Did Anyone See CAROLINE today?

Matt_G Profile Photo
#0Did Anyone See CAROLINE today?
Posted: 8/29/04 at 9:32pm

If so, please post a review. I'd love to know how it went.

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

chinkie azn jai Profile Photo
chinkie azn jai
#1re: Did Anyone See CAROLINE today?
Posted: 8/29/04 at 9:33pm

Theres a nice review on the other caroline, or change thrread.


"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D
Updated On: 8/29/04 at 09:33 PM

tmz814 Profile Photo
#2re: Did Anyone See CAROLINE today?
Posted: 8/29/04 at 9:38pm

I'll repost my review from the other thread....

I just got back from the final show of CoC. It was a magical experience. I have never seen more tears at a final show. I was in the front row and am so happy I got to be there to say goodbye to this wonderful show.

When the show started and Tonya came out the audience started clapping and wouldn't stop, and Tonya started crying. Tonya cried through half of the entire first scene in the basement. Everyone was so on. All of the principals got applause as they entered (including washing machine, radio, and dryer) and you could see the appreciation on their faces. The emotion was so powerful and everyone was into their performances. I don't think I've ever seen such anger from Harrison before and he did a cute riff during Roosevelt Patrucious Coleslaw(I know i probably spelled that wrong!!). The kids really had fun during the RPC dance. You could tell that they were making the most of their last performance together.

Tonya got a standing ovation after Lot's Wife and had to stand there trying not to break character because we didn't want to stop clapping. Lots of tears during I HATE THE BUS. Anika also had trouble getting out the final lines in the epilogue because she was starting to cry.

The standing ovation started before anyone even came out for the curtain call. The young boys who play Caroline's sons looked like they were trying to hold in tears the entire show and they finally let go during curtain call. They came out for the first boy and they were bawling through the rest of the curtain call. Lots of tears from everyone. Anika and the guy who plays the dryer (sorry I don't have my playbill w/ me right now) both had cameras with them onstage during curtain call and were taking pictures. They also had the swings, understudies, etc. join them onstage, as well as Tony Kushner, Jeanine Tresori (other spelling mistake i'm sure) and others. It was so emotional seeing how much this show has touched all of the people involved.

I was crying through almost the entire 2nd act and didn't want to leave the theater at the end. I wanted to stay at the stage door after, but had to catch a bus back to NJ (i didn't want to get caught in any of the protests). I only got to see this show 4 times, but I loved it so much and am sad to see it go.

Sorry about the rambling and any spellign mistakes, but I just wanted to get some of my thoughts out before I forgot them

We've all got our junk and my junk is you!

#3re: Did Anyone See CAROLINE today?
Posted: 8/29/04 at 10:03pm

Awww. How sad. This show really did not deserve to close, but it did...nothing we can do.

CCM '10!

BreakingTheCircle07 Profile Photo
#4re: Did Anyone See CAROLINE today?
Posted: 8/29/04 at 10:08pm

Thanks for that AMAZING review. I got goosebumps just reading it. I saw CoC over the summer and LOVED every minute of it. Tonya was an acting coach of mine and she's a magical woman.

Variations on a Theme blog: http://panekattack.blogspot.com/

adp22 Profile Photo
#5re: Did Anyone See CAROLINE today?
Posted: 8/29/04 at 10:09pm

thank you so much for that recap. it sounds like it was such a great afternoon. i am so glad i got to see this show and can't wait until it comes out on dvd.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#6re: Did Anyone See CAROLINE today?
Posted: 8/29/04 at 10:10pm

Thanks for the review !! Would have loved to have been there, but typing from room in WDW so things could be worse, I guess.

Thanks again !!!

Millie42 Profile Photo
#7re: Did Anyone See CAROLINE today?
Posted: 8/29/04 at 10:15pm

This is depresses me even further... I never even got to see it.
I am glad all went well though. I am sure it was an amazing performance.

"My friends have made the story of my life." -Helen Keller

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#8re: Did Anyone See CAROLINE today?
Posted: 8/29/04 at 10:15pm

Great review... so sad, though.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

johny0828 Profile Photo
#9re: Did Anyone See CAROLINE today?
Posted: 8/29/04 at 10:22pm

im so glad i got to see such a great show before it closed.

brdwaybaby17 Profile Photo
#10re: Did Anyone See CAROLINE today?
Posted: 8/29/04 at 10:26pm

Wait... Caroline or Change closed?? Why?? Man, I haven't been on here in way too long...

#11re: Did Anyone See CAROLINE today?
Posted: 8/29/04 at 10:29pm

ATC has a thread about this.

KMF_NYC Profile Photo
#12re: Did Anyone See CAROLINE today?
Posted: 8/29/04 at 10:43pm

I'm still coming off from one of the most amazing theater expreiances of my life...words can not start to capture the depth of emotion this performance conveyed both in the story and performers...true professionals -- one of the few perfect 2.5 hours....

I actaully got my ticket yesterday, I was suprised to get one...glad I looked!

"Sir K, the Viscount of Uppity-shire...." -- kissmycookie

NYSinger1 Profile Photo
#13re: Did Anyone See CAROLINE today?
Posted: 8/29/04 at 11:28pm

That was great TMZ. Having seen the show a couple of times, I was tearing when reading your post....

Let's hope it goes on tour....

#14re: Did Anyone See CAROLINE today?
Posted: 8/30/04 at 12:29am

"Caroline" was terrific today -- it was great seeing it for the fifth and last time. I first saw the show at the third preview at the Public and what has struck me most in the mean time is how much the cast has grown (acting-wise) in their roles. Veanne Cox especially (she was always quite good, of course, mind you) made her characterization of Rose into one of the real highlights of the show -- a brilliant performance. Chandra Wilson has also fully come into her own as Dottie. David Costabile, whom I thought "disappeared" a bit too much as Stuart early on, was the very portrait of the heartbroken, distant father -- an underrated, but fully dimensional and remarkable performance.

And as for Tonya Pinkins, her performance as Caroline has only deepened and become even more sublime (if that's possible). She was clearly working hard to be sure that each and every line of dialogue was clear and intelligible, and was fully in control of every emotional arc of the character. Vocally today , she was roughly at a 8 out of 10 for her, a little raspiness in the middle range and her high notes took a bit of effort, but otherwise, smooth sailing. She masterfully negotiated her break, her head voice was flawless and her "Lot's Wife," all-in-all, may be the best I've ever seen her do it. She more than deserved the extended standing ovation she received.

Final performances are wonderful and exciting for their electricity and this one didn't disappoint (I was sitting around folks who obviously didn't know this was a "last performance" and seemed confused by the effusive audience responce). Huge ovations for all of the principals upon their entrances, as well as after all of the main numbers (Anika Rose was a particular favorite throughout).

As mentioned before, "Lot's Wife" got about a three minute standing O (there was also quite an applause break after "Flat, Flat, Flat, Flaaaaaaaaaaat...... How about THAT...") -- at the end, thunderous applause at first, for the first 30 seconds or so, and then everyone jumped to their feet, while Pinkins held character alone on stage...... screams and whistles for the next couple of minutes.

The curtain call was enormous. In addition to the main cast (as noted, the kids were all weeping -- Anika Rose was innocently taking pictures of the crowd), they brought out all of the understudies for a bow and shortly afterwards, Tesori and Kushner came out and the audience went crazy again. No speeches at the curtain.

Outside, the cast was beyond sweet and gracious for the fans (I'm not an autograph person, but it was fun watching all the happy people with their posters and playbills -- Pinkins especially seemed to take her time with each and everyone outside, posing for pictures, giving out hugs and being more than kind with everyone she encountered). I noticed Nathan Lane outside(didn't he have a "Frogs" performance at the same time?), Craig Lucas (hugging Kushner), and Michael McElroy among the throng, before I took off. Despite all of the protest madness, it was a fun day and that block of 49th Street seemed quite festive despite the fact that "Caroline" had just finished its run.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [http://margochanning.broadwayworld.com/] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney
Updated On: 8/30/04 at 12:29 AM

The Goat
#15re: Did Anyone See CAROLINE today?
Posted: 8/30/04 at 2:36pm

Margo, my "last performance" impressions are on the other "Caroline" final performance thread. Yes, I agree, Pinkins has never been better on "Lot's Wife." And, where were you sitting? I was right in front of a couple who didn't seem to know it was the last performance, and were also puzzled by all the hulabaloo. We may have had this couple surrounded! Wished I could have stayed for more of the stage door festivities, sounds like they were wonderful, and offered some nice closure for cast, crew, and fans. I stuck around after the orchestra finished the "exit" music and applauded them and the conductor--I had to tell them what a fabulous job they have been doing for the past six months.
