About Time for PIPPIN Revival

#0About Time for PIPPIN Revival
Posted: 8/16/03 at 1:05pm

Last night on a two hour car ride I was listening to Pippin and feeling it's definitely time for a revival!

Who would you cast??

Here's SOME ideas..

Pippin - Gavin Creel, Devon May,
Leader -
Grandma - Chita Rivera (And She could Dance it too!)
Frastrada - (could be young!) Amy Spanger
Catherine -

any other ideas...?

#1re: About Time for PIPPIN Revival
Posted: 8/16/03 at 1:10pm

Wow! Gavin! What a surprise! Ditch Amy, insert Sutton.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#2re: re: About Time for PIPPIN Revival
Posted: 8/16/03 at 1:12pm

totally thought of Sutton, but Amy can play a little older than Sutton, Sutton's too thin Amy's more womanly for Frastrada... but either CAN work! :)

#3re: re: re: About Time for PIPPIN Revival
Posted: 8/16/03 at 1:13pm

I think they should really try something radically different. Make it a one-person show and let Sutton play all the parts. Charles Ludlam would have been able to do it.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#4re: re: re: re: About Time for PIPPIN Revival
Posted: 8/16/03 at 1:19pm


Bwaybabie Profile Photo
#5re: re: re: re: re: About Time for PIPPIN Revival
Posted: 8/16/03 at 1:21pm

Sutton could be the Leader. It is possible to have that part played by a woman.

dididda Profile Photo
#6re: re: re: re: re: re: About Time for PIPPIN Revival
Posted: 8/16/03 at 1:26pm

id put sutton as catherine
i think id put jane krakowski as fastrada
i love the idea of gavin as pippin
who could be LP? im not sure....

""the gays love their presents. just wave something shiny in front of their faces, you can get whatever you want. Thats how we got manhattan from the gay indians" -Karen (W&G)"

#7re: re: re: re: re: re: re: About Time for PIPPIN Revival
Posted: 8/16/03 at 2:41pm

I say cast a completely new group of people. I am sick of all the same people being cast!

CCM '10!

#8re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: About Time for PIPPIN Revival
Posted: 8/16/03 at 2:56pm

i loved Pippin..........would be nice to see a great production again


#9re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: About Time for PIPPIN Revival
Posted: 8/16/03 at 4:03pm

Pippin: Gavin Creel

Leading Player: Wayne Brady

Catherine: Lauren Kennedy or Sutton Foster

King Charlie: Nathan Lane

Berthe: Louise Pitre from Mamma Mia or Chita

Fastrada: Megan Mullally

Lewis: Matthew Morrison

#10re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: About Time for PIPPIN Revival
Posted: 8/16/03 at 4:07pm

Once again, the same favorites. I say all new people.

CCM '10!

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#11re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: About Time for PIPPIN Revival
Posted: 8/16/03 at 4:57pm

Elaine Stritch as Bertha!

I love this show--it would have to be done WELL!

#13re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: About Time for PIPPIN Revival
Posted: 8/17/03 at 1:21am

BwayTheatre11...I understand that you would like all new names. But have you considered that these "same old favorites" might be favorites for a reason? These are incredibly talented people and this is the cast I would like to see perform the show based on what I have seen them do previously.

#14re: About Time for PIPPIN Revival
Posted: 8/17/03 at 1:50am

It is hard for me to decide if the people who mention Sutton and Gavin for EVERY SINGLE ROLE WRITTEN are being facetious or if they are really that ignorant. I completely agree with BwayTheatre11.

Sorry to break it to you, TMM-firsters. Sutton and Gavin will never again be cast in the same show.

TheBalladeer Profile Photo
#15re: re: About Time for PIPPIN Revival
Posted: 8/17/03 at 3:52am

You know, I used to try and defend people's right to say what they wish on this board...but this is getting ridiculous. I can see why some people get frustrated with some of the posters on this board....I am SO sick of seeing Sutton Foster and Gavin Creel's name plastered all over this place....not to mention Alice Ripley (who are all talented by the way). Could you guys please go see another show, broaden your horizons and learn about other musical theatre performers, and stop harping on these same damned performers....yes Sutton et al are talented, but there is no way one performer can be right for every single role under the sun, no matter how talented they are. So please do some of us who are not Sutton and Gavin worshippers a favor, and try to think of some other performers to talk of? You know, "think outside of the box"? Thank you. (end of rant).

Your Friendly Neighborhood Balladeer

P.S. It ISN'T time for another Pippin revival. Enough revivals already.

"Someone tell the story...Someone sing the song...."

#16re: re: re: About Time for PIPPIN Revival
Posted: 8/17/03 at 4:31am

moments like this make me happy to know that we will always have our favorite friendly neighborhood balladeer.

alterego Profile Photo
#17re: re: re: re: About Time for PIPPIN Revival
Posted: 8/17/03 at 9:30am

Please some new people! Or a least some more imaginative casting. So sick of seeing Sutton Foster's name on this board.

How about Angela Lansbury making a return to Broadway as Berthe, Bebe Neuwirth, Michelle Pawk or Lucie Arnaz as Fastrada, Devon May as Pippin, Brad Oscar as Charlemagne. I'm stumped for a Leading Player though.

Hey, maybe Bernadette Peters could play Berthe.That'll throw the cat among the pidgeons. Ha!

#18re: re: re: re: re: About Time for PIPPIN Revival
Posted: 8/17/03 at 11:33am

Sutton as Squeaky Fromme in the Assassins revival! That's my vote.

Rob, do you not know who Charles Ludlam was?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 8/17/03 at 11:33 AM

#19re: re: re: re: re: re: About Time for PIPPIN Revival
Posted: 8/17/03 at 12:16pm

Namo, are u askin gme is Charles was? I don't know.

#20re: re: re: re: re: re: re: About Time for PIPPIN Revival
Posted: 8/17/03 at 2:44pm

I like the Angela Lansbury idea and the Brad Oscar idea. However...I have someone for Leading Player. I think it's time for a new take. It's always been a dark type.... how about we brighten it up a bit, and make the leading player more like a Pseudelus....I say...Jason Alexander as the leading player. He is a great dancer, he actually is a magician, he has great matter-of-fact comedic timing....i think he would be great for the role.

Seany Profile Photo
#21Leading Player
Posted: 8/17/03 at 4:36pm

How about Raul Esparza as the Leading Player? Just because...

There's a light in the darkness of everybody's life.

#22re: Leading Player
Posted: 8/17/03 at 4:43pm

i suspect Raul Esparza is a likely choice to play the leading player in a revival of Pippin:)


#23re: re: Leading Player
Posted: 8/17/03 at 11:08pm

I still stick to my choice of Wayne Brady as Leading Player. I saw him sing Magic To Do the other day and it was great.

#24re: re: re: Leading Player
Posted: 8/17/03 at 11:12pm

I think any revival of Pippin needs to take a tip from Cabaret and reinvent the show and make it totally fresh. The book could also use some tightening. I laso think that Pippin could work well in a space like studio 54 (but with actual theatre seats -- I just mean the way that the stage is constructed.
