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Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!

scot Profile Photo
#0Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!
Posted: 9/3/06 at 8:34pm

Eden is the 2nd best Elphaba.
Anyone who says she doesn't have
"good vocals" as Elphie obviously
has no knowledge of vocal styles
or capabilities. Go to school before
you make such harsh criticisms.


defygravity2 Profile Photo
#1re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!
Posted: 9/3/06 at 8:37pm

****Ducking for cover here****

Are you trying to make friends?!?

scot Profile Photo
#2re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!
Posted: 9/3/06 at 8:39pm


re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!

#3re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!
Posted: 9/3/06 at 8:40pm

though I happen to totally agree with you, you miiight just kinda want to consider how you phrase your opinion- people on here can sometimes be a liiil bit.. um.. bitchy? lol. So, its just not always the best idea to start threads like that. But I'm all for the having a thread for Eden as Elphie!! because, clearly, Eden is amazing re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!! (imo)

and, out of curisity, who do you think is the first best?? for me, it's idina- I'm a bit of an idina finatic re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.
Updated On: 9/3/06 at 08:40 PM

EponineAmneris Profile Photo
#4re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!
Posted: 9/3/06 at 8:50pm

I agree with you re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!! Idina is certainly #1, but Eden is #2 by a long shot.

Just be more careful and gentle in how you state your opinion re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!


scot Profile Photo
#5re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!
Posted: 9/3/06 at 8:58pm

Idina will always be #1!

As far has my strong statement,
it stands. Honest to the core.

And as far as people here being
I can keep up with the best of

re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!

#6re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!
Posted: 9/3/06 at 8:58pm

oh and for the record.. after spending.. a good portion of the day searching out videos on.. the website that shall remain nameless... i'm ACTUALLY starting to question whether or not eden doesnt TIE with idina in my book! haha... I dont think she quiite does yet, but she is getting darn, DARN close :P

edit: yeah, ok, thinking about it, nope, idina's still the front runner.. because even eden cant quiiite match her flawless acting. But she IS by far the closest to come to it

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.
Updated On: 9/3/06 at 08:58 PM

#7re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!
Posted: 9/3/06 at 8:58pm

Eden? Yuck! I hate her! Who likes her anyways?

"Hey, you! You're the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber!" -Family Guy

#8re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!
Posted: 9/3/06 at 9:00pm

^we do! haha

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

scot Profile Photo
#9re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!
Posted: 9/3/06 at 9:01pm

now there's a brilliant


JamesMacon Profile Photo
#10re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!
Posted: 9/3/06 at 9:01pm

I loved Eden in Wicked. I thought she was fantastic in the role.

#11re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!
Posted: 9/3/06 at 9:01pm

I personally think Stephanie J. Block gave the definitive Defying Gravity but yes, Idina is the best Elphaba I've seen.
And I am so bummed that I cannot see Eden on Broadway.

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

#12re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!
Posted: 9/3/06 at 9:11pm

I was fortunate to see both Eden (in NY) and Stephanie J. Block in the national tour in Tampa...Stephanie definitely was the best of the two...never did see Idina, but based on the OCR, I think Stephanie was the best!

NJRae Profile Photo
#13re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!
Posted: 9/3/06 at 11:02pm

I adore Idina, but Eden is the only Elphie I have seen live, so she is tied with Idina in my book. That girl can sing the roof off! There are a couple of videos of her (on the site that shall go unmentioned) that are just amazing. Actually two (maybe three?) of them are from the same performance, so she must have eaten her Wheaties that night re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!

"I wrote a book: "How to Be Popular". Now I've put together a top ten list of how to help you: -Elphie, everyday... shower. I mean, who knows? Maybe some of that green is gonna come off! -Deodorant Elphie. No body likes a stinky witch! -I think we've covered the hair, we'll get to that. -Clean underclothes. That's all I'm gonna say. -Look at your posture. That's no way to be popular! -Bed made, room straightened. We've done that. -Colors blended. Oookay. -But the most important thing to have, to make yourself popular, is to keep your beautiful smile." ~Kristin Chenoweth in her last performance of the song "Popular"

IdinaMenzelFan Profile Photo
#14re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!
Posted: 9/3/06 at 11:06pm

I agree, in saying that Eden is the second best Elphie. I think Idina is the best. Both are AMAZING, however!

Holly Therese Profile Photo
Holly Therese
#15re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!
Posted: 9/3/06 at 11:07pm

I haven't seen Eden so I really cannot judge her. I've seen Maria and Julia and I loved both of them.

"You know, with the right volume, Patti LuPone can make a car bounce, too...." -Wonderwaiter

#16re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!
Posted: 9/3/06 at 11:13pm

Julia Murney is the only girl for me.

Let me know when Marcy Harriell takes over. re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!

#17re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!
Posted: 9/3/06 at 11:13pm

There are a couple of videos of her (on the site that shall go unmentioned) that are just amazing. Actually two (maybe three?) of them are from the same performance, so she must have eaten her Wheaties that night

I def know which ones you're talking about!! theres like one dg and one wizard and I that I was just like "holy.. effing..eden, you can not SERIOUSLY be making me deeply question my bias toward idina in this role can you?" haha

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

pippin2 Profile Photo
#18re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!
Posted: 9/3/06 at 11:37pm

In the words of the great Felicia Finley, "Opinions are like assholes, everybodys got one"...

pippin2 Profile Photo
#19re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!
Posted: 9/3/06 at 11:37pm

Double Post Updated On: 9/3/06 at 11:37 PM

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#20re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!
Posted: 9/3/06 at 11:42pm

Head to desk. Repeat until dead.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

willact4food Profile Photo
#21re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!
Posted: 9/3/06 at 11:57pm

Are you kidding me with this?
Scot, it's you who obviously has no knowledge of music or decency.

#22re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!
Posted: 9/3/06 at 11:59pm

hahaha pippin, that was a PERFECT response :P felicia is one smart woman and she speaks the truth.

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

NJRae Profile Photo
#23re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!
Posted: 9/4/06 at 12:11am

snl89: Actually the ones I was talking about were NGD and DG from 1/29 (which I only know b/c I had sent them to a friend of mine and they were still in my outbox). Now I will have to go see if there was a Wizard and I from that same day. Maybe we are talking about the same show. All I can say is she was really, really on that night!

"I wrote a book: "How to Be Popular". Now I've put together a top ten list of how to help you: -Elphie, everyday... shower. I mean, who knows? Maybe some of that green is gonna come off! -Deodorant Elphie. No body likes a stinky witch! -I think we've covered the hair, we'll get to that. -Clean underclothes. That's all I'm gonna say. -Look at your posture. That's no way to be popular! -Bed made, room straightened. We've done that. -Colors blended. Oookay. -But the most important thing to have, to make yourself popular, is to keep your beautiful smile." ~Kristin Chenoweth in her last performance of the song "Popular"

#24re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!!
Posted: 9/4/06 at 12:14am

haha, actually I realized, I def DONT think the WAI and DG ones are from the same... but they're both amazing anyhow re: Eden Espinosa - Elphie!!! haha. Now I have to go look for NGD! lol

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.
