
Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?

Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?

Lorelai Profile Photo
#0Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?
Posted: 11/14/03 at 9:57pm

I know a LOT of people on here collect Broadway things, signed playbills, window cards and whatever fun Broadway stuff you can find on your own or at the bc/efa flea market....
But does anyone on here collect anything else that isn't related to theatre? I know some people collect candles or stamps or anything?
Me...I love movies ALMOST as much as I love theatre. I started collecting movie posters )that are autographed by the film's cast) like about a year ago. After bidding on a few on Ebay I got to know two poster dealers who now email me when they get new things in so I have a chance to buy them before they sell them on Ebay and usually at a lower price. So now they are hanging up all over my apartment. I think my favorites are Sleepless in Seattle, The Hours and Chicago (I also have a prop that was used in the movie, one of the newspapers that are shown near the end, one stack said GUILTY and the other INNOCENT).
So...anyone else collect anything?

(formerly bronte604) "You really just love money and power and capitalism? You know they're never going to love you back." "Things happen for the best...I don't even believe that myself."

#1re: Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?
Posted: 11/14/03 at 9:57pm

Boys (MEN).

I keep them in a box under my bed Updated On: 11/14/03 at 09:57 PM

dotmarie Profile Photo
#2re: re: Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?
Posted: 11/14/03 at 10:08pm

Names. They are one of my biggest obsessions. I'm so weird, but I collect them. I have a long list on my computer.

newyorkuniq Profile Photo
#3re: re: re: Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?
Posted: 11/14/03 at 11:00pm

I have a massave Barbra Streisand Collection. I also collect Biography's of famous people throughout history. I have around 70.

Musetta1957 Profile Photo
#4re: Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?
Posted: 11/14/03 at 11:10pm

"Spores, molds, and fungus."

BillFinn Profile Photo
#5re: re: Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?
Posted: 11/14/03 at 11:23pm


Bill Finn rocks. Woot.

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#6re: re: re: Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?
Posted: 11/15/03 at 12:07am

used ones? lol

Anyway, I also collect Barbra related things, and I collect spoons. No, not spoons with which to eat things, spoons that I hang in a display case. It started when I was very little and my Dad would go away on business trips. He would always bring me back a spoon that represented the place he went. As I got older, and went to different states and countries (well, actually, the only other country I've ever been to was Italy), I would buy myself a spoon. I haven't actually bought any in a while, even though I've gone away. I've been a slacker re: re: re: Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?

And although this is included in Broadway things that are collected, I always buy a t-shirt from every show I see. I never wear them...I plan to make them into pillows. re: re: re: Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~
Updated On: 11/15/03 at 12:07 AM

BillFinn Profile Photo
#7re: re: re: re: Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?
Posted: 11/15/03 at 12:10am

omg TBaby that's an adorable idea!!!

I went to BroadwayNewYork in July and found an XXL ITW shirt on sale for $15, and even though it's a nightgown on me, I had to buy it being the ITW enthusiast I am, but now I can make it into a pillow!

Bill Finn rocks. Woot.

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#8re: re: re: re: re: Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?
Posted: 11/15/03 at 12:17am

re: re: re: re: re: Kind of off topic - What else do you collect? Glad I could inspire you.

Not to insult anyone here, but I kind of find the t-shirts cheesy as far as wearing them (unless it's to bed or if you're actually in the show that the shirt represents); but I really like them. At first I was going to make a blanket with them. Then I figured, if I keep buying more, the blanket will never be finished. So pillows were the answer. I can continue to buy the shirts, and just add pillows to the collection. Plus, this way I can get the front and back logos on them. re: re: re: re: re: Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

Lorelai Profile Photo
#9re: re: re: re: Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?
Posted: 11/15/03 at 12:25am

that's smart theatrebaby.....i wonder if i could do that with a quilt....i think that would look fun..what do u think?

(formerly bronte604) "You really just love money and power and capitalism? You know they're never going to love you back." "Things happen for the best...I don't even believe that myself."

#10Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?
Posted: 11/15/03 at 12:33am

Shirts just are cool because they let everyone know you saw the show. If I lived in NYC and attend Bway shows all of the time, I would think differently. When you see a show on tour, it is just cool to buy a shirt for memories...I guess. I don't know!

CCM '10!

Amneris Profile Photo
#11re: re: re: re: re: Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?
Posted: 11/15/03 at 12:34am

postcards and pins

Kitzarina Profile Photo
#12re: re: re: re: re: re: Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?
Posted: 11/15/03 at 1:31am

Faerie figurines, Rainbow Brite dolls, and anything Audrey Hepburn related that I can get my hands on.

"You're the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber!" --Family Guy

"Shut up! It's been 29 years!!!" --the incomparable Patti LuPone in her MUCH DESERVED Tony acceptance speech for Gypsy.

Kitzy's Avatar du Jour: Kitzy as Little Red Ridinghood in her college's production of "Into the Woods"

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#13re: Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?
Posted: 11/15/03 at 6:47am

Ohhh, I also collect Faerie Figurines re: Kind of off topic - What else do you collect? I totally forgot to put that. I've become rather obsessed with them over the past year for some reason.
And this goes back to when I was little....I have every doll from the Shera series, as well as every Rainbow Brite Doll.

I have some Barbie Dolls in the boxes, but not many. The only ones I have are: Cher-Bob Mackie, Elizabeth Taylor-Cleopatra, Elizabeth Taylor-in the lavender dress, Samantha-Bewitched, and the 2000 Holiday Barbie.

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

#14re: re: re: re: re: re: Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?
Posted: 11/15/03 at 12:14pm

Christopher Radko Christmas ornaments (although I'd like to add Mr. Radko himself to the collection) and Fontanini Nativity figures.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

Kitzarina Profile Photo
#15re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?
Posted: 11/15/03 at 12:18pm

Wow, I'm impressed. I'm trying to get all the Rainbow Brite dolls because I never had any when I was little and it was my favorite show. Unfortunately I'm to the point where I'll have to fork over $50-200 a doll to finish my collection.

"You're the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber!" --Family Guy

"Shut up! It's been 29 years!!!" --the incomparable Patti LuPone in her MUCH DESERVED Tony acceptance speech for Gypsy.

Kitzy's Avatar du Jour: Kitzy as Little Red Ridinghood in her college's production of "Into the Woods"

i luv stevo Profile Photo
i luv stevo
#17re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?
Posted: 11/15/03 at 5:27pm


Also, anything to do with Thoroughly Modern Millie, my lastest addition: a Millie mousepad and a poster signed by the cast from the BC/EFA fundraiser.

Broadwaylady Profile Photo
#18re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?
Posted: 11/15/03 at 6:47pm

Angels or anything else related. As gifts, I have received angel lamps, pillows, pins. etc. When I travel, I always buy one from the country I visit. This time, a Fontanini angel from Italy. It is absolutely gorgeous. This must be my ninth angel from Italy.

re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by moments that take our breath away." "Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain."

iflitifloat Profile Photo
#19re: Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?
Posted: 11/15/03 at 7:07pm

Moose. When I was first separated from my ex, a friend gave me a plastic moose head and said that now that I was the only adult in the house, I could do whatever the hell I wanted....even hang the moosehead in the living room. She was right...it was kind of liberating. It's been less fun since moose became a trendy motif. You know the uniqueness is gone when the local Kohls has a line of moose bathroom accessories. Sigh.

And no, for the record, my home is NOT decorated with moose...party lights, maybe....but not moose. Even so, there isn't a single room in my home of which Martha would approve...but then again, I don't really approve of Martha either...lol

Sueleen Gay: "Here you go, Bitch, now go make some fukcing lemonade." 10/28/10

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#20re: re: Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?
Posted: 11/15/03 at 7:21pm

Cookie Jars and vintage Fiesta.
Yes, I'm a dish queen.

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

WindyCityActor Profile Photo
#21re: re: re: Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?
Posted: 11/16/03 at 8:43am

Hmm..Oh Gawd! I'm realizd that as a Gay man I am a walking cliche'

1.) Akro Agate Glass
2.) Rhinestone Brooches
3.) Pembroke Welsh Corgi Figurines (I have two (getting the third next year) real Corgis at home)

Thank goodness, I break the cliche' with my extensive collection of leather and fetish gear..

Oh, wait! Damn!


aurora1958 Profile Photo
#22re: re: Kind of off topic - What else do you collect?
Posted: 11/16/03 at 3:57pm

Oh man Broadwayguy I wasn't expecting that. I nearly choked on my wine. EXCELLENT answer...LOL LOL! I dare not say what I collect here, I'll be torn apart in different directions.
