Holler If You Hear Me

#1Holler If You Hear Me
Posted: 3/28/14 at 3:36pm

Last weekend, while visiting the city, I noticed the Palace Theater still had Annie signage up, with no reference to "Holler If You Hear Me", which was allegedly starting performances in May. I also noticed that there are no tickets onsale yet (not that I was rushing out to buy one).

Is this still on track for the Spring? Or did the financing fall apart?

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#2Holler If You Hear Me
Posted: 3/28/14 at 3:48pm

Is the Tupac musical Kaput?

Maybe the producers realized the really limited appeal the show might have and thought better of it. Since tourists are a major audience for musicals, the thought of a musical about a dead rapper did not seem like an audience winner.

Poster Emeritus

#2Holler If You Hear Me
Posted: 3/28/14 at 3:56pm

There's a large sign for Holler If You Hear Me in place of the large Annie signage on the Palace. It's between the Kinky Boots and Alladin signs.

Rodney Hicks Profile Photo
Rodney Hicks
#3Holler If You Hear Me
Posted: 3/28/14 at 4:06pm

Updated On: 3/28/14 at 04:06 PM

#4Holler If You Hear Me
Posted: 3/28/14 at 8:37pm

The musical is NOT about TUPAC. It's based on his writings. But I agree. Why are tickets not on sell yet? 1800 seats is A lot to fill!

#5Holler If You Hear Me
Posted: 3/28/14 at 8:57pm

Theater signage isn't really indicative of anything. That typically happens much closer to the actual production. Although, as someone pointed out, there is a sign above the theater for Holler.

Now t/d/b/a haterobics on here.

RippedMan Profile Photo
#6Holler If You Hear Me
Posted: 3/29/14 at 12:19am

It'll def be interesting to see how it sells. It won't fail due to lack of signage. I mean you can see the marquee while you're in line at TKTS. I just don't know what the show IS.

#7Holler If You Hear Me
Posted: 3/29/14 at 12:25am

If it is opening in June, one imagoes they have to start telling us soon... since I never got into Tupac, I'll be waiting to hear from others first.

Now t/d/b/a haterobics on here.

jdrye222 Profile Photo
#8Holler If You Hear Me
Posted: 3/30/14 at 6:48pm

I know someone who is a house crew person at the Palace and they have load-in dates starting pretty soon.
I think the producers are, probably wisely, waiting for the rush and buzz of the end of this season to chill out before making a big push in advertising. My guess is tickets go on sale soon, but that they don't do a big advertising slam until late in april.
I think the fact that it's not ABOUT Tupac makes it more interesting.
He wrote some emotional poetry. I'm excited to see how that gets translated to the stage.

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#9Holler If You Hear Me
Posted: 3/31/14 at 12:21am

I really thought that this was a no-go, and I'm in shock that tickets are not on sale yet for a May preview start... but considering load-in days are scheduled it seems that it's happening. A very strange timeline.

#10Holler If You Hear Me
Posted: 3/31/14 at 9:23am

There is a giant billboard above the theater in Times Square. What do you mean there's no signage?

Yes, the Annie stuff is on the doors, but the Annie billboard has been replaced by one for Holler. It's on track.

#11Holler If You Hear Me
Posted: 3/31/14 at 10:23am

Well considering there is ZERO buzz around this show. They better hurry up in order to fill a 1800 seat house. I GARAUNTEE there won't be 1800 bodies in that theater total for this show. If shows like Big Fish who had out of town runs and and Big names in the show can't last. I have my doubts about a no name no publicity show. But I guess we will see in 7 weeks when they have the first preview.

#12Holler If You Hear Me
Posted: 3/31/14 at 10:33am

We hike I see your point, Broadwaystar2, I would say that this has no draw to it. Tupac/2Pac has a large and loyal fanbase, but they won't be able to see the show without knowing that it exists.

Subjective Sarcasm Profile Photo
Subjective Sarcasm
#13Holler If You Hear Me
Posted: 3/31/14 at 5:10pm

The producers' held auditons a couple weeks back, so I'm guessing it's still on track to start performances in May.

Depaultheatrekid Profile Photo
#14Holler If You Hear Me
Posted: 3/31/14 at 8:44pm

And since Kenny Leon is directing I assume, things wouldn't get official underway until after A Raisin in the Sun opens on thursday.
