
Defying Gavity Tony's performance.

Defying Gavity Tony's performance.

#0Defying Gavity Tony's performance.
Posted: 8/23/04 at 10:50am

I'm pretty sure this is legal... but if not please tell me! I missed the Tony Awards and I really want to see the defying gravity performance. Does anyone know where i could see it?


NBRISBY Profile Photo
#1re: Defying Gavity Tony's performance.
Posted: 8/23/04 at 10:55am

You didn't miss much. Idina was a little tired, and a lot gaspy.

#2re: Defying Gavity Tony's performance.
Posted: 8/23/04 at 11:07am

Still though... I really want to see it... all i have is the soundtrack and unless wicked comes out on DVD i'll might never get to see it. Does anyone have any clue whee i could see it?

#3re: Defying Gavity Tony's performance.
Posted: 8/23/04 at 11:10am

I'm sure some people on this board have a copy of the full Tonys. They could send it to you for the cost of shipping. Try asking for that instead, because I haven't heard of online clips of Wicked's Tony performance.

and it's cast recording....

*runs; hides* Updated On: 8/23/04 at 11:10 AM

uncageg Profile Photo
#4re: Defying Gavity Tony's performance.
Posted: 8/23/04 at 11:10am

I think I still have it on videotape. And I agree....you really didn't miss much. It was nice to see but she was really off. and the show is going on tour starting in January.

Just give the world Love.

#5re: Defying Gavity Tony's performance.
Posted: 8/23/04 at 11:12am

Well... i best be saving up my money for the chicago perfomance. If anyone ever runs across it. IT would be great if you could tell me! Thanks!


NBRISBY Profile Photo
#6re: Defying Gavity Tony's performance.
Posted: 8/23/04 at 11:13am

If you want a good video recording of it, then ask for the Letterman performance of it. She sounded great on that.

#7re: Defying Gavity Tony's performance.
Posted: 8/23/04 at 11:13am

I've got the performance on my computer. PM me.

redhotinnyc2 Profile Photo
#8re: Defying Gavity Tony's performance.
Posted: 8/23/04 at 12:35pm

You didn't miss a thing, Possum.. - it was one of the worst production numbers I've ever seen on the Tonys - flat singing, bad staging, bad writing...don't waste your time. Go out and get yourself the original Broadway Cast of a well written show, something like My Fair Lady, and listen to that instead - you'll hear great performances and wonderful lyrics and be a better person because of it!

"I don't really get the ending,all i can go with is when after several months,Judith saw Pat sang,and later she kissed him on the toilet,after that the story back to where Pat went down from the stage after he'd sung,and he went to the italian lady.I just don't get it,what Judith exatcly meant when he kissed Pat that she had seen,and did Pat end up together with The Italian Lady?Please help me,thank u very much!" Quote from someone on IMDB in reference to a movie he/she didn't understand. Such grammar!

NBRISBY Profile Photo
#9re: Defying Gavity Tony's performance.
Posted: 8/23/04 at 12:38pm

Or, Possum, you can decide to never move into 2004, and continue to listen to bad recordings of bad shows that older people enjoy like My Fair Lady.


musicalfandukie Profile Photo
#10re: Defying Gavity Tony's performance.
Posted: 8/23/04 at 12:38pm

it wasn't just idina's fault she was off..they had to take the song way to fast because of time..she keep gasping just to keep up with it.

#11re: Defying Gavity Tony's performance.
Posted: 8/23/04 at 12:40pm

Oh, NBRISBY, when you get the time could PM me that performance? Thanks in advance!


#12re: Defying Gavity Tony's performance.
Posted: 8/23/04 at 12:46pm

My fair lady is... very... long... good but... long...

jayem1968 Profile Photo
#13re: Defying Gavity Tony's performance.
Posted: 8/23/04 at 12:48pm

Thank goodness I'm not the only one who thought the number on the Tonys was just awful. I wish they had done "What is this feeling?"

Everybody goes down well with beer.

#14re: Defying Gavity Tony's performance.
Posted: 8/23/04 at 12:52pm

That is one of my most favorite songs! It's going to be like the "Anyhing you can do i can do better." of the next generation!

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#15re: Defying Gavity Tony's performance.
Posted: 8/23/04 at 12:52pm

NBrisby, I am 19 years old and firmly rooted in 2004 but I think My Fair Lady is brilliant. Grow up.

NBRISBY Profile Photo
#16re: Defying Gavity Tony's performance.
Posted: 8/23/04 at 1:10pm


I was just goofing off. No need to be angry, I meant it as a joke. I, however, do HATE HATE HATE My Fair Lady. I think the show doesn't do anything that I didn't expect, and the music is less than grand...but, that's my opinion. YOu can feel to disagree. I mean, you'll be wrong and all, but you can disagree. =)

mywonderwa11 Profile Photo
#17re: Defying Gavity Tony's performance.
Posted: 8/23/04 at 1:40pm

i know that somewhere online you can find the letterman performance of Wicked back in november.

"Somethin's comin', I don't know what it is but it is gonna be great!"

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#18re: Defying Gavity Tony's performance.
Posted: 8/23/04 at 1:44pm

Where online? Can't find it on Google...

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

NBRISBY Profile Photo
#19re: Defying Gavity Tony's performance.
Posted: 8/23/04 at 1:49pm

I've got a tape of it, and I'll try and find a way to record it for you if you absolutely can't find it online.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#20re: Defying Gavity Tony's performance.
Posted: 8/23/04 at 2:20pm

Ive got it saved on my computer-- PM me if ya need it.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#21re: Defying Gavity Tony's performance.
Posted: 8/23/04 at 2:21pm

Musicalfan, I'm not a professional Broadway performer, but if they speed up a song I'm trying to sing, I know how to adjust without completely losing pitch, sound, and breath. That's no excuse.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

bronxboundexpress Profile Photo
#22re: Defying Gavity Tony's performance.
Posted: 8/23/04 at 2:32pm

Idina Menzel was terrible at this performance.

#23re: Defying Gavity Tony's performance.
Posted: 8/23/04 at 2:32pm

Don't mess with My Fair Lady, pal. Especially not if it involves Julie Andrews and Rex Harrison.

And quit making excuses for Menzel, folks. It's not like the Tonys were the only time she screwed up "Defying Gravity." I've heard plenty of accounts of her sounding almost that bad in normal performances, too. I've heard her sing it 4 different times, and she never once pulled it off really well. It's just a shame- the melody of the song is actually rather nice, in a power-pop kind of way.

But if you're a fan of the show and you really want to see the flying effect in way too much closeup, get the Tony clip.

uncageg Profile Photo
#24re: Defying Gavity Tony's performance.
Posted: 8/23/04 at 3:23pm

Yeah, the camera work was awful!!! And she was a bit off the night I saw her. She pulled it off but her voice didn't ring.

Just give the world Love.
