
January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musical

January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musical

#0January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musical
Posted: 7/5/05 at 6:00pm

Liz Smith writes about some of the buzz she picked up from her European trip --


"In London, a friend told me that Andrew Lloyd Webber is now obsessed by the fact that his "Phantom of the Opera" will surpass "Cats" as the longest running Broadway musical on Jan. 9, 2006. I'm told he will have the original star, Sarah Brightman, once his wife, back for that big event. The original Phantom, Michael Crawford, may not be available."

Wishing I were somehow there ( Broadway - January 9, 2006) again January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musical

Updated On: 7/5/05 at 06:00 PM

morebroadwayplease Profile Photo
#1re: January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musical
Posted: 7/5/05 at 6:03pm

omg, I'm sooo excited

"I'll bet that you're Kristin Chenoweth MBP!"

#2re: January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musical
Posted: 7/5/05 at 6:07pm

YAY!!!! I LOVE PHANTOM!!! IT MY FAVE MUSICAL EVER!!!! ...i wish i could go.
iS IT ALREADY the longest running london show?

go phantom!

ps- when is hugh leaving it?

Aigoo Profile Photo
#3re: January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musica
Posted: 7/5/05 at 6:08pm

Why does January 9th sound so familiar?

This is my signature.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#4re: January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musical
Posted: 7/5/05 at 6:08pm

I wonder if Michael Crawfords' "not being available" has something to do with the "supposed" fallout during WOMAN IN WHITE.

Pinguin Profile Photo
#5re: January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musical
Posted: 7/5/05 at 6:09pm

We all knew this day would come :0) I'm not a huge Weber fan but I'd rather have Phantom have the title than Cats, certainly.

But Sarah Brightman? I think I can skip out on that one...

-Anyone want to turn anarchist with me?

"Bless you and all who know you, oh wise and penguined one." ~YouWantItWhen????

BrdwyThtr Profile Photo
#6re: January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musical
Posted: 7/5/05 at 6:12pm

Wait, she'll attend or be IN it?

#7re: January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musical
Posted: 7/5/05 at 6:12pm

Who agrees with me that the show should be a live televised event (no commercials except during the intermission). I have seen the show, so I'm not just trying to get a 'free' show. I think that niether Micael Crawford or Sara Brightman should reprise their roles. Both of them (and I don't mean any offense) are too old for the roles now. Maybe, they could do something like the Les Mis concert, with all the Phantoms in the world be on stage...after curtain call, and have MC and SB sing a song after the main performance. Whadaya think?

babygiraffeboots Profile Photo
#8re: January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musical
Posted: 7/5/05 at 6:14pm

I will be dancing in the streets and mocking the legacy of Cats.

"Without Jews, fags, and gypsies, there is no theatre!" ~Mel Brooks, To be or not to be

Pinguin Profile Photo
#9re: January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musical
Posted: 7/5/05 at 6:25pm

HAHA, on baby giraffe I hope you do.

-Anyone want to turn anarchist with me?

"Bless you and all who know you, oh wise and penguined one." ~YouWantItWhen????

CapnHook Profile Photo
#10re: January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musical
Posted: 7/5/05 at 6:32pm

I just thought about this today. 2 am today, matter of fact. Earlier in the year I thought it would happen in December. Nope - Jan 9.

I'm excited CATS will no longer be #1...but saddened that PHANTOM is the show to do it.

RENT, BEAUTY/BEAST, etc. are still running. We'll see how it turns out 5-10 years from now.

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

#11re: January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musical
Posted: 7/5/05 at 6:35pm

I am definately going to be rallying in my house for this. CATS is going DOWN!

What the puck?!

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#12re: January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musical
Posted: 7/5/05 at 6:39pm

What's with all the CATS hate? It's one of my favorite musicals. I like it a hell of a lot better than PHANTOM.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

Shelley_is_batty Profile Photo
#13re: January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musical
Posted: 7/5/05 at 7:12pm

January 9th is also my birthday, and I can think of no better present than the downfall of CATS! (unless perhaps the song "Memory' was completely erased from my mind)

"It's really crazy backstage. Just before the show started, Elaine Stritch got into a fight with stage hand, and then inexplicably started squeezing Hugh Jackman's buttocks. And by the time they had sedated her, she had punched out two cops and was holding Norbert Leo Butz hostage, threatening to kill one of his three names." -Nathan Lane

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#14re: January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musical
Posted: 7/5/05 at 8:45pm

cats is random things going on with a dumb plot and odd msuic, IMO. Though, i know ppl that loved it.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

Aigoo Profile Photo
#15re: January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musica
Posted: 7/5/05 at 8:47pm

Wasn't January 9th Idina's last show or something? Sorry to threadjack but it just sounds SO familiar.

This is my signature.

Thenardier Profile Photo
#16re: January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musica
Posted: 7/5/05 at 9:03pm

The music in Cats is great.

An the original poems have more meaning than anything.

yes, it's one of my least favorite shows because I don't thrill for the music as much as other shows - but I think it is a lot of fun to watch.

It's better than Movin' Out....which is dance...Cats is dance, with a plot you have to look for. It isn't spelled out..THINK JEESUS THINK!

#17re: January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musica
Posted: 7/5/05 at 9:14pm

Yes. January 9. WAS Idinas last day. And one of the days Taye performed as Fiyero.

One Song Glory
#18re: January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musica
Posted: 7/5/05 at 9:43pm

Phantom being the longest running broadway show, sounds cool.

I'm not a gay stereotype. I'm a coincidence.

Juliet2170 Profile Photo
#19re: January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musica
Posted: 7/5/05 at 10:24pm

babygiraffe i am totally going to do that too!! oh Phantom my love, what a glorious day that will be!!!! i am DYING to hear what official special thing they are going to do. i like all the suggestions here, i'm sooo excited!!!

jasonf Profile Photo
#20re: January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musica
Posted: 7/5/05 at 10:38pm

I was disappointed when Les Mis decided not to chase that record. It's such a superior show to Phantom or Cats (though I actually do LIKE Phantom...)

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

hyperchet Profile Photo
#21re: January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musica
Posted: 7/5/05 at 10:42pm

Yes, I think that Phantom is the more deserving musical, it is much better. I don't care what anyone says, Phantom is the best musical ever.

"Needless to say the crew is well acquainted with my ass and that's ok because they are the coolest guys ever." - Idina Menzel

cathywellerstein Profile Photo
#22re: January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musica
Posted: 9/11/05 at 1:33pm

i see that they are not selling tickets to this performance! why?

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#24re: January 9, 2006 :When PHANTOM becomes Broadway's longest-running musica
Posted: 9/11/05 at 3:06pm

As Bebe Neuwirth pointed out, on January 9, 2006, Phantom becomes the longest running British musical. The longest running Broadway musical remains A Chorus Line.

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Updated On: 9/11/05 at 03:06 PM
