
Julia Murney as Elphaba...What do you think?

Julia Murney as Elphaba...What do you think?

#0Julia Murney as Elphaba...What do you think?
Posted: 9/19/04 at 4:39pm

What about Julia Murney as Idina's replacement? Definitely has the range. She could be fun.

Anyone agree?

VivaBohemia Profile Photo
#1re: Julia Murney as Elphaba...What do you think?
Posted: 9/19/04 at 5:10pm

Honestly, after Idina, I'm not sure who I'd think could fit the role well...

*Krissy* **Support the use of illegal wood burning stoves. Get your own metal trash can today!**

carlyjibsonsman001 Profile Photo
#2re: Julia Murney as Elphaba...What do you think?
Posted: 9/19/04 at 5:43pm

that women needs to be on broadway. and show2n i love you your icon. i watch lazytown all the time.

"are we selling food, we can make a ton of money"

#3re: Julia Murney as Elphaba...What do you think?
Posted: 9/19/04 at 5:49pm

THnx Carly :) I totally agree about Julia.

#4re: Julia Murney as Elphaba...What do you think?
Posted: 9/19/04 at 6:29pm

True :)

#5re: Julia Murney as Elphaba...What do you think?
Posted: 9/20/04 at 6:34pm

So what do you think?

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#6re: Julia Murney as Elphaba...What do you think?
Posted: 9/20/04 at 9:37pm

based on her review who else is pulling for kristy kates to replace

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

#7re: Julia Murney as Elphaba...What do you think?
Posted: 9/20/04 at 9:43pm

not to be rude or anything, but this has been discussed many times before. i agree though. julia was in the workshop.

"People asking questions, lost in confusion. Well I tell them there's no problems, only solutions." ~The one and only John Lennon

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#8re: Julia Murney as Elphaba...What do you think?
Posted: 9/21/04 at 2:23pm

I've been saying Julia should replace her since I saw Wicked in Otcober of last year, but Julia didn't seem to want to, lol...and I believe she was in the workshop.

PerhapsACreamPuff Profile Photo
#9re: Julia Murney as Elphaba...What do you think?
Posted: 9/21/04 at 2:24pm

I think Idina Menzel would be a good replacement.

4 8 15 16 23 42

Hilda, Hilda, wake up! I've invented a maneuver.

Matt_G Profile Photo
#10re: Julia Murney as Elphaba...What do you think?
Posted: 9/21/04 at 2:25pm

I was kinda thinking about her, too but I'm not sure yet.

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

#11re: Julia Murney as Elphaba...What do you think?
Posted: 9/21/04 at 2:51pm

I heard Julia Murney was offered to standby for Elphaba after Stephanie J. Block left to do BFO, and she turned it down so they gave it to Eden.

#12re: Julia Murney as Elphaba...What do you think?
Posted: 9/21/04 at 3:43pm

Not long ago there was a discussion of why Murney hasn't done so much work on Broadway lately, and I believe Margo said she supports herself through voiceover work and can pick and choose her projects. If she turned down Wicked once, she's not likely to take it if it's offered again. Updated On: 9/21/04 at 03:43 PM

rKrispyt Profile Photo
#13re: Julia Murney as Elphaba...What do you think?
Posted: 9/21/04 at 4:35pm

my friend, an old director of mine, went to school with Julia and talks alot about the voice overs and stuff - that's how she (my friend) makes her living too so that she can afford to teach at a youth theatre that pays diddly during hte rest of her time, and be with her sons and all.

why was I replying to this post - now I've forgotten...

OH! Um, I also saw on Sutton Foster's bio that she was involved in the workshop of Wicked but there's nothing online about the workshop to clarify who did what and when during the looong process from workshop to broadway, so...Julia could have done it as well as Stephanie and Sutton, all at different points, y'know? I dunno.

this was a useless post - my apologies.

If I show you the darkness I hold inside, will you bring me to light?

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#14re: Julia Murney as Elphaba...What do you think?
Posted: 9/21/04 at 4:55pm

Sutton was only in the ensemble for thr workshop.

I know Julia was a part of it...she has it listed in a bio of hers. Plum is right though...I really don't think she is interested in replacing Idina...though she would be fantastic.

#15re: Julia Murney as Elphaba...What do you think?
Posted: 9/21/04 at 6:12pm

I have been saying Julia since day one...either her or Leah Hocking or Stephanie J Block (whom I heard is most likely to be the replacement) or even Coleen Sexton

#16re: Julia Murney as Elphaba...What do you think?
Posted: 9/21/04 at 6:18pm

okay, kristy cates was in the ensemble in san francisco, and when stephanie J block left, they made kristy the understudy. and kristy was offered the standby part when eden left i believe, but then they saw shoshana and gave it to her.

sndtrklvr Profile Photo
#17re: Julia Murney as Elphaba...What do you think?
Posted: 9/26/04 at 6:35am

yes, yes, yes. Julia Murney has the chops.

So my dear you think you can get to Broadway. Well, let me tell you something. Broadway has no room for people like you. Not the Broadway I know. My Broadway takes people like you and eats them up and spits them out. My Broadway is the Broadway of Merman, and Martin, and Fontaine, and if you think you can build yourself up by knocking other people down... ...GOOD LUCK... Seinfeld

#18re: Julia Murney as Elphaba...What do you think?
Posted: 9/26/04 at 8:03am

Now I've only seen Murney once, that was the HAIR benefit the other night and it was, well a little off, but from what I've read, she was ill.
I really don't have much of an opinion on her, I haven't seen her do anything. But other than "The Wild Party" which was how long ago? How is it that there is such a strong opinion of her?? And what pardon the dumb question, but what voiceover work has she done?

amasis Profile Photo
#19re: Julia Murney as Elphaba...What do you think?
Posted: 9/26/04 at 8:30am

She was in "A Class Act". She's also been doing the Actor's Fund Benefits... (Funny Girl in 2002, Chess in 2003, Hair - 2004.) She also did 'Broadway on Broadway'. So... she has definitely made quite a few appearances lately. Updated On: 9/26/04 at 08:30 AM

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#20re: Julia Murney as Elphaba...What do you think?
Posted: 9/26/04 at 11:05am

Thank you Spooky for being the only other person who finds this bizarre worship of Murney, well, bizarre. I'm all the way in L.A.,and even I heard about the little "problem" she had during HAIR. The bad buzz about Murney was second only to RuPaul. That being said, I've discussed this with DD at length(not to say we always agree) but her fan worship is completely surreal. She's never even been ON Broadway. And I'm not all together convinced that it has anything to do with her being able to "pick and choose". I think that's a nice way of saying she's not getting the jobs on Broadway she goes after. Plain and simple.

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#21re: Julia Murney as Elphaba...What do you think?
Posted: 9/26/04 at 11:29am

And once you read my pm back to you, i'll think you'll be singing a different tune.

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#23re: Julia Murney as Elphaba...What do you think?
Posted: 9/26/04 at 12:48pm

I don't mean anything bad, I just don't understand the hoopla.
Okay, so she's done the AF benefits, so what are we up to 5, so once a year, she comes out and performs during that. Well, let's not count the HAIR-she wasn't horrible and I wouldn't put her in the same category as Ru-that was scary, but I've read so much about her on this board, that was I was psyched to finally see what everyone has been talking about. And well, I guess it wasn't the right time.
So, where/when is it that I get to validate the opinions? That's all I'm asking, are people saying she has the range to do Elphaba based on one-song performances?
I mean the role seems a bit demanding than that.
And again, I still don't really have much of an opinion on her, I'd just like to know where everyone got there's.

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#24re: Julia Murney as Elphaba...What do you think?
Posted: 9/26/04 at 1:38pm

I get the distinct hunch that it's people who know her. Not shills exactly but people who think that by flooding these boards with praise about someone who's never been in a B'way show, will help her in some way. I stand firm behind my belief that that's a total waste of time. I'm sure no big shot producer is sitting around, making decisions about casting multi- million dollar shows, based on what gets said on this, or any other board. Not a good one, at least. To her credit, she was hired and subsequently quit, DOTV.
