Jason Robert Brown

phantomofrent Profile Photo
#0Jason Robert Brown
Posted: 6/24/04 at 2:05am

Does anyone know if Jason Robert Brown is coming out with a new musical any time soon? I love PARADE and SONGS FOR A NEW WORLD. He is defintely the composer that everyone should keep their eyes on.

iruvyou Profile Photo
#1re: Jason Robert Brown
Posted: 6/24/04 at 7:43am

wait phantom, you didn't mention last 5 years! (tell me you know last 5 years!)And that's a freakishly cool icon

Bobby is my hobby and I'm givin' it up!

#2re: Jason Robert Brown
Posted: 6/24/04 at 9:43am

JRB is my god.
He did the orchestrations for John and Jen (which was written by Lippa), if you want to check that out. It's brilliant.

phantomofrent Profile Photo
#3re: Jason Robert Brown
Posted: 6/24/04 at 11:35am

Oh crap. How could I forget "Last Five Years?" That is an amazing musical. And thanks about the icon. It took me awhile to find it.

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#4re: Jason Robert Brown
Posted: 6/24/04 at 11:38am

Jason Robert Brown is without a doubt the best composer today. IT would have been awesome for Jonathan Larson to still be around and they do a collaboration together. How great would that be?

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

onlylisab Profile Photo
#5re: Jason Robert Brown
Posted: 6/24/04 at 2:19pm

I always thought it would be amazing if Sondheim collaborated with JRB...I can't even imagine what they would come up with! It would be the most honest and creative show in the history of the WORLD!

"First up was Max who sang "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?" [...] I haven't seen that big of a reaction to a stair descent since Audra left the attic in Ragtime." --Seth Rudetsky

GovernorSlaton Profile Photo
#6re: Jason Robert Brown
Posted: 6/24/04 at 2:21pm

If Sondheim and JRB collaborate on the music, Hal and Daisy Prince have to co-direct it. It would be the best show ever. re: Jason Robert Brown

JohnPopa Profile Photo
#7re: Jason Robert Brown
Posted: 6/24/04 at 2:25pm

And all thirty people on this board would be the only ones who ever go see it.

POLisPOL Profile Photo
#8re: Jason Robert Brown
Posted: 6/24/04 at 2:36pm

I agree with the recommendation of JOHN & JEN...
One of the bests cd's I've ever heard... I LOVE IT!
And I agree with Last 5 Years, a great musical! I love the history, and how is explained

Nobody expects the spanish inquisition!
Updated On: 6/24/04 at 02:36 PM

USActorSinger Profile Photo
#9re: Jason Robert Brown
Posted: 6/24/04 at 5:56pm

Jason Robert Brown is my favorite current composer. I love the Parade recording (although I can understand why it wasn't a commercial success). I already loved Last Five Years form the recording.....but after I saw the Philadelphia Theatre Company's production it is my new favorite musical. The guy playing Jamie was a much better actor than Butz and the girl who played Cathy was amazing!! What is Jon and Jenn? By Andrew Lippa composer of The Wild Party??

POLisPOL Profile Photo
#10re: Jason Robert Brown
Posted: 6/24/04 at 6:09pm

John & Jen is a very simply (but powerful) musical about two brothers in the 1st act, and a mother and son the 2nd act.
The music is written by Andrew Lippa (the wild party), with orchestrations by JRB.
The OOBC is with my adored Carolee Carmello and it's one of my favourites musicals.

Nobody expects the spanish inquisition!

#11re: Jason Robert Brown
Posted: 6/24/04 at 6:19pm

er, not two brothers...

The first act is about Jen and her little brother John - from his birth to his death in Viet Nam 18 years later. The second act is about Jen and her son, who she names John after her dead brother. So the actress plays Jen from age 5 to age 40, and the actor plays two different "Johns" from birth to age 18.

We're doing the show at my theatre next spring.

#12re: Jason Robert Brown
Posted: 6/24/04 at 6:20pm


It's about a brother and sister in the first act (John and Jen). The brother dies at the end of the first act. The second act is Jen and her son, who she named John, and how John feels like he doesn't have his own identity because Jen expects him to be like her brother John.

It's a beautiful musical, I could identify especially with the first act, knowing what it's like to have a younger brother and be his only sibling. The musical is beautiful and endearing. The whole piece itself is quite touching.

POLisPOL Profile Photo
#13re: Jason Robert Brown
Posted: 6/24/04 at 6:31pm

My english is not as good as must be and sometimes I explain something wrong!



Nobody expects the spanish inquisition!

#14re: Jason Robert Brown
Posted: 6/24/04 at 7:13pm

Thank you, JohnPopa, a voice in the wilderness.

#15re: Jason Robert Brown
Posted: 6/24/04 at 7:25pm

I'm a Catholic girl, but one day at dinner a friend of mine and I decided (after listening to Parade) that we would start a new religion.
Jason Robert Brownism.
Any converters? hehe

~FloweryFriend~ Profile Photo
#16re: Jason Robert Brown
Posted: 6/24/04 at 7:33pm

Not converting necessarily, but definitely interested.
I love JRB!

I starred in a short film called Magnetic Personality. Check it out!

#17re: Jason Robert Brown
Posted: 6/24/04 at 8:43pm

can i just say that i <3 jrb

BroadwayBound06 Profile Photo
#18re: Jason Robert Brown
Posted: 6/24/04 at 8:51pm

If Sondheim and JRB collaborated. Who would do what? They're both amazing as both.

#19re: Jason Robert Brown
Posted: 6/24/04 at 9:00pm

I don't think they should collaborate. They have unique styles, let them stay that way.

sabrelady Profile Photo
#20re: Jason Robert Brown
Posted: 6/24/04 at 9:04pm

I believe he has runned away to Italy until he is appreciated . Viva Italia! Wonder how he will translate?

rclocalz Profile Photo
#21re: Jason Robert Brown
Posted: 6/24/04 at 9:14pm

I think Sondheim should write the first act and Brown write the second act of the same musical. Wouldn't that be interesting?

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BroadwayBound06 Profile Photo
#22re: Jason Robert Brown
Posted: 6/24/04 at 9:17pm

Quite, and who would write the book?

GovernorSlaton Profile Photo
#23re: Jason Robert Brown
Posted: 6/24/04 at 9:31pm

James Lapine should write the first act, and Alfred Uhry should write the second act. That would be awesome. re: Jason Robert Brown Updated On: 6/24/04 at 09:31 PM

#24re: Jason Robert Brown
Posted: 6/24/04 at 10:41pm

I'd rather watch a JRB musical one night and a Sonheim the next instead of act 1 and act 2.
They both have unique, unmatching styles that are equally brilliant. But it would offer no consistency to the show, and consistency is important.
We are sustaining disbelief, remember.
