Norbert in RENT

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#0Norbert in RENT
Posted: 2/1/06 at 10:00pm

I know a lot of people have been wanting to hear a clip of Norbert singing in RENT, so on his myspace, there is an entire song byte of him singing "One Song Glory". He sounds great. Here is the link:

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
#1re: Norbert in RENT
Posted: 2/1/06 at 10:13pm

Ohhh I run his MySpace for him. I'm glad that the space and his other solo songs are getting recognition!

#2re: Norbert in RENT
Posted: 2/1/06 at 10:14pm

Ooh, I was all ready to log off and turn to my textbooks for once. Then I saw this and had to check it out.
Thanks for the link! Like so many BWW'ers, I love Norbert, I love RENT, and One Song Glory is one of my many favorites from that show. *swoons*

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#3re: Norbert in RENT
Posted: 2/1/06 at 10:18pm

really? Glory is my fav song. That's cool that you run the space! Keep up the amazing site! I just applied for friendship! re: Norbert in RENT

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

guitargeek0624 Profile Photo
#4re: Norbert in RENT
Posted: 2/1/06 at 10:21pm

He did a great job with that song. I wish I could've seen him.

"A little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing." - Thomas Jefferson

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#5re: Norbert in RENT
Posted: 2/1/06 at 10:26pm

You and me both. I was quite young at the time though- about 8 or 9 I think...guitargeek- Your quote is so great!

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

mygfdontliveincanada Profile Photo
#6re: Norbert in RENT
Posted: 2/1/06 at 10:26pm

Wow. I hate to say it, but I like his rendition a lot more than Adam Pascals. It's way more subtle and heartfelt which makes it all the more haunting. God, there's way more pain in the song when Norbert sings it. Are there any bootlegs of him singing anything else from rent (like "Your Eyes" maybe?)

#7re: Norbert in RENT
Posted: 2/1/06 at 10:26pm

he was amazing live.

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#8re: Norbert in RENT
Posted: 2/1/06 at 10:28pm

*twitches* may want to get rid of that comment on footwear. It is not allowed here. But yes, I wish a LEGAL recording was made.

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

Overthemoon6 Profile Photo
#9re: Norbert in RENT
Posted: 2/1/06 at 10:51pm

Wow...Norbert sounds great. I would have killed to see him do that live.

And then, do you know Monseiur Marius, I believe I was a little in love with you.

SirLiir Profile Photo
#10re: Norbert in RENT
Posted: 2/1/06 at 11:33pm

Norbert was phenomenal live. He had the look down pretty well as well. Plus he worked with Marcy Harriel re: Norbert in RENT

surefinewhatever Profile Photo
#11re: Norbert in RENT
Posted: 2/1/06 at 11:49pm

aww .. . the clip won't work for me .. . re: Norbert in RENT

Any chance someone could PM it to me? Thanks in advance!

" I don't cause commotions, I am one."

Lavinia Profile Photo
#12re: Norbert in RENT
Posted: 2/1/06 at 11:58pm

Aww...Norbert. He is definitly my favorite Roger.

That was pure vodka, you poop!

Patronus Profile Photo
#13re: Norbert in RENT
Posted: 2/2/06 at 12:38am

Yeah, Norbert was a great Roger and Mark.

zzannahk Profile Photo
#14re: Norbert in RENT
Posted: 2/2/06 at 12:38am

Oh, I saw him in RENT, when I was like 16. He was amazing, but not as friendly as he is now.

faithanytwo Profile Photo
#15re: Norbert in RENT
Posted: 2/2/06 at 8:27am

I agree w/ mygfdontliveincanada
Norbert's version has a lot more emotion than Adam's.. I like it a lot. Now I'm wishing I could have seen him back then, ah..

ElphabaRose Profile Photo
#16re: Norbert in RENT
Posted: 2/2/06 at 11:46am

DRS, were did you get the solo songs? Is there an album that I can buy or something?

Whatever happened to class?

got-a-light Profile Photo
#17re: Norbert in RENT
Posted: 2/2/06 at 1:08pm

When I saw Rent's first replacement cast Norbert was sadly out, but I can't complain too much because that was the night I was introduced to the amazing talents of Marcy Harriel. WOW! And I can't even imagine what the two of them were like together!

One Song Glory
#18re: Norbert in RENT
Posted: 2/2/06 at 3:28pm

Oooo, I really liked his rendtion of Glory.

I'm not a gay stereotype. I'm a coincidence.

Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
#19re: Norbert in RENT
Posted: 2/2/06 at 3:41pm

got-a-light..they actually aren't solo songs, he sung with his friend's band a few of the MP3s were released onto the net, Limewire and such.

circusliz Profile Photo
#20re: Norbert in RENT
Posted: 2/2/06 at 6:08pm


Are those all of the songs, or are there more floating around out there? I would love to hear more!

Also, FYI, Norbert's birthday is Jan. 30th, not the 20th. I loved all the messages on myspace, it was just sad that they were all for the wrong day! re: Norbert in RENT

On the road of life, do not pause for suicidal chipmunks who freeze in your headlights, seeking death by your tires...

LightMyCandle Profile Photo
#21re: Norbert in RENT
Posted: 2/2/06 at 6:33pm

Ooooh, I loved it!

i'm a tough act to follow because when i'm done i take the microphone with me.

Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
#22re: Norbert in RENT
Posted: 2/2/06 at 6:44pm

lol, I even commented on his space saying happy birthday on the 20th, felt slightly split-personality afterwards because I run the page, then later that night found out it was the 30th, oh well, lol. miswrote it lol.

There is one more song of Norbert's that is too large a file and won't let me upload it, but I have it on my computer.

Stater2002 Profile Photo
#23re: Norbert in RENT
Posted: 2/2/06 at 6:56pm

He really was fantastic..I got to see him fill in for Adam in early '97, and I was so impressed. I loved watching him work with Anthony...he is just so full of emotion.

There is only one you for all time. Fearlessly be yourself. Anthony Rapp My avatar- the amazingly talented Michael Buble
