter Bobbie after a long day of Sweet Charity Rehersals (

educator06 Profile Photo
#179re: SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)
Posted: 2/20/07 at 10:21pm

I have no idea who the blog belongs to.

#180re: SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)
Posted: 2/20/07 at 10:23pm

whoever the person who wrote the blog is an idiot with too much time on their hands

educator06 Profile Photo
#181re: SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)
Posted: 2/20/07 at 10:49pm

Dear Siamese, I made a mistake posting that link on this thread. I found that blog while doing a search of blogs on Google. I didn't even read the whole thing and in my haste to be an A__ hole I posted it. I apologize, truly.

#182re: SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)
Posted: 2/20/07 at 10:57pm

I honestly have no idea whether to believe that's actually not your blog, but at any rate, I honestly find it somewhat flattering (albeit in a backhanded sort of way) that someone cared enough about me and my opinions to write that. Also, I find it amusing that someone addressed a blog post to the title of a Smashing Pumpkins album. Awesome.

Phantom2 Profile Photo
#183re: SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)
Posted: 2/21/07 at 10:46pm

Oh what a tangled web we weave...

"I'm learning to dig deep down inside and find the truth within myself and put that out. I think what we identify with in popular music more than anything else is when someone just shares a truth that we can relate to. That's what I'm searching for in my music." - Ron Bohmer

"I broke the boundaries. It wasn't cool to be in plays- especially if you were in sports & I was in both." - Ashton Kutcher
Updated On: 2/21/07 at 10:46 PM

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#184re: SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)
Posted: 2/22/07 at 3:11am

I respect your opinion and your review was amazingly written, but it seems like you quickly shoot down anyone who dosen't agree with you and anyone who offers a counter argument.
Interesting, I was going to make the *exact* same comment about the Spring Awakening fans in this thread. siamese dream has been shot down by half the posters in this thread just because she doesn't like the popular show. And I've yet to see all these counter arguments you're alluding to, considering half of the response posts have consisted of "I could leave a very detailed, long argument about every single point made in the original post...but it would be pointless" and similar sentiments. Not to mention those people deferring to siamese dream's avatar to prove she went in with the intention of hating this show, just because she liked the Tony competitor.

All I have to say is that rave reviews, people going to see it 4-5 times within weeks, Magazine and News paper articles, Television spots, radio interviews, tony buzz, and live poerformances don't happen because a show is "horrendous."
No, this doesn't happen because a show is "horrendous". It also doesn't happen because a show is amazing. It happens because the producers pay a lot of money to a good marketing team to create all the buzz in hopes the public will believe the hype instead of forming opinions for themselves. Based on your post, their money appears to be well-spent.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
Updated On: 2/22/07 at 03:11 AM

Mistress_Spouzic Profile Photo
#185re: SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)
Posted: 2/22/07 at 3:28am

speaking of repeat visitors, rosie was there tonight!

#186re: SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)
Posted: 2/22/07 at 6:12am

Based on your post, their money appears to be well-spent.

That kind of insinuates that anyone who loves the show is simply highly susceptible to marketing. Buzz alone can't create that, the show itself is connecting with people. The show is doing its job by being emotionally manipulative. That works effortlessly on some people, and it's a tougher sell for others.

The problem here is that both responses are valid, but the fans aren't able to accept the critique because they feel personally insulted. As incorrect as that is, a show like Spring Awakening is always going to inspire it. The passionate but hollow emotional core of the show dictates a passionate but intellectually hollow defense from some of the fans.

I could be wrong, though. I've heard the cast recording but not seen the show. I could end up finding it brilliant and feel silently spiteful of dissent, and bask in self hatred over my condescending preconceived notions. I just hope it's either amazing or terrible, because I know I'll have fun with both.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#187re: SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)
Posted: 2/22/07 at 12:02pm

That kind of insinuates that anyone who loves the show is simply highly susceptible to marketing. Buzz alone can't create that, the show itself is connecting with people.

The person I was quoting believed that magazine articles and morning talkshow appearances were due solely to an overwhelmingly positive audience reaction. I never implied anyone who loves Spring Awakening is susceptible to marketing, just that particular person who believes it doesn't exist.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
Updated On: 2/22/07 at 12:02 PM

Mrs.LinkLarkin2 Profile Photo
#188re: SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)
Posted: 2/25/07 at 1:29am

I've got to admit during intermission at Spring Awakening, I was a little turned off. I think that that sex scene is a little too much for me on the stage. I thought the music was amazing though. After the second half of death, suicide, and abortion, I was still turned-off, but I respected it as an art form. After listening to the music over and over again and thinking more about the show and the storyline, I love it! I want to see it again. Does that ever happen to you? After time and thought your feelings change. This happened to me with Rent too.

#189re: SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)
Posted: 2/27/07 at 2:42pm

Hi all:

So, after months of obsessing over SA and the music, the characters, etc. I saw the show last night and..well, you guys, I hated it. Wait, that's too strong a word....I didn't hate it, I disliked it very much.

I felt completely cold when I left the theatre. I felt absolutely nothing for the characters at all. Nothing. I felt completely detached from them and the story.

I am not saying that the performances weren't good because they were good, they were fine (the vocals were strong, everyone was on their mark, the tears came just as they were directed to) but Broadway isn't just fine; it is supposed to be amazing and I was not amazed.

I actually found some parts to be ridiculous, over the top and completely unnecessary.

One example; I can't remember now which song it was but the part where Melchior is on the raised platform and the boys are all around him and they are all doing some sort of wild hand choreography while rolling their heads back and around made me laugh out loud. It was ridiculous and pointless. It looked absurd. Less is more and that moment could have been very moving but the choreography was so distracting and it was silly.

I found all of the leads to be very competent but not stellar in any way. Lea has a beautiful voice and I enjoyed her but I did not like her acting choices. What is the deal with the over-acting ingénue these days? I have seen it so much lately and, I admit, I myself have fallen into that trap when I have played the ingénue; it's hard not to, but she should know better. Perhaps it was the direction she received?

I just wanted Lea to be real as Wendla and not so melodramatic. I wanted to feel for her and understand her heartache but I just couldn't let her in. And I really, really wanted to. I just ...didn't believe her.

I didn't believe the father; I didn't believe Melchior when he cried on Wendla's grave. I just didn't buy it.

The performances that I really loved came from the supporting cast. I wanted to see so much more of Lauren Pritchard; I thought she was perfect and delightful and I love her voice. Skylar has so much in him and I wanted to watch him take off and do his thing but this is not his vehicle. And the actor that stole the show for me, hands down, was Jonathan Wright. What a creepy, smarmy guy he is in his portrayal of Hanschen. I loved his scene with Gideon. He was awesome and I could have watched him all night. He reminded me of Ryan Phillippe in "Cruel Intentions" and you could sense that Hanschen is a creepy, kinky and dark character. I found him to be very intriguing.

So, that's all folks. Don't get me wrong, I want SA to be super successful. Perhaps it was hyped up too much and I was expecting too much from it.

Just my opinion.

Have a great day all.

desiree armfeldt Profile Photo
desiree armfeldt
#190re: SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)
Posted: 2/27/07 at 6:07pm

Mrs. Link Larkin2.....the same thing happens to me :)

kgallo Profile Photo
#191re: SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)
Posted: 2/28/07 at 12:32am

2372-I'm really sorry that you were disappointed with the show...I know how much you were looking forward to seeing!

I have to say, I love your comparison of Jon Wright to Ryan Phillippe in "Cruel Intentions." I also think that he does a remarkable job as Hanschen and now that you mention it, I absolutley see the parallel.

"Thought is suspect, and money is their idol, and nothing is okay unless it's scripted in their Bible." -Spring Awakening

sweetestsiren Profile Photo
#192re: SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)
Posted: 2/28/07 at 10:41am

Great review, 2373, although I'm sorry that you were disappointed in the show. I completely agree with your sentiments about not being able to see the characters as real people, relate to them or get into the story at all. And I was also really hoping that I would.

Laurhearts SA Profile Photo
Laurhearts SA
#193re: SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)
Posted: 6/12/07 at 8:26pm

I have never seen a Broadway musical that I have absolutely HATED.

I have walked out of theaters thinking, "That was cute." - knowing that I would never pay money to see it again.

However, I never regret seeing anything. I am almost amazed how many times I hear people say that they hated some show.

I understand if people think a musical is executed poorly, or if it isn't their cup of tea, obviosly, they wouldn't care for it.

It is just interesting to me that people who truly love theater can say they hated a musical. I say this because shows are a form of art, people's thoughts and feelings, and basically their heart. I don't know... I'm just venting my thoughts.

#194re: SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)
Posted: 6/12/07 at 9:04pm

First of all, I'm not sure why this was bumped, but seeing as Laurhearts SA is seemingly addressing me, I thought I should reply.

It's a bit strange how theatre is apparently put on a pedestal in the minds of some. I don't think anyone would think twice should someone say that he or she hated a movie, and in most cases, film is often a representation of "people's thoughts and feelings" and a "form of art" as well. I suppose the degree of removal one has from a movie is more than with a theatre production, leading to a hyper-defensive attitude in the minds of some theatre fans, but the point still stands. I paid for my ticket; in turn, this gives me the right to voice my opinion about the show just as one has the right to voice his or her opinion on a book or movie. In the world of art, ideas will be criticized as long as it continues to be a commodity. (For the record, I didn't hate Spring Awakening - I feel it doesn't work overall as a musical theatre piece, in spite of some good songs.)

Additionally, regret and dislike, negative feelings, and/or hatred for a show are two completely different things. I disliked most of what I saw, but I don't regret seeing Spring Awakening, as I'd still be curious about the hype if I hadn't.
Updated On: 6/12/07 at 09:04 PM

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#195re: SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)
Posted: 6/12/07 at 9:49pm

It's absolutely ridiculous to say anyone that loves an artform can't hate an individual piece. Sorry, you can't hate homophobic gangsta rap if you claim to love music. You also have to love those vomit paintings if you love art. Please. re: SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#197re: SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)
Posted: 6/13/07 at 7:05am

Updated On: 6/13/07 at 07:05 AM

#197re: SPRING AWAKENING - 2/19/07 - Review (with Spoilers)
Posted: 6/13/07 at 12:46pm

Updated On: 6/13/07 at 12:46 PM

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