Doubt 6/26

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#0Doubt 6/26
Posted: 6/26/05 at 6:55pm

Saw it today & it was very good. My wife thought going in he was guilty but @ the end she was only 50/50

Poster Emeritus
Updated On: 6/26/05 at 06:55 PM

Thenardier Profile Photo
#1re: Doubt 6/26
Posted: 6/26/05 at 7:01pm

Thanks for not spoiling it!

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#2re: Doubt 6/26
Posted: 6/26/05 at 7:34pm

There is no way you can ruin the ending as everyone will take the ending a different way

Poster Emeritus

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#3re: Doubt 6/26
Posted: 6/27/05 at 3:54am

Yes, great thing about DOUBT is there is no spoiler!

#4re: Doubt 6/26
Posted: 6/27/05 at 4:02am

I disagree, but we won't get into it re: Doubt 6/26

Jezebel Profile Photo
#5re: Doubt 6/26
Posted: 6/27/05 at 4:23am

Saying there is no spoiler is kind of a spoiler in itself! re: Doubt 6/26

popcultureboy Profile Photo
#6re: Doubt 6/26
Posted: 6/27/05 at 4:38am

DGrant, you disagree with what? That there's no spoiler or the priest's guilt?

Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#7re: Doubt 6/26
Posted: 6/27/05 at 3:48pm

pop---DGrant is VERY hardheaded. He saw the apparently bad LA production of DOUBT which left the audience in no doubt. And, even though those of us who have actually seen the show in NYC have tried to get him to understand this significant difference between the version he saw and the Pulitzer Prize, 4 Tony, Drama Desk, and every other award winning production in NYC, he still feels the need to make "qualified" opinions of the play.

Having said that: yes, there are people who walk out of the theatre thinking they know whether or not the priest is guilty, but the FACT is--you DON'T KNOW. There is great room for doubt.

#8re: Doubt 6/26
Posted: 6/27/05 at 5:37pm

I am sure that the production in NYC deserved its accolades - at least the ones that have to do with that particular production. However, having read through the script, IT leaves me no reason to question the priest's guilt. It also gives me pause for thought as to why so many could be bamboozled by what are admittedly brilliant performances, and not see the hollowness of the script underneath. Ms. Jones must SURELY have earned her awards if she was able to make something so mediocre appear to have such substance.

And Jerby, I'm not being hardheaded, I'm being convicted in my opinion - something I would assume you are familiar with re: Doubt 6/26 I have NEVER questioned the differences that you and others have made clear about the two productions. But the thing you've been reluctant to accept is that my opinion is based on the script, not the specific productions.

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#9re: Doubt 6/26
Posted: 6/27/05 at 5:50pm

well, last we spoke, you hadn't read the script. I'm very sorry that you feel that way about the play, but I respect your opinion.

nystateomind04 Profile Photo
#10re: Doubt 6/26
Posted: 6/27/05 at 6:22pm

"I'm not being hardheaded, I'm being convicted in my opinion"

Dgrant, I value your opinion on this site very much, but, as I'd imagine you gathered from the play, it's point is that sometimes conviction is anti-progressive. No kind of conviction about the priest's innocence or guilt should be held because of the play's topical stance on conviction itself. Now, I can understand if you believe that Shanley did not succeed at balancing the priests "bad" and "good" attributes, because that indeed WOULD destroy his entire point, but I am of the opinion that the "is he or isn't he?" part is brilliantly handled.

#11re: Doubt 6/26
Posted: 6/27/05 at 10:23pm

"It also gives me pause for thought as to why so many could be bamboozled by what are admittedly brilliant performances, and not see the hollowness of the script underneath. Ms. Jones must SURELY have earned her awards if she was able to make something so mediocre appear to have such substance."

Wow, I am shocked that someone truly feels this way about this play.

I also saw DOUBT on 6/26 and was totally BLOWN AWAY by it.

It is easy for me to become pessimistic about the state of Broadway theatre these days. Sometimes I think Broadway has become nothing more than a tourist trap with an endless succession of revivals and mindless, money-making entertainments with very little of substance to say anymore. But I can honestly say that DOUBT has restored my faith in Broadway theatre to serve as a voice of a generation, reflecting the state of our lives and our world.

But you're going to have to look look deeper than surface plot to see it. In the same way that Arthur Miller's The CRUCIBLE is more than a play about witch trials, DOUBT is about SO much more than the catholic church and pedophillia. Remember, this is a PARABLE.

In my opinion, DOUBT reflects the mood of our country today, with all it's uncertainties and government-generated fears, as brilliantly as Miller's CRUCIBLE captured the McCarthey era witchhunts.

Yes, the acting is tremendous. But no more so than the play itself. DOUBT is the first play I have seen in a LONG time that I confidently believe will enter the standard dramatic repertory and secure a place in American theatrical history.

I could be wrong, but wait and see, someday high school students will be reading and studying DOUBT, just like they do The CRUCIBLE today.

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#12re: Doubt 6/26
Posted: 6/27/05 at 11:52pm

I agree 100% with Kent--beautiful post

nystateomind04 Profile Photo
#13re: Doubt 6/26
Posted: 6/28/05 at 3:07pm

That's why I love the fact that it is called "Doubt, A PARABLE". Such genius. Shanley really has his finger on the national pulse.

uncageg Profile Photo
#14re: Doubt 6/26
Posted: 6/28/05 at 4:33pm

I saw DOUBT on May 22nd. Matinee. The show blew me away. Excellent script and excellent performances. I was actually shaking when I left the theatre. It was raining and I had to go back to my friend's to change for the show and aftershow that evening. I walked to the Murray Hill section of the city where he lives and didn't even feel the rain. I was just numb. I got to his place, stepped inside and almost collapsed! The show hit me that hard. All he said to me was "I told you"!!

When I walked into the show, I thought that from hearing and reading so much about it, especially that I would come out not sure if he did it or not, that the show would not be as good and was possibly ruined for me. Well, boy was I wrong!! I have talked to a few people who saw it that actually came to a conclusion. I still came out 50/50. And devastated!

Just give the world Love.

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#15re: Doubt 6/26
Posted: 6/28/05 at 4:42pm

When I saw it, I had my feelings about whether or not I thought he was guilty, but I also felt that if I had been on a jury--and that was the only evidence--I would not have been able to make a decision.

ken8631 Profile Photo
#16re: Doubt 6/26
Posted: 6/28/05 at 4:47pm

Lets just say that everyone has Doubt at the end - either way.

uncageg Profile Photo
#17re: Doubt 6/26
Posted: 6/28/05 at 4:54pm

I agree with that!

Just give the world Love.
