
How hard is it to become a Bway actress

How hard is it to become a Bway actress

qpidsangel Profile Photo
#0How hard is it to become a Bway actress
Posted: 8/6/03 at 11:15am

How hard is it to become a Broadway actress?

Be careful the things you wish for, they may just come true.- The Witch, ITW

#1re: How hard is it to become a Bway actress
Posted: 8/6/03 at 11:22am

Just ask Juliana.

#2re: re: How hard is it to become a Bway actress
Posted: 8/6/03 at 12:12pm

Not too hard. If you really believe in yourself, and pray and feel as if you deserve it, you'll get it, how could you not? To sum up: Believe, deserve, pray, sit back and wait for them to discover you.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#3re: re: re: How hard is it to become a Bway actress
Posted: 8/6/03 at 12:25pm

It really is all about your relationship with God. Are you saved, by any chance?

#4re: How hard is it to become a Bway actress
Posted: 8/6/03 at 12:55pm

Upon asking the cast of Gypsy for advice, Wally Dunn wrote: "Practice, Practice, Practice- It's not Carnegie Hall, but it's close enough..."

I just graduated from College with a theatre major, and just three weeks later, I was cast as a dancer in a community production of Damn Yankees...I am meeting a wonderful group of people...

Just keep trying...Everyone tells me it's hard, but if you have dedication and heart, you will make it...

I had a dream... I dreamed it for you June... It wasn't for me Herbie... And if it wasn't for me, then where would you be, Miss. Gypsy Rose Lee?

#5re: re: How hard is it to become a Bway actress
Posted: 8/6/03 at 12:56pm

That's what I was saying. You can't NOT make it.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

flaemmchen Profile Photo
#6re: re: re: How hard is it to become a Bway actress
Posted: 8/6/03 at 3:07pm

It depends. Some people make it with their first audition while for others it takes ten years. You just have to work really hard and stay determined, even when you get rejected (and that may happen often). If you believe that you're good enough and did your best, then you'll slowly regain your confidence and head on to the next audition. Just keep on top of everything and keep working at your craft by taking class and seeing other shows (which allows you to observe other actors).

"Peace! The charm's wound up." --Macbeth

Hello Gorgeous
#7re: re: re: re: How hard is it to become a Bway actress
Posted: 8/6/03 at 3:35pm

I agree with all that advice, (I know this is cliche) if you believe in yourself, you can do it. It takes a lot of practice, and you're going to have to work your way up from the bottom. You're time will come in due time!

~*Christa*~ "Don't ya wanna be the life of the party?" Idina Menzel, THE WILD PARTY

#8re: re: re: re: re: How hard is it to become a Bway actress
Posted: 8/6/03 at 7:37pm

Actually, it's not very difficult at all. Just look up the addresses of some casting agents in the phone book and pay them a visit. The demand for actors is sometimes so great that these selfsame agents go out on the street on their lunch breaks and ask people on the street if they'd like jobs. I understand that's how Bernadette Peters got cast in GYPSY--she was having lunch at Howard Johnson's on Times Square.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#9re: re: re: re: re: re: How hard is it to become a Bway actress
Posted: 8/6/03 at 8:28pm

Slash, I was going to post the exact same thing verbatim ("just ask Juliana"). Bless your hearts!

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#10re: How hard is it to become a Bway actress
Posted: 8/6/03 at 10:01pm

"sit back and wait for them to discover you."

THAT'S BS! Sorry, but you cannot just sit back and wait to be discovered...you're ass will go numb from sitting that long. If you really want it, you have to go out and fight for it. Go to them; don't wait for them to come to you.....b/c it rarely happens.

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

#11re: re: re: re: re: re: How hard is it to become a Bway actress
Posted: 8/7/03 at 12:05am

Dolly, that was a good laugh of the day!!

#12How hard is it to become a Bway actress
Posted: 8/7/03 at 12:34am

I know this should go under the Things I like / dislike thread but sometimes it takes awhile for a peeve to set in.

Because, wow, and I thought people took snipes at ATC.

So I read the guidelines the other day and thinking I understood them I registered. But now I realize the guidelines are really just suggestions for those who choose to follow them.

Past two days I've read two different posters call another member a smartass. Yesterday's also had the added bonus of calling this member a twit. And I haven't read half the threads on this board. Add to that the obscenity that's included in that LAST FIVE YEARS quote that someone uses as a tag line and I think the question to be asked is not how hard is to be a B'way actress, but rather, how hard it is to follow simple rules. Really, how hard is it?

Rest in peace, Iflitifloat.
Updated On: 8/7/03 at 12:34 AM

Songsstresss Profile Photo
#13re: How hard is it to become a Bway actress
Posted: 8/7/03 at 1:28am

What does ANY of that have to do with this thread?!

#14re: How hard is it to become a Bway actress
Posted: 8/7/03 at 1:40am

I'm not sure I understand why the L5Y quote in Songsstresss's (Wow, that's a lot of S's!) signature bothers you... it's a great quote from a great show, therefore it pertains to the whole subject of theatre. Theatre is a lot about entertainment, yes? I am entertained by that quote.

Songsstresss Profile Photo
#15re: re: How hard is it to become a Bway actress
Posted: 8/7/03 at 1:40am

Aside from the random rant of a certain new member, this thread really intrigues me. I too, am moving out to NYC in a year or so to pursue a career in theater. I've prepared myself for the inevitable years and years of auditioning and waitressing and will continue to prepare myself for such a life, but you all have really given me a greater sense of hope. Hopefully my years of training and planning will truly pay off. Thanks for the support and encouragment.

Songsstresss Profile Photo
#16re: re: re: How hard is it to become a Bway actress
Posted: 8/7/03 at 1:44am

And thank you for the back-up, Broadwayguy86! re: re: re: How hard is it to become a Bway actress

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#17re: re: re: How hard is it to become a Bway actress
Posted: 8/7/03 at 1:58am

It is very hard. Do not expect to make a living on theatre, if you can, great. Do it for the passion of performing, not for the notoriety. But you had better be able to type, file, answer phones or wait on tables because that is how you will pay your bills. There is a lot of competition, and even though you may be the right person for the role, there will often be someone "righter".

And do not forget that a Broadway credit is NOT the only sign of a successful actor. There is a lot of regional theatre where great work is being done.

I don't mean to discourage you, AT ALL! Go for your dreams, just know it won't all be opening nights and cast parties.
Good luck.


SueleenGay Profile Photo
#18re: re: re: re: How hard is it to become a Bway actress
Posted: 8/7/03 at 3:44am

Of course, I could have said, now re-reading the original subject:



MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#19re: re: re: re: re: How hard is it to become a Bway actress
Posted: 8/7/03 at 4:55am

Easy. First become a moderately talented Hollywood star. Then, when you are a wee bit more than past your prime and screen roles become thin-on-the-ground, you can then take on Broadway. Desperation helps. It also is a plus to have a more talented spouse who is on Broadway at the same time you are, the better to ride his or her coattails. It doesn't matter if you really can't sing, dance or act. The less competent you are, the better. Because you are a Hollywood star first, people will buy tickets for curiosity value alone and Ben Brantley will think you are just darling. Your sucess is assured. Just don't expect a Tony. Yet.

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

qpidsangel Profile Photo
#20re: re: re: re: re: re: How hard is it to become a Bway actress
Posted: 8/7/03 at 2:53pm

^Just wondering who are you talking about specifically?


Be careful the things you wish for, they may just come true.- The Witch, ITW

Songsstresss Profile Photo
#21re: re: re: re: re: re: re: How hard is it to become a Bway actress
Posted: 8/7/03 at 5:38pm

Obviously, Melanie Griffith. Right, MasterClz?

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#22re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: How hard is it to become a Bway actress
Posted: 8/8/03 at 2:33am

Just a quick note:
Ass= a donkey
Twit= A pregnant goldfish
re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: How hard is it to become a Bway actress

If you don't enjoy the way people post, then don't read this message board. You (etoile) are the only one who has ever complained. Even when people call each other names they don't get that uptight. Loosen up. Enjoy. I never even noticed Songsstresss's quote until you mentioned it. I am not offended; and if I were, I just wouldn't read it again. Did you join this forum just to lecture us?

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

King Stevos
#23re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: How hard is it to become a Bway actress
Posted: 8/8/03 at 3:33am

Is it true that it is easier for men to make it than gals? or is that just how it seems?

I always believe that confidence shines in the auditioning process so when you are auditioning for a role, even if you have never done a show before, you have to make the caster/s think you are a star. And if you believe it they might and you might find yourself sitting there in the chorus, living the dream of many people.


