Kim Stanley

mshetina Profile Photo
#1Kim Stanley
Posted: 8/4/10 at 3:11am

I just rewatched Seance on a Wet Afternoon, the brilliant psychological thriller by Brian Forbes - a true master of that genre - and I was struck again by the understated brilliance of Richard Attenborough and particularly, Kim Stanley's incredibly taut performance. I've been fascinated by her ever since first seeing the film in high school, but outside of Seance, Frances and the fleeting glimpses of her Bus Stop performance in the Rick McKay documentary, it's difficult for those of us who came too late to see her really understand what she was like as a performer.

So, were any of you lucky enough to see her live? And I've heard mixed things about her recent biography, Female Brando. Recommended?
Updated On: 8/4/10 at 03:11 AM

nobodyhome Profile Photo
#2Kim Stanley
Posted: 8/4/10 at 5:14am

I do recommend Female Brando, despite its flaws.

Unfortunately, I never saw her live, but I always remember Austin Pendleton describing her as the greatest actress he'd ever seen. It's too bad that there's relatively little of her extensive TV work on DVD.

If you haven't seen Dragon Country, available from Broadway Theatre Archive, I recommend it. When I was a young teenager, PBS used to show many things multiple times over months. I watched it again and again, fascinated by Stanley and William Redfield in I Can't Imagine Tomorrow. I had no idea at the time that she was considered by many the greatest actress of her time.

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#2Kim Stanley
Posted: 8/4/10 at 12:47pm

I'm too young to have seen Kim Stanley on stage, but I have seen a considerable amount of her film and TV work. Her acting guru was Lee Strasberg whose approach to "the Method" is now considered by most to be quite passe.

Stanley is the very avatar of Strasberg's method in good and bad ways. Concentrated, emotional and deeply powerful but also tic-y and self-hypnotized...she doesn't really seem to be acting with anyone else in the room. Anyone interested in acting should check out the very entertaining SEANCE ON A WET AFTERNOON and also her performance Paddy Chayevsky's THE GODDESS and as Jessica Lange's mom in FRANCES.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

Popular Profile Photo
#3Kim Stanley
Posted: 8/4/10 at 1:06pm

I was in the TV version of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof with her back in '85. Lovely woman!
Updated On: 8/4/10 at 01:06 PM

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#4Kim Stanley
Posted: 8/4/10 at 2:38pm


Were you a no-necked monster??????

Popular Profile Photo
#5Kim Stanley
Posted: 8/4/10 at 2:39pm

Yep! haha
Skimadarinkidinkidink, skimadarinkidooo.....

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#6Kim Stanley
Posted: 8/4/10 at 2:45pm

Three words

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#7Kim Stanley
Posted: 8/4/10 at 2:46pm

I watched that version two weeks ago! Did you get to yell "You're just Jealous cause you can't have babies"?

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#8Kim Stanley
Posted: 8/4/10 at 2:47pm

Wow! Color me impressed! Kim Stanley

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

Popular Profile Photo
#9Kim Stanley
Posted: 8/4/10 at 3:02pm

No, that was Ami Foster who said that. She later when on to play Margaux on Punky Brewster. I was so jealous!! haha

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#10Kim Stanley
Posted: 8/4/10 at 3:09pm

I remember her...She was also in "Troop Beverly Hills" and this video for the Wrinkles Dogs called "Wrinkles in need of Cuddles"...which I got because I loved my Wrinkles dogs.

But...while watching her say that line in your "Cat", I didn't like it as much the little girl who said it to Elizabeth Taylor!

mshetina Profile Photo
#11Kim Stanley
Posted: 8/5/10 at 12:44am

Thanks for the recommendations. The Dragon Country DVD intrigues me because I thought she had entirely given up stage acting by that point. And The Goddess is hard to find and it always shows up on TV when I'm either away at school or at five in the morning.

fanof many
#12Kim Stanley
Posted: 8/5/10 at 1:28am

I yoo am abit too young to have been around to see Kim Stanley on the stage. But years ago I read an article about her and I could not wait to see "The Goddess"- I was probably 14 at the time, and it was on tv very late, or rather, very early. I was so afraid my parents would catch me up on a school night. But seeing that film and that performance, I knew I had witnessed one of the finest perfomances captured on film. I couldn't forget it and I read everything I could about her- and I guess I've seen everything she did that is available on tape. If you want to see something interesting, go to the Internet Movie Database, and watch the episode of "The Night Gallery" that she did- titled "A Fear of Spiders" in the 1970's- here's the link:

To me, her finest moment in "The Goddess" is this one, from YouTube:

I have just recently read "Female Brando"- I found it very interesting- I would recommend it. I only wish more of her friends, co-workers, acquaintances, ex-husbands, etc. had been alive to have been interviewed.

nobodyhome Profile Photo
#13Kim Stanley
Posted: 8/5/10 at 2:42am

She had given up stage acting by the time of Dragon Country, although she always flirted with coming back. In fact, when I heard Austin Pendleton describe her as the greatest actor he'd ever seen, it was in 1980, and he said there was a possibility that he'd be doing The Seagull with her. Of course, they'd both have been way too old for those roles by that point. So she still at least flirted with coming back.

Dragon Country was just done for TV, she hadn't done it onstage. In fact, according to Krampner's book, she never really knew her lines (she had trouble learning lines by that point), and I think he says there were cue cards for her.

Doesn't matter, she's mesmerizing.

#14Kim Stanley
Posted: 8/5/10 at 7:36am

Stanley's Emmy winning performance in A Cardinal Act of Mercy can be seen on "the tube". She plays an accomplished lawyer who shoots dope and she is mesmerizing. More rare Stanley is coming soon - same bat-time, same bat-channel.
Updated On: 8/5/10 at 07:36 AM

Gypsy9 Profile Photo
#15Kim Stanley
Posted: 8/5/10 at 7:45am

I have a feeling that I did see Kim Stanley on stage but I can't remember the play, or plays. The discussion so far has centered on her film and television work. Can anyone list the plays that she was in?

"Madam Rose...and her daughter...Gypsy!"

#16Kim Stanley
Posted: 8/5/10 at 7:53am

Kim Stanley performed in The House of Bernarda Alba, The Chase, Picnic, The Traveling Lady, Bus Stop, A Clearing in the Woods, A Touch of the Poet, Cheri, A Far Country, Natural Affection, and The Three Sisters.

Updated On: 8/5/10 at 07:53 AM

#17Kim Stanley
Posted: 8/5/10 at 9:58am

To see the amazing Kim Stanley on film ..see FRANCIS
one of the best acted films of the 80s..she is amazing as
Francis Farmers mom..a horrible human being ...but always
captivating on the screen..the woman was the best of the best

#18Kim Stanley
Posted: 8/5/10 at 1:27pm

I did have the very good fortune to see Stanley in the Actors Studio Three Sisters. She had the ability to transfix an audience, even though she was facing upstage and rather non-chalantly turning the pages of a book the character was reading. By doing nothing, she outshone everyone else on stage -- which included Geraldine Page, Shirley Knight, Barbara Baxley, et. al. I'll never forget her bemused comment in the 3rd Act after Natasha (the Baxley role) has stormed across the stage, working herself up into a furore. Stanley's quiet comment was "Did she start the fire?" and it spoke mountains. Her life must have been a real mess but she was transcendent on stage. I feel priveleged to have had the opportunity to have seen her and pray that her spirit is finally at rest.


uncageg Profile Photo
#19Kim Stanley
Posted: 8/5/10 at 2:02pm

Just caught the last half of "Frances" about a month ago on cable. Didn't know that was her playing the mother. She was quite good in the movie.

Just give the world Love.

nobodyhome Profile Photo
#20Kim Stanley
Posted: 8/5/10 at 5:45pm

I'm glad that "A Cardinal Act of Mercy" is back on youtube. It was taken down for a while. It's something everyone who wants to see great acting should watch. Thanks for mentioning it, Logan2.

#21Kim Stanley
Posted: 8/5/10 at 10:26pm

Your totally welcome nobodyhome. The Traveling Lady, Tomorrow, A Young Lady of Property (with Joanne Woodward), and The Three Sisters will pop up again soon. I just wish there was more Stanley to share.

nobodyhome Profile Photo
#22Kim Stanley
Posted: 8/5/10 at 11:02pm

Great. I will have to look out for them. Good to know that copies of them are out there.

David Moon2
#23Kim Stanley
Posted: 8/11/10 at 4:00pm

Kim Stanley also appeared in an episode of QUINCY, M.E. that you can watch on NetFlix (Season 8, episode entitled "Beyond the Open Door").
Quincy, M.E.

#24Kim Stanley
Posted: 8/11/10 at 8:02pm

I saw her in Touch of the Poet, A Far Country and The Three Sisters. She had a great sense of exhuberance about her, very passionate. When I remember the Three Sisters production, I think of her in tandem with Geraldine Page (Olga) and Shirley Knight (Irina). The three of them worked beutifully together.
