
"Spiderman" on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...

"Spiderman" on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...

chernjam Profile Photo
#1"Spiderman" on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/3/11 at 11:25pm

...who was really sickened by that interview? I mean, I'm really happy that the guy is doing so well. But it just seemed bizarre on the verge of trying to use the accident as yet another marketing tool to get people interested to come and see the show.

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#2'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/3/11 at 11:26pm

No. I was not sickened. It was a very short interview with the actor who got hurt.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

#2'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/3/11 at 11:27pm

I'm infuriated. His super positive attitude seemed extremely unnatural and unrealistic. Updated On: 1/3/11 at 11:27 PM

adamgreer Profile Photo
#3'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/3/11 at 11:27pm

I wonder how much hush money that interview cost the producers?

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#4'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/3/11 at 11:28pm

Exactly what I was thinking, adamgreer.

chernjam Profile Photo
#5'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/3/11 at 11:30pm

yeah adam - that's the other thing - I mean between the reporter, the anchors, and Tierney's smoozing and making it out that just some idiot forgot to connect a harness and that everythings okay - and oh btw - here's 3 minutes of video of how cool it looks... I just was sickened.

Especially since it made no real mention or discussion of the other 3 actors hurt. Really seemed shameful to me

Overkill Profile Photo
#6'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/3/11 at 11:31pm

Well, OF COURSE they're going to use it to market the show a little bit. Any show would use any air time to do that. But it wasn't a commercial for the show. It did just what it was meant to do, to simply interview Christopher Tierney about what happened. And I admire the man SO much! He's in amazing spirits and is so passionate about what he does. You could tell from that interview he meant every word he said. Just a truly great guy.

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#7'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/3/11 at 11:31pm

They did mention that there have been numerous injuries and that Natalie Mendoza left the show after getting a concussion.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

adamgreer Profile Photo
#8'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/3/11 at 11:32pm

It almost felt like Julie was just off camera, "directing."

Wishing Only Wounds Profile Photo
Wishing Only Wounds
#9'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/3/11 at 11:33pm

I was disgusted. Also found the whole title "Spider-Man's Fall" laughable... As happy as I am that Tierney is on the road to recovery, the only genuine part of that interview, in my opinion, was the AEA quote.

Formerly: WishingOnlyWounds2 - Broadway Legend - Joined: 9/25/08

#10'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/3/11 at 11:33pm

I honestly think a lot of people are relieved to see that he really is "okay" (as okay as his injuries allow). Hearing he's walking with a brace or out of the hospital isn't the same as seeing that he really can move, talk, etc.

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#11'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/3/11 at 11:33pm

I was just commenting to someone that it felt more like an ad for the show than anything else.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

Overkill Profile Photo
#12'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/3/11 at 11:37pm

If Tierney is happy and in good spirits, then why does any of this matter? As long as he is okay. I'm sure he watched this interview and didn't think anything of them showing stuff from the show. In fact, as passionate as he seemed about it, I would think he'd be excited or at the very least just not care.

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#13'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/3/11 at 11:58pm

I'm with Overkill. He seemed and still seems so passionate about the show. And of course they would make it some kind of marketing thing about the show. But who cares? He's on his way to full-ish recovery, and that alone is praise-worthy. Must everything about this show be made negative? He's alive and well! He's walking with swagger! And they mentioned all the other injuries plus Nick Wyman's thoughts. I thought it was fine.

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#14'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 12:05am

I thought the piece was fairly even-handed. Dana clearly tried to pry any juicy stuff out of him, but he's clearly a cool, forgiving guy, and yeah I'm sure he got some money and a promise to return to the show when he's ready.

I think a lot of the footage was shown because it's him performing as Spider-Man - it's important to show exactly what he's doing in the show to paint the picture. And yeah, it looks cool to boot. Not like it needed help in sales anyway,

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

Scott Briefer
#15'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 12:09am

Does anyone have a link to this clip. The only one I could find was mostly narrated with little of Christopher Tierney. It seems that I've seen a different clip.

julesboogie Profile Photo
#16'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 12:10am

I didn't mind the vids and clips of the show because alot of them were of Tierney in action. So it was relative to the interview. However, what was more interesting... the question at the end was. Are you planning to file a lawsuit, and the answer was "I don't have to." Cha-ching. Tierney is well taken care of. At least i hope he is. And maybe this will be/ has been a catalyst for a true safety overhaul. Cause its alot cheaper to just pay actors to do their job as opposed to pay them to down play how they got injured on the job (and pay the replacement). Smile for the camera Tierney...right to the bank. 'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one... Really wish it didnt cost him back surgery tho.

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#17'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 12:17am


"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

#18'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 12:18am

He seemed genuinely happy to be alive and as I'm as I am sure he was paid to stay happy I wouldn't expect a different kind of interview from a performer who wishes to keep working after this injury has healed. Why bite the hand that feeds you?

#19'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 12:19am

Okay - that was absolutely disgusting. It was so abundantly clear that the only reason he and "forgiving" is because he was paid off. Let's not forget that these cast members signed confidentiality agreements - he must have gotten some sort of permission to do the interview. The most telling quote came from Dana at the end when Maurice asked if he had any intention of suing and Dana said "I asked him that but he said he doesn't 'need' too". No crap he doesn't 'need' to, he was so obviously paid off it's not even funny. I feel terrible for the guy on so many levels. His "acting" during the interview was awful, though.

BwayTday Profile Photo
#20'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 12:21am

I am certainly not sickened. I though it was relatively even-handed also. I just gained huge amount of respect (even more so) for Tierney though.

Oh and maybe, he just isn't the kind of guy who is spiteful and hot-headed like that. Maybe he genuinely is at a sort of peace. Seriously, he was on the verge of tears during the story. I mean, I am terrible at reading people but that is what I got from it. The only reason one would be seeing that the ONLY reason he is acting this way is because he was paid off is one wanting to see that. You are outrageously insulting Tierney's integrity by claiming that.
Updated On: 1/4/11 at 12:21 AM

Overkill Profile Photo
#21'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 12:22am

addicted, I think that if the only thing he cared about was the money, he wouldn't be so genuinly eager to get back to the show.

#22'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 12:29am

Overkil - apologies, in no way did I mean to suggest that all he cared about was the money. What I was suggesting was that the only reason the interview was so happy/positive was because of the money.

#23'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 12:52am

Actors are paid to act. Dancers are paid to dance. Tierney is clearly no actor. Enough said.

Scott Briefer
#24'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
Posted: 1/4/11 at 1:05am

Okay, I've watched the video. Thank you for the link. I think some people here are making too much of Tierney's motives. I think he's completely sincere.
