No nominations for Brooklyn??

#0No nominations for Brooklyn??
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:52am

I hope others feel the same way that I do - I am saddened and dissapointed that the Tony committee didn't present even ONE nomination to "Brooklyn", a musical which has found a loyal fan base, and which, for many, is an emotional night of theatre. The fact that William Finn's "Spelling Bee" has only been opened less than a month, and garnered more nominations than it should have is appauling - anyone can get up on stage and pretend to be a little kid. It takes heart to tell a story and sing from the soul, and that's what the talented cast of "Brooklyn" has done night after night since last year. How very dissapointing.

#1re: No nominations for Brooklyn??
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:55am

I think the revulsion displayed towards Brooklyn on this board is occasionally unfair but I don't think it should displace any of the othe rmusicals on the nomination list.


smartpenguin78 Profile Photo
#2re: No nominations for Brooklyn??
Posted: 5/10/05 at 9:56am

"The fact that William Finn's "Spelling Bee" has only been opened less than a month, and garnered more nominations than it should have is appauling - anyone can get up on stage and pretend to be a little kid"

I'll be happy in my assumption that this is a joke.

I stand corrected, you are as vapid as they say.
Updated On: 5/10/05 at 09:56 AM

MagicToDo82 Profile Photo
#3re: No nominations for Brooklyn??
Posted: 5/10/05 at 10:01am

Dude, I saw Brooklyn, and really enjoyed it - dont hit me, please - but with the strong overall field of contenders this year NONE of the cast/creative team of Brooklyn had a chance, or deserved nominations, really.... You can't compare it to Piazza, Spamalot, Spelling Bee, DRS, Chitty, or the revivals and their incredible casts. I enjoyed Brooklyn, but I'm not surprised its absent.

There's always room for pathos - and jazz hands.

#4re: No nominations for Brooklyn??
Posted: 5/10/05 at 10:01am

I think it deserved Best Featured Actress (Ramona Keller) and Best Costumes

alphieboy Profile Photo
#5re: No nominations for Brooklyn??
Posted: 5/10/05 at 10:08am

I agree Derek. I thought that Ms. Keller deserved a nod, and should have gotten one! I also think the costumes were worth while. But other than that, I feel no other nominations should have come out of this lacking show.

"If I have something to say, the whole world (BroadwayWorld) should hear it." - Thenardier

redhotinnyc2 Profile Photo
#6re: No nominations for Brooklyn??
Posted: 5/10/05 at 10:13am

Ya'll are kidding, right?

"I don't really get the ending,all i can go with is when after several months,Judith saw Pat sang,and later she kissed him on the toilet,after that the story back to where Pat went down from the stage after he'd sung,and he went to the italian lady.I just don't get it,what Judith exatcly meant when he kissed Pat that she had seen,and did Pat end up together with The Italian Lady?Please help me,thank u very much!" Quote from someone on IMDB in reference to a movie he/she didn't understand. Such grammar!

#7re: No nominations for Brooklyn??
Posted: 5/10/05 at 10:16am

Spelling Bee did not garner more nominations than Brooklyn because of its opening date. It got them because it is a better show. IMHO.

Rose_MacShane Profile Photo
#8re: No nominations for Brooklyn??
Posted: 5/10/05 at 10:18am

Hoo boy, where's Tiny-Toon?

The8re phan Profile Photo
The8re phan
#9re: No nominations for Brooklyn??
Posted: 5/10/05 at 10:36am

Yes, I you say, anyone can "get on stage and act like a kid". Just look at Eden in Brooklyn!!!!

Slotted spoons don't hold much soup

Corine2 Profile Photo
#10re: No nominations for Brooklyn??
Posted: 5/10/05 at 10:38am

Thank g-d for small miracles.
Keller did deserve a nod, but hopefully she will be put into a better show.

#11re: No nominations for Brooklyn??
Posted: 5/10/05 at 10:46am

There certainly seems to be a lot of despise and hate for this show. I apologize for bringing up such a sensitive subject. All I know is how I felt when I saw it. I had never seen people sing from their souls like that before, and it moved me. I've never seen 85 year old white women get up and cheer like they did the night I saw the show (granted, I saw it in previews). I enjoyed it - and I guess, at the end of the day, that's what matters - is that I took something away from it that perhaps others did not. Again - sorry to open the pandoras box of anger. LOL - go Spelling Bee. Whoo hoo.

Corine2 Profile Photo
#12re: No nominations for Brooklyn??
Posted: 5/10/05 at 10:53am

I really found the show tedious.
I had a headache for days after Eden's screetching.
Thank g-d for advil.

#13re: No nominations for Brooklyn??
Posted: 5/10/05 at 10:53am

If some of the nominating committee was, say, twenty years old instead of fifty, Brooklyn would have gotten a nomination or two. The show appeals to a very young general demographic (and certain eighty-five year old women who like mindless wailing, apparently).

Corine2 Profile Photo
#14re: No nominations for Brooklyn??
Posted: 5/10/05 at 10:54am

The 20 somethings should see better theater.
Avenue Q is an example of great theatre!
Updated On: 5/10/05 at 10:54 AM

smartpenguin78 Profile Photo
#15re: No nominations for Brooklyn??
Posted: 5/10/05 at 10:56am

Corine shouldn't you be focusing on the best Broadway has to offer? re: No nominations for Brooklyn?? jk

I stand corrected, you are as vapid as they say.

ACTlete676 Profile Photo
#16re: No nominations for Brooklyn??
Posted: 5/10/05 at 11:02am

Eden was the best new thing to come to b'way this year. hopefully she will go back to wicked.

Who says blondes have more fun on the French Riviera?

Corine2 Profile Photo
#17re: No nominations for Brooklyn??
Posted: 5/10/05 at 11:14am

Ramona Keller is much better then Eden.

Starchild Profile Photo
#18re: No nominations for Brooklyn??
Posted: 5/10/05 at 11:26am

There certainly are alot of angry people who post to this board - if you hate BKLYN so much, don't go, it's that simple. I am a reluctant fan of BKLYN, because there is alot about the show that is not very good. Frankly, the producers did the show a disservice from the beginning: the book could/should have been cleaned up A LOT before opening and the marketing was terrible. All that said, the show has heart, and it presents a very strong moral message; it really isn't "mindless." The actors really put their hearts into their performances, and they have gotten a bad break. Costume design, really cool, certainly deserving of acknowledgement. i feel the same way about the stage/scenic design, and I love the way the actors interact with the sets. Plus, Ramona Keller makes that show, her performance takes much of the saccharine out of the book. And Cleavant Derricks leaves it all on the stage every time he performs, which is amazing because there's not much in his role to work with.

No, I'm not kidding. This show clearly deserved better treatment than it received, first from its producers then from the critics. Spamalot received 12 Tony noms for a show that was widely criticized as a rehash and indicted as "not good musical theater." It sells more tix and has more star power, and I suspect that has much to do with the nominations, frankly. I'm not comparing the shows, mind you, I'm just saying: One person's trash is another person's treasure. BKLYN has merit and that merit was just plain overlooked.

VB: Mr. Wonka, my name is Violet Beauregard... WW: I don't care.

#19re: No nominations for Brooklyn??
Posted: 5/10/05 at 11:37am

Well said, Starchild.

I didn't care for the show personally, but I can certainly understand your points. I wouldn't say Brooklyn was overlooked this year - more like overshadowed.

#20re: No nominations for Brooklyn??
Posted: 5/10/05 at 12:00pm

jasonm regaurding "spelling bee" wrote.. "anyone can get up on stage and pretend to be a little kid."

I find that to be completely untrue. I've never seen the show but I know it takes a real actress to play an age that is so far from your own. I mean do realize how many things you ahve to consider to become that character? you obviously don't act...

I praise them for doing what they do. But as I've said I have yet to see the show...

"You won't fight without layers of armor Suit on up and come brace my sword You look back when the pieces are missing Hollowed out hope that no time can restore."

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#21re: No nominations for Brooklyn??
Posted: 5/10/05 at 12:35pm

Loving a show and finding it deserving of Tony noms can be two entirely different things. Spamalot received mixed-to-positive reviews. Spelling Bee received almost entirely raves. Brooklyn was almost entirely panned. That should at least be a clue as to how the nominations may size up, though there could be some major surprises in the winners. Brooklyn tripped and fell right out of the gate with the reviews and has been limping along ever since. Every show has its fans, but Brooklyn simply is not attracting audiences nor has it developed enough word of mouth to keep people interested. I'm sure the producers wanted to keep it running through the nominations, but now that it has received none, it will probably be mercifully put down. I have not seen the show, but I have listened to it once and that was all I needed to know I would not enjoy it. I would see it if I had a free ticket and nothing else to do. I've no doubt the performers sing their hearts out, but that does not mean their performances are stronger than any of the nominees.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Corine2 Profile Photo
#22re: No nominations for Brooklyn??
Posted: 5/10/05 at 12:39pm

I saw it for 8 dollars and it was not worth it.
I do however think the entire cast deserve better.
Especially Ramona who has an exquisite voice.
I just hope she is cast in a better show asap.
Love Ramona Keller, she deserves top billing.

umgeoboy Profile Photo
#23re: No nominations for Brooklyn??
Posted: 5/10/05 at 12:40pm

Brooklyn definitely did deserve 1 nomination and that is for best costumes. Whether or not you like the costumes it was something new that had never been done before and needed to be recognized for the ingenuity of the costume designers.

"Judy Garland, Jimmy Dean, You tragedy Queen" ~ Taboo

"Watching a frat boy realize just what he put his d!ck in...ex's getting std's...schadenfruede" ~ Ave Q

"when dangers near, exploit their fear" ~ Reefer Madness the Musical

Corine2 Profile Photo
#24re: No nominations for Brooklyn??
Posted: 5/10/05 at 12:47pm

Hefty bags.
Compare hefty to the brilliant designs of William Ivey Long.
I think not.
Updated On: 5/10/05 at 12:47 PM
