
No stage door now how will people get an autograph - Page 2

No stage door now how will people get an autograph

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#25No stage door now how will people get an autograph
Posted: 7/24/20 at 12:03pm

They will deal with it. Unless they intend taking them into the afterlife they need to deal with reality .Nice to have yes.Worth having panic attacks for no. To discuss this while Corona is with us seems a bit head scratching. Corona is with us and day by day the city is being destroyed. The city will be totally different going forward .That is reality

Lots of things we missed that will never return. I am greatful that my hip replacement surgery is finally scheduled for 9/24. .Once that is done I have an important thing in my life restored to me .I don't want to preach but it seems petty to discuss this now when theater is shut down .Interesting to see in what form it comes back. Apologies to anyone's feeling I hurt

Poster Emeritus

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#26No stage door now how will people get an autograph
Posted: 7/24/20 at 12:11pm

No feelings hurt, I am glad your surgery is scheduled, but this is a theater board. We will discuss theater on it, even during the sad ass year that is 2020. 

#27No stage door now how will people get an autograph
Posted: 7/24/20 at 12:45pm

Since autographs are not part of the experience being sold when buying a ticket, people will have to get over not getting one. Of all the ridiculous complaints over consequences of the pandemic, this got to be pretty high up on that list.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#28No stage door now how will people get an autograph
Posted: 7/24/20 at 12:49pm

Thank Fosse Should have been on the other board

Poster Emeritus

#29No stage door now how will people get an autograph
Posted: 7/24/20 at 12:53pm

Shakespeare wrote: "The play's the thing unto we catch the conscience of the king."

He said nothing about autographs

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#30No stage door now how will people get an autograph
Posted: 7/24/20 at 12:56pm

Indeed kind sir

Poster Emeritus

#31No stage door now how will people get an autograph
Posted: 7/24/20 at 1:26pm

quizking101 said: "1) Its possible that shows may start selling limited supply of autographed posters/Playbills as a regular thing, which they could then funnel to a charity/relief fund for working actors (Actors Fund/BCEFA)"

I feel like people with no real desire to have an interaction with the actors would not stage door if autographed posters/Playbills were a reasonable price... like $20. It would also drastically reduce the incentive for autograph hounds/resellers if you could purchase a reasonably priced autographed Playbill like any other souvenir at the merch stand. But I don't think that's ever going to happen because if you reduce the price like that, you can't charge $50 to $100 later for any of the BCEFA events. 

I expect that big donors and such will still find ways to do meet and greets and get access to actors. I don't think CD/book signings (events where actors promote their personal projects) and gala events are fully going to go away once social distancing is no longer as much of a priority. But the stage door might take longer to come back.

#32No stage door now how will people get an autograph
Posted: 7/24/20 at 1:28pm

Have to admit that I think the whole stage door / autograph Thing is pretty lame. I have two autographs, one from Barbra Streisand in Funny Girl, one from Angela Lansbury in Mame. I decided at 16 that it was not worth the bother. I will admit that I did cross 45th street to ‘see’ Julia Roberts, but that was once; and, as everyone knows, that was a scene out of Day of the Locusts.

With that perspective, I have to agree with Mr. Roxy. I know this is a theatre board, but for 90 - 98% (depending on the magnitude of the star) of theatre goers, this is a non-issue...they do not care. It is not theatre...what you just saw is theatre.

#33No stage door now how will people get an autograph
Posted: 7/24/20 at 2:12pm

Again, the issue with all of this is that the stage door is a door.  It's not an arena where someone will check a ticket at the door and determine whether or not to let somebody inside.  It's literally an entrance to a building and leads right out onto a city street, which means anyone can stand right outside of it.  Yes, there will be security, but most security is inside, only coming out when the sanctioned stage door event happens.  And even if they were to hire extra security to stand outside each door (which they assuredly won't given the amount of money already lost), again, there is nothing legally preventing anyone from being outside of the stage door.  The space outside of the stage door is not property of the theatre, it is a public sidewalk that anyone can be on 24/7.

I really hope I'm wrong and that people will be smart and respectful and leave the actors alone for the immediate future.  But I also don't see how they can actually eliminate the stage door as they're talking about.

JBroadway Profile Photo
#34No stage door now how will people get an autograph
Posted: 7/24/20 at 2:43pm

To those criticizing the existence of this thread:

You make these criticisms as if all of the more serious topics haven't already been covered. If people were talking only about frivolous things like the stage door, and nothing else, then that might seem inappropriate. But we're almost 5 months into the pandemic; all of the larger issues have been covered several times over in dozens of other threads, and are still being covered.  And as for the EVEN larger issues that are happening right now (disease, genocide, police brutality, extreme wealth inequality) - these are being discussed 24/7 on every other social media platform, and don't really belong on this board anyway. There's enough bandwidth on the internet for all of this, and hopefully enough space in people's brains. And those who feel that they can't engage in discussions about frivolous things because it would be a distraction from the larger issues are more than welcome to abstain for engaging. 

HogansHero Profile Photo
#35No stage door now how will people get an autograph
Posted: 7/24/20 at 3:23pm

The notion that we should stop thinking (and chatting) about what gives us pleasure because there are more serious things to think about is called malaise, and malaise is not something to be encouraged. To my pre-existing mantra, patience, let me add: context. To semi-quote some show I saw a while back, the world is wide enough for both...

Wee Thomas2 Profile Photo
Wee Thomas2
#36No stage door now how will people get an autograph
Posted: 7/24/20 at 3:46pm

I will finally get back to the hotel at a reasonable hour with my partner who wants to stagedoor after almost every show.  No more sweltering summer afternoons after a matinee or Freezing February nights standing, waiting, hoping.

#37No stage door now how will people get an autograph
Posted: 7/24/20 at 4:15pm

people here are talking like their wont be a vaccine....

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#38No stage door now how will people get an autograph
Posted: 7/24/20 at 4:18pm


Is there a 100% chance there will be a vaccine? Nope. 

#39No stage door now how will people get an autograph
Posted: 7/24/20 at 4:26pm

Sutton Ross said: "This is a website called Broadway Worldand the particular board is for Broadway related stuff. This thread is about getting autographs after a Broadway show and what that will look like next year. Even though I do not participate in the stage door, I will still defend the OP's right to post it. On a theater board. Not interested in this particular discussion? Cool. Don't participate. ."

I just think there are a lot more important things to be worrying about that whetherI can still get so-and-so's autograph, theatre board or not.  

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#40No stage door now how will people get an autograph
Posted: 7/24/20 at 4:36pm

Okay, so as JBroadway said you can abstain from engaging in this thread then. If something does not interest you or it's not on your radar in terms of things going on in the world right now, there's no need to comment here. Truly. 
