Pippin stage door

Queen of the Night
#1Pippin stage door
Posted: 1/2/14 at 5:49am

Just curious what experiences others have had stagedooring at Pippin. I have never done the stage door thing before but was considering it this weekend when I go, even though it is supposed to be really freaking cold (maybe my chances will be better, less people?).

kadu335 Profile Photo
#2Pippin stage door
Posted: 1/2/14 at 7:01am

Pippin was the only show I "stage-doored" on my NYC trip this past November. There were only about 10 people waiting outside and only the kid playing Theo (I don't remember his name right now), Rachel, Matthew and Patina came out to talk to us. Most of the ensemble came out as well but didn't stop to talk or sign anything.

Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
Updated On: 1/2/14 at 07:01 AM

Jeffrey Karasarides Profile Photo
Jeffrey Karasarides
#2Pippin stage door
Posted: 1/2/14 at 8:04am

Believe it or not, my mother and I were actually in New York during the weekend of the Tonys, we didn't actually see Pippin, we were just on our way back to our hotel from seeing Annie when we both just happened to have walked by and thought we could stay a while...


darreyl102 Profile Photo
#3Pippin stage door
Posted: 1/2/14 at 8:28am

Having stage doored the show a couple times; it’s always a toss-up on who comes out. The first time I went, I met basically everyone including Andrea, Terrence and Charlotte (who I had heard was a 50/50 chance they would come out). The second time was a little less people (Tovah snuck out behind us, hugged Matthew and got on her bike and went off). Patina, Rachel and Matthew seem to always come out. The only one of the cast I have yet to meet is Erik Altemus- the first time he stuck his head out the stage door but never came out it, the second time he was out, and the third time I just never saw him. A lot of the ensemble (The Players) won’t stop unless you call them or wave or whatever- but it’s like that with basically any show.

Darreyl with an L!

quizking101 Profile Photo
#4Pippin stage door
Posted: 1/2/14 at 9:10am

When I went back in July, pretty much everyone except Andrea came out. Orion Griffiths was just as hot in person and a sweetheart. So were, Patina, Terrence, Charlotte, Rachel, and Ashton (who played Theo at that performance). Matthew didn't seem thrilled at the stage door, but signed for everyone nevertheless.

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#5Pippin stage door
Posted: 1/2/14 at 9:16am

I specifically went for Erik's autograph on my CD. Having obtained the CD from the Barnes & Noble CD signing...Erik's wasn't on there. I waited prior to the show and he was very nice. I can still hear him saying "right on".

inception Profile Photo
#6Pippin stage door
Posted: 1/2/14 at 11:13am

I saw a Wednesday matinee in November, but they didn't come out. I went back the next night, it was the first cold snap and really cold so only about 5 people were waiting including myself. I met Miss Jones, Anthony Wayne, Erik Altemus, Ms Feldshuh, and Miss Miller. All were a delight - I told them all where I was from and that I had seen the previous day's matinee and that I just had to come back to thank them. They all thanked me for coming back, Miss Jones apologized that they don't usually stage door matinees. Erik wrapped his arms around me and posed with me when I asked for a photo. When I told Anthony that I was gonna tell everyone back home to forget going to Honolulu to get a tan this winter but to instead spend an extra grand to go across the country to see his ass in lycra in Pippin he laughed and said, "Definitely do that." Ms Feldshuh was the only one who was in a rush, and yet in the photo she is beaming like she is thrilled to meet me - what a FiretrUCKIN' pro! And Miss Miller... I still can't believe how amazing she was. I babbled my praise and told her how the show and her performance had left me weeping and she said that she was happy that she was able to give me that experience. I was so thrilled to meet her and in a daze that I left and only later did I realize that I may have left before seeing if Matthew came out.


jpbran Profile Photo
#7Pippin stage door
Posted: 1/2/14 at 11:18am

That video -- with the :10 shot of Mathew's crotch -- is hysterical. The guy at 1:30 (whose name escapes me) looks like he's walked out into his own execution...

#8Pippin stage door
Posted: 1/5/14 at 1:32am

I went to Pippin on Christmas..
was my first Stage Door experience..
around 15-20people were there..

Some of the ensemble went out, but the kid who played Theo went out, Matthew, Rachel and of course Petina were out..

I think some waited longer for others, but i've had my moment with Patina so i decided to leave..
