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#1A BLOODY BLOODY Masterpiece!
Posted: 9/27/10 at 3:39am

Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson is the most incredible show I've ever seen! I recommend you RUN to the Jacobs. This is the greatest piece of performance art to ever play Broadway! And Rod Ranskahoff knows Broadway!
Updated On: 9/27/10 at 03:39 AM

newintown Profile Photo
#2A BLOODY BLOODY Masterpiece!
Posted: 9/27/10 at 9:19am

Such enthusiasm!

I returned this weekend, as an admirer of Michael Friedman's songs, and to see how the Bway version differs from downtown.

It was not playing well - the audience started out enthusiastic, but drifted away towards indifference. laughs faded away. I saw 2 people stand for the curtain call. I can't remember the last Broadway musical I saw where the audience didn't leap to their feet at the end.

I was bothered by a lot of negativity in the show that I didn't notice before - a lot of mean-spirited humor. And I just got bored a few times.

Based on this one performance, I would say they have a LOT of work to do. However, they still have the Times rave from downtown, so the Times definitely won't pan them (they never disagree with themselves). That may help.

JMPlayer6 Profile Photo
#2A BLOODY BLOODY Masterpiece!
Posted: 9/27/10 at 9:36am

I always wonder about generic "reviews" like this ... in light of when the poster joined (you know, like today!). Perhaps he/she works for the show??? Then there are those blatant not-even-disguised promo posts, lifted straight from a press release by also-just-joined members.

Anyway, moving on ...

#3A BLOODY BLOODY Masterpiece!
Posted: 9/27/10 at 10:01am

I LOVE new shill's! Welcome goranksahoffurself! i look forward to years and years of postings from you! (that was sarcastic as I am sure when BBAJ closes he/she will be gone or get paid by another marketing team to come on here and post)

uncageg Profile Photo
#4A BLOODY BLOODY Masterpiece!
Posted: 9/27/10 at 10:04am

Didn't the Times give Gypsy a not so good review at Encores and then a rave on Broadway?

Just give the world Love.

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#5A BLOODY BLOODY Masterpiece!
Posted: 9/27/10 at 10:19am

Yes they did. But, to be fair, Patti's performance at Encores and on Broadway were essentially two entirely different portrayals. And that's really all they changed their mind on.

newintown Profile Photo
#6A BLOODY BLOODY Masterpiece!
Posted: 9/27/10 at 10:33am

Right, colorthehours - we could probably pull up both reviews and compare, but my recollection was that the difference was primarily about Lupone's performance and not the work or the production as a whole.

And I can't think of a time when the Times gave a show a rave either downtown or out of town, then revised downwards when it moved to Broadway.

#7A BLOODY BLOODY Masterpiece!
Posted: 9/27/10 at 10:54am

well, there are also obvious inherent differences between positive and negative out-of-town/off broadway reviews. in the case of the former, in some instances, a positive review might be what prompts a transfer. and if they then change their mind/review into a negative one, it creates a very awkward situation (i.e., "we transferred because you liked us!!!"). in the latter instance, they transfer in spite of the reviews, not because of them, so it doesn't create the same problem.

Smaxie Profile Photo
#8A BLOODY BLOODY Masterpiece!
Posted: 9/27/10 at 11:02am

>And I can't think of a time when the Times gave a show a rave either downtown or out of town, then revised downwards when it moved to Broadway.<

Frank Rich reversed his opinion on The Human Comedy when it transferred from the Public to Broadway, finding it completely misguided on Broadway. Ben Brantley did the same for Squonk.

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.

newintown Profile Photo
#9A BLOODY BLOODY Masterpiece!
Posted: 9/27/10 at 11:15am

Thanks, Smaxie - that's some in-depth research.

I don't remember Squonk at all! Where did it start? Did Brantley rave about it in its initial production? What was it? Ibdb just says "Musical, Concert, Fantasy, Puppets, Original, Broadway" but I honestly have no memory of hearing about it...

Smaxie Profile Photo
#10A BLOODY BLOODY Masterpiece!
Posted: 9/27/10 at 11:59am

Here's Brantley's Broadway review of Squonk:

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.

RippedMan Profile Photo
#11A BLOODY BLOODY Masterpiece!
Posted: 9/27/10 at 12:46pm

More recently, Brantley changed his mind on "Me, Myself, and I" at Playwrights. It is essentially the same production, but he said he found the direction weaker and more misguided here in NYC as opposed to NJ.

And, I've seen BBAJ twice. Once when it was in the tiny theater at the Public, and again in its extended run. The show just bugs me. I wish the songs went places. They have good melodies, but they never go anywhere vocally or musically. They're good little pieces, but they seem like rough drafts. And also, no one in the show really has a "good voice." When you are paying $60 for a Broadway show, you want to hear people singing on pitch and whatnot, and this show is not about perfection, which I don't think most people going in are going to understand.

#12A BLOODY BLOODY Masterpiece!
Posted: 9/27/10 at 12:59pm

I'd appreciate someone who has seen the show helping me out. I have two tweens that don't care for Disney anymore, so it's difficult to find a show that they will enjoy but either won't go over their heads or, be totally inappropriate (language, vulgarity, etc.)

Any subjective input would be great.

RippedMan Profile Photo
#13A BLOODY BLOODY Masterpiece!
Posted: 9/27/10 at 1:07pm

Um, Andrew Jackson has a few jokes about the size of his "member," but I'm not sure that he outright says anything? I think teens would enjoy it. The theater is transformed and the music is very hip and catchy.

newintown Profile Photo
#14A BLOODY BLOODY Masterpiece!
Posted: 9/27/10 at 1:16pm

I wouldn't call the show exactly kid friendly - non-stop use of "sh*t," "f*ck," "m*therf*cker," etc., and lots of suggestive sex-talk, as well as rampant homophobia.
Updated On: 9/27/10 at 01:16 PM

newintown Profile Photo
#15A BLOODY BLOODY Masterpiece!
Posted: 9/27/10 at 1:23pm

About "Me, Myself, & I" - although the director/design team were the same, the only main cast member in both was Brian Murray. That much recasting would make it rather different, wouldn't it?

RippedMan Profile Photo
#16A BLOODY BLOODY Masterpiece!
Posted: 9/27/10 at 1:26pm

I don't know. I mean, I've seen multiple productions of Wicked. Same direction/design, totally different casts, but essentially the same show?

I hated Me Myself And I. I thought it was just a stretched out idea, and it just wasn't entertaining at all. And I didn't understand what they wanted with the twins? They didn't look at all alike.

#17A BLOODY BLOODY Masterpiece!
Posted: 9/27/10 at 1:27pm


Amneris Profile Photo
#18A BLOODY BLOODY Masterpiece!
Posted: 9/27/10 at 3:13pm

Although 90 minutes, i kept checking my watch to see when it was over. I found the jokes to be insulting and stupid. This seemed more like a college production filled with sophmoric skits then a Broadway production. I am sorry to be so negative but, paying decent money to see a show like this bothers me. There was also a lady next to me who was quite offended by the whole wheel chair bit. Best wishes to them though.

rougeduck Profile Photo
#19A BLOODY BLOODY Masterpiece!
Posted: 9/27/10 at 3:13pm


I know! I was there! I was the one who stood for about a minute right when the show ended...then sat when I realized NO ONE else was...then restood when 4 other people did...It really was one of the most innovative theatrical pieces ever mounted on a bway stage...I kind of thought it was like Pippin-Avenue Q-Spring Awakening.

newintown Profile Photo
#20A BLOODY BLOODY Masterpiece!
Posted: 9/27/10 at 3:19pm

"I kind of thought it was like Pippin-Avenue Q-Spring Awakening."

Or maybe like Dude-Glory Days-Via Galactica? Or even Rent-Harrigan 'N Hart-Allegro?

#21A BLOODY BLOODY Masterpiece!
Posted: 9/27/10 at 3:25pm

Glad you loved it. I found it to be a bore with a mediocre score. First show I've seen in a while that didn't get the obligatory standing ovation. P.S. could the gay jokes be any more obvious or tired?

rougeduck Profile Photo
#22A BLOODY BLOODY Masterpiece!
Posted: 9/27/10 at 3:28pm

eww, not rent. It only forced sentimentality for the last 2 minutes...not the entire 2 hour running time. I thought the show was pretty much brilliant. I was in stitches the entire time and just loved the irreverence of it all...but also learned a thing or 2. Then again I put my love of sketch and improv before the theatrical brand of comedy... It was just...outrageous. The music wasnt that great but I felt it didn't have to be...

People need to stop making the show bigger than it is it's pure comedy with a smidgeon of Xanadu if Kira represented Chinese fascism. I can't even fully describe it...

rougeduck Profile Photo
#23A BLOODY BLOODY Masterpiece!
Posted: 9/27/10 at 3:31pm

The comedy was aimed for people like me who don't give a **** about anyone else and enjoy harsh Sarah Silverman. I'm gay and was in tears during the gay Indian's such a silly unapologetic show. Anyway apparently alot of people were at last nights show...I was in the second row. And who else was surprised to see Jenna Leigh Green at the lottery. She's super fierce.

EDIT: sorry for the double post...thought someone replied to my last one. Updated On: 9/27/10 at 03:31 PM Profile Photo
#24A BLOODY BLOODY Masterpiece!
Posted: 9/27/10 at 3:33pm

Thanks for the posts .... methinks I shall wait abit and hopefully it will shape up a little more ... become a bit more..well..."crisp"....

To seek revenge may lead to hell yet everyone does it but seldom as well......
