
Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213

Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213

#1Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213
Posted: 3/16/10 at 5:44pm

99% of capacity. So I guess it's really not shaping up as a "disaster" after all?
Addams Family starts strong

quizking101 Profile Photo
#2Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213
Posted: 3/16/10 at 5:48pm

i'm not surprised, but still, HOLY ****!

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EponineAmneris Profile Photo
#2Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213
Posted: 3/16/10 at 5:53pm

This news made my day and made me very happy Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213


followyourbliss23 Profile Photo
#3Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213
Posted: 3/16/10 at 6:05pm

that's EXACTLY how 'young frankenstein' started. hardly ran a year.

not saying that 'addams family' is gonna die, just saying a good time during previews doesn't mean a sure fire hit.

"the stage too must experiment - with ideas, with the psychological relationship of men and women, with speech and rhythm forms, with dance and movement, with color and light - or it must and should become a museum product. in an age of terrific implications as to wealth and poverty, as to the function of government, as to peace and war, as to the relation of the artist to all these forces, the theatre must grow up. the theatre must become conscious of the implications of the changing social order, or the changing social older will ignore, and rightly, the implications of the theatre." - hallie flanagan, director of the federal theatre project
*blame e.e. mings*

#4Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213
Posted: 3/16/10 at 6:09pm

So great to hear!!!

#5Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213
Posted: 3/16/10 at 6:16pm

Wow. Impressive start. I am a fan, so I am glad to see this number. Plus commercial shows tend to attract tourists who usually see more than one show, which is a big help to the smaller shows with less advertising budget (Next Fall, Sondheim on Sondheim etc), so I am glad all the way around.

averagebwaynut Profile Photo
#6Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213
Posted: 3/16/10 at 6:16pm

I agree with the statement that no one can know now how ADDAMS will ultimately fair. Could be a "Wicked", could be a "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels", could be a "Dance of the Vampires. Most likely, somewhere in between two of those three shows -- which two depends on what you think of the show.

But since so many seem to be in a rush to compare it to "Young Frankenstein" -- and, despite The Addams Family's flaws as a show, I don't find the comparison apt developmentally, artistically or qualitatively -- I wonder how it can be said so emphatically that this is "EXACTLY" how "Young Frankenstein" started when, as others have posted, part of YF's hubris was that they did not report their grosses to Variety at all.

"No matter how much you want the part, never let 'em see you sweat." -- Old Dry Idea commercial

followyourbliss23 Profile Photo
#7Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213
Posted: 3/16/10 at 7:11pm

i wasn't comparing 'af' and 'yf', as you put it, developmentally, artistically or qualitatively; merely in attendance, or rather, quantitatively. as for 'yf' numbers, i work in the industry, i know a few people who worked on the 'yf'. as anyone can gather, it sold VERY well during previews.

"the stage too must experiment - with ideas, with the psychological relationship of men and women, with speech and rhythm forms, with dance and movement, with color and light - or it must and should become a museum product. in an age of terrific implications as to wealth and poverty, as to the function of government, as to peace and war, as to the relation of the artist to all these forces, the theatre must grow up. the theatre must become conscious of the implications of the changing social order, or the changing social older will ignore, and rightly, the implications of the theatre." - hallie flanagan, director of the federal theatre project
*blame e.e. mings*

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#8Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213
Posted: 3/16/10 at 9:05pm

I wonder what will happen to the grosses once the reviews come out.

If they hold, no matter what ,than watch for the inevitable price hike. Like the sun in the morning & the moon @ night, this will happen.

Poster Emeritus

#9Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213
Posted: 3/16/10 at 9:18pm

I loved the Addams Family, but then again what do I know? I listened to The Pirate Queen today!

Barney Stinson
#10Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213
Posted: 3/17/10 at 1:12pm

Wasn't the avg ticket sold at $113? They don't have too far to hike it.

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#11Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213
Posted: 3/17/10 at 3:04pm

well, they could always make the entire orchestra section premium setting. The Producers did that during Lane & Broderick's return. And they could make the entire rear mezz. $91. There's always a way to increase ticket prices. And as long as this show gets somewhat decent reviews, I'd expect it to turn into a top seller this year. It'll be interesting in the next couple weeks how it does at 8 shows a week and if it could possibly top Wicked.

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.

JMPlayer6 Profile Photo
#12Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213
Posted: 3/17/10 at 3:12pm

"that's EXACTLY how 'young frankenstein' started. hardly ran a year."

It ran for 14 months, two months more than a year.

followyourbliss23 Profile Photo
#13Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213
Posted: 3/17/10 at 3:39pm

yes, 14 months, that two months more than a year or, in other words, hardly a year. is there something wrong with that wording? i guess i should have put 14 months? or maybe you would prefer, "that's EXACTLY how 'young frankenstein' started. it only ran 29 previews, staring on 10/11/2007, and 485 performances, having opened on 11/8/07 and closing on 12/4/09."


"the stage too must experiment - with ideas, with the psychological relationship of men and women, with speech and rhythm forms, with dance and movement, with color and light - or it must and should become a museum product. in an age of terrific implications as to wealth and poverty, as to the function of government, as to peace and war, as to the relation of the artist to all these forces, the theatre must grow up. the theatre must become conscious of the implications of the changing social order, or the changing social older will ignore, and rightly, the implications of the theatre." - hallie flanagan, director of the federal theatre project
*blame e.e. mings*

TMedeiros17 Profile Photo
#14Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213
Posted: 3/17/10 at 5:28pm

I find it very unlikely that this will beat Wicked in grosses. Many shows have come very close, but I doubt Addams Family will do so. If so, that'd be fantastic! But right now, it seems to be doing a great job! Hope the grosses stay!

Shows: Wicked 9.20.08; Wicked 3.14.09; Wicked 4.11.09; Cats 10.27.09; Legally Blonde 11.25.09; Chicago 11.27.09; Wicked 11.27.09; The Color Purple 12.1.09; Wicked 3.25.10; Wicked 3.26.10; Wicked 3.27.10; Wicked 3.28.10; Wicked 4.2.10; Wicked 4.3.10 (Evening and Matinee); Wicked 4.9.10; Wicked 4.10.10; Wicked 4.11.10; The Color Purple 4.24.10;

#15Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213
Posted: 3/17/10 at 6:03pm

"Hardly a year" implies it did not run a full year. He was merely pointing out that it ran two months longer than that. Hardly something to get all bitchy about.

See how that works?

followyourbliss23 Profile Photo
#16Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213
Posted: 3/17/10 at 6:20pm

oh jebus, this is ridiculous. mark, remind me to change my password tomorrow. seriously.

"the stage too must experiment - with ideas, with the psychological relationship of men and women, with speech and rhythm forms, with dance and movement, with color and light - or it must and should become a museum product. in an age of terrific implications as to wealth and poverty, as to the function of government, as to peace and war, as to the relation of the artist to all these forces, the theatre must grow up. the theatre must become conscious of the implications of the changing social order, or the changing social older will ignore, and rightly, the implications of the theatre." - hallie flanagan, director of the federal theatre project
*blame e.e. mings*

averagebwaynut Profile Photo
#17Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213
Posted: 3/17/10 at 6:51pm


I wouldn't expect to see "Addams" beat "Wicked" anytime soon. Purely based on capacity, the Lunt has almost 300 fewer seats than the Gershwin (representing $200-250K or more in gross potential). Even with boffo premium seat business and a higher price scale, it would take a real "off" week from "Wicked" for "Addams" to knock it from its #1 perch.

"No matter how much you want the part, never let 'em see you sweat." -- Old Dry Idea commercial

Patash Profile Photo
#18Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213
Posted: 3/17/10 at 6:59pm

>>>"Hardly a year" implies it did not run a full year.<<

Huh? Are we no longer using English as the official language here?

I could hardly lift it means you couldn't lift it?
It was hardly alive means it was dead -- not alive?
I could hardly hear the music means the music couldn't be heard?

#19Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213
Posted: 3/17/10 at 11:53pm

we pick the most petty things to debate on these boards. that being said, "hardly a year" means just over a year, "almost a year" would be less than a year.

14 months is "hardly a year," thank you.

it's very doubtful it will surpass wicked in gross merely for the fact that the Gershwin has about 300 more seats then the L-F. unless the jack those prices up (doubtful), it wont surpass.

Addams will be golden thru the summer, based on the advance it has, what happens after that is up to the theatre gods.

averagebwaynut Profile Photo
#20Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213
Posted: 3/18/10 at 12:13am

How much of an advance does it have and how do you come to know (it seems to be quite the guarded secret, save for Flahooley2's "friend in the press office")?

Not intentionally being snarky -- as a fan of the show (one of the few it seems on BWW), I'm legitimately interested to know both how well it's sold thus far and how much faith to put in the information.

"No matter how much you want the part, never let 'em see you sweat." -- Old Dry Idea commercial

jpbran Profile Photo
#21Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213
Posted: 3/25/10 at 4:41pm

The following week: $1,328,460 (3% lower attendance, but higher priced overall)

#22Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213
Posted: 3/25/10 at 6:40pm


Technically, it was 1/4/09!

SNAFU Profile Photo
#23Addams Family first seven previews: $1,192,213
Posted: 3/25/10 at 6:51pm

That's hardly technically!

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!
