
Binoculars Recommendation? From Someone Who Uses Them, Please

Binoculars Recommendation? From Someone Who Uses Them, Please

#1Binoculars Recommendation? From Someone Who Uses Them, Please
Posted: 8/20/22 at 3:39pm

Any recs for binoculars / opera glasses?  Links appreciated, if possible.

Updated On: 8/21/22 at 03:39 PM

#3Binoculars Recommendation?
Posted: 8/20/22 at 10:21pm

BrodyFosse123 said: "https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2334524.m570.l1311&_nkw=opera+glasses&_sacat=0&LH_TitleDesc=0&LH_FS=1&rt=nc&_odkw=hanging+light+fixture&_osacat=0&Color=White&_dcat=117503&LH_PrefLoc=1&_udhi=75"

Thanks Brody, but (at least for me) this link shows a list of binoculars, in a variety of styles and brands.  Is there one in particular you recommend?


Fan123 Profile Photo
#4Binoculars Recommendation?
Posted: 8/21/22 at 3:01am

If you can, I would recommend trying a pair or two in person before you buy. I found that a pair which seemed to be the best in theory, didn't give me as clear of a view as another pair, for some reason.

#5Binoculars Recommendation?
Posted: 8/21/22 at 2:17pm

Fan123 said: "If you can, I would recommend trying a pair or two in person before you buy. I found that a pair which seemed to be the best in theory, didn't give me as clear of a view as another pair, for some reason."

So what is the pair that gave you a clear view?  :)

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#6Binoculars Recommendation?
Posted: 8/21/22 at 2:28pm

Seriously now.  Just read the consumer reviews on this link and you’ll get your answer in minutes.  Each of these listed has a handful of reviews from people who bought the item.  This message board is the worst place you should be asking.  cheeky


CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#7Binoculars Recommendation?
Posted: 8/21/22 at 2:29pm

Get the binoculars with a hidden video camera.

#8Binoculars Recommendation?
Posted: 8/21/22 at 3:16pm

BrodyFosse123 said: "Seriously now. Just read the consumer reviews on this link and you’ll get your answer in minutes. Each of these listed has a handful of reviews from people who bought the item. This message board is the worst place you should be asking. cheeky



Quite the opposite.  Every product these days has equally good and bad reviews, lots of times from people who have tried the product maybe once.  Also fake reviews.  This message board is full of theater aficionados who go to a lot of shows and are very particular (as am I) about things like seating and view. 

So I would value a rec from someone on this Board above random reviews.  But from someone who owns a pair they've used and really like.  If you don't own/use binoculars, I'm not sure why you'd feel compelled to respond to this thread with a random list.  I didn't ask for guidance on how to conduct a Google search :)

Huss417 Profile Photo
#9Binoculars Recommendation?
Posted: 8/21/22 at 3:25pm

SydneyBristow said: "BrodyFosse123 said: "Seriously now. Just read the consumer reviews on this link and you’ll get your answer in minutes. Each of these listed has a handful of reviews from people who bought the item. This message board is the worst place you should be asking. cheeky


Quite the opposite. Every product these days has equally good and bad reviews, lots of times from people who have tried the product maybe once. Also fake reviews. This message board is full of theater aficionados who go to a lot of shows and are very particular (as am I) about things like seating and view.

So I would value a rec from someone on this Board above random reviews. But from someone who owns a pair they've used and really like. If you don't own/use binoculars, I'm not sure why you'd feel compelled to respond to this thread with a random list. I didn't ask for guidance on how to conduct a Google search :)

I believe Brody was trying to help you and not compelled to respond.

"I hope your Fanny is bigger than my Peter." Mary Martin to Ezio Pinza opening night of Fanny.

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#10Binoculars Recommendation?
Posted: 8/21/22 at 4:02pm

Based on the tens of recommendations you’ve received from members of this board, my suggestion has more weight than waiting months for a member on this message board to provide you recommendations.  A little common sense and using your own judgment on those Amazon reviews will take you farther than this message board. cheeky

JBroadway Profile Photo
#11Binoculars Recommendation?
Posted: 8/21/22 at 4:11pm

I think the problem here is that while many of us are theatre aficionados, probably very few of us are binocular aficionados. I wonder how many theatregoers who use binoculars actually put much thought into the brand they use, or who even try multiple pairs. The binoculars I use are ones that I found in a storage box at my dad's house like 8 years ago, and he was just like like "yeah i have another pair, you can take those if you want."

Although I will say I do prefer them to the much cheaper + bulkier ones I used before that. Problem is, I certainly don't remember the brand I used to use 8 years ago.

For the record, I currently use a pair of Bushnell brand binoculars. But they don't have a serial number, so I don't know how to direct you to this specific version. Next to the right eye it just says "7 x 25, 381ft at 1000 yards"

TaffyDavenport Profile Photo
#12Binoculars Recommendation?
Posted: 8/21/22 at 4:16pm

I love my Nikons that I've had for like 20 years, and this looks like a great clearance price at Best Buy. If I needed a new pair, I'd definitely invest in these, and I'm almost tempted to get them because they're so cheap:


Just looked around, and the Metropolitan Opera Shop sells the same pair in blue for $40 more.

Updated On: 8/21/22 at 04:16 PM

Pasunepomme Profile Photo
#13Binoculars Recommendation?
Posted: 8/22/22 at 8:39pm

I use a set of the ones linked below, which I snagged on sale a while back from an optics shop. I like them and always have them with me if I am sitting mezz or balcony, but I suspect they are not 10x better (in terms of noticeable image quality) than a $30-40 pair of concert/opera bins


