
What will I kick myself for not seeing?

What will I kick myself for not seeing?

kc2 Profile Photo
#1What will I kick myself for not seeing?
Posted: 12/15/11 at 2:57pm

Coming to NYC from the UK next month. I had 10 shows, but now Private Lives is closing before my arrival I have an open slot & I'd appreciate some help in filling it. Here's the 9 I'm seeing...

Stick Fly
How To Succeed
Anything Goes
Lupone & Patinkin
Other Desert Cities
Porgy & Bess
The Mountaintop
Book of Mormon

Any suggestions greatly appreciated!

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#2What will I kick myself for not seeing?
Posted: 12/15/11 at 3:05pm

Follies (It started previews TWO days after I left the city)
Anything Goes (a wonderful revival with a great cast)
Book of Mormon (The most fun I have ever had in the theatre)

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

kc2 Profile Photo
#2What will I kick myself for not seeing?
Posted: 12/15/11 at 3:08pm

The shows I listed are the shows I am seeing. I'm looking for a 10th.

Sorry if that was unclear.

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#3What will I kick myself for not seeing?
Posted: 12/15/11 at 3:09pm

It wasn't unclear at all.

See either Sleep No More (an amazing event/concept) or Seminar (a wonderfully acted play).

blaxx Profile Photo
#4What will I kick myself for not seeing?
Posted: 12/15/11 at 3:14pm

Sleep No More - don't miss it!

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

GlindatheGood22  Profile Photo
#5What will I kick myself for not seeing?
Posted: 12/15/11 at 3:16pm

I'm not doing Sleep No More until January, but I know it comes highly recommended.

I'd also say Sons of the Prophet.

I know you. I know you. I know you.

kc2 Profile Photo
#6What will I kick myself for not seeing?
Posted: 12/15/11 at 3:21pm

Don't know much about Sleep No More, but is it scary? 'Cause I am a giant wuss, lol

blaxx Profile Photo
#7What will I kick myself for not seeing?
Posted: 12/15/11 at 3:23pm

Not that kind of scary. Go see it, you'll be glad you did.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

kc2 Profile Photo
#8What will I kick myself for not seeing?
Posted: 12/15/11 at 3:25pm

Ok, good. Will look into it, thanks! :o)

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#9What will I kick myself for not seeing?
Posted: 12/15/11 at 3:29pm

Sorry I misread it!!! Enjoy the shows What will I kick myself for not seeing?

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

PopAria Profile Photo
#10What will I kick myself for not seeing?
Posted: 12/15/11 at 3:39pm

Lysis Jones. I hear it's fun.

goldenboy Profile Photo
#11What will I kick myself for not seeing?
Posted: 12/15/11 at 4:40pm

If its still running

Bonnie and Clyde
a truly American Musical and very well conceived and done.

TalkinLoud Profile Photo
#12What will I kick myself for not seeing?
Posted: 12/15/11 at 5:13pm

Sleep No More or Venus in Fur

#13What will I kick myself for not seeing?
Posted: 12/15/11 at 5:15pm

try to see ONCE while it's still off bway. Check the ticketcentral website - they release seats ever other day.

You do have one fine list of shows there!

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#14What will I kick myself for not seeing?
Posted: 12/15/11 at 6:41pm

War Horse

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#15What will I kick myself for not seeing?
Posted: 12/15/11 at 6:47pm


jetts7 Profile Photo
#16What will I kick myself for not seeing?
Posted: 12/16/11 at 9:36am

Lysistrata Jones or Godspell.

jetts7 Profile Photo
#17What will I kick myself for not seeing?
Posted: 12/16/11 at 9:38am

or Bonnie and Clyde if they are still running.

#18What will I kick myself for not seeing?
Posted: 12/16/11 at 10:07am

I'd go with Seminar, Sons of the Prophet or Venus in Fur.

Seminar and Venus in Far are worth it for the casts who we're unlikely to get in the UK, and Sons of the Prophet is reputedly excellent.

Sleep No More is originally a British show anyway so there's every chance they'll bring it back here. You could see War Horse in London or probably on tour in due course. And you're probably seeing the best of the musicals currently playing already from your list.

once a month Profile Photo
once a month
#19What will I kick myself for not seeing?
Posted: 12/16/11 at 11:11am

Sleep No More...a thrlling theatrical experience I liken to para-saiing in the netherworld. An unforgetable immersion into another dimension. See it.

kc2 Profile Photo
#20What will I kick myself for not seeing?
Posted: 12/16/11 at 5:10pm

Thanks for all the input everyone!

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#21What will I kick myself for not seeing?
Posted: 12/16/11 at 10:19pm

Serious suggestion:

See something off-off-Broadway. Yes, the big expensive productions are fun and all that, but just to provide a bit of contrast for your trip, I'd really recommend going to see something that doesnt cost more than twenty bucks and really requires you to use your imagination.

Trust ne, you'll enjoy the experience.


kc2 Profile Photo
#22What will I kick myself for not seeing?
Posted: 12/17/11 at 4:18am

Anything in particular you reccommend SeanMartin?

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#23What will I kick myself for not seeing?
Posted: 12/17/11 at 9:18am

This stuff usually only plays for a couple of weeks, so any suggestion I make would be meaningless. Here's what we used to do — get a copy of the Village Voice. Go to the theatre listings. Make sure you're looking at the off-off-Broadway stuff. Close your eyes and slam down the finger on one listing. Go see it.

Seriously. That's how Steve and I saw some truly amazing stuff. Yes, a lot of dreck, but even the dreck is fun because you'll find that the productions are a lot more earnest than the stuff on the Big Stages.

Broadway is like an unlimited dessert menu. OB and OOB are the meat and vegetables everyone passes over on the buffet table. Do it — you just might find yourself surprised at the taste.


#24What will I kick myself for not seeing?
Posted: 12/19/11 at 8:59pm

I agree go see something tiny in 4 floor walk up off off broadway. Never know what you will find that will just amaze or revolt you...and will probably cost the price of a movie.
