
Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?

Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#0Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?
Posted: 9/23/06 at 11:26am

Since the show opens in December and it is a limited engagement...do we think the Roundabout will go scouting for some big names to play alongside Kristin in this revival?

Any rumors?

Who would you like to see?

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde

folkyboy Profile Photo
#1re: Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?
Posted: 9/23/06 at 11:40am

i was thinking Denis O'Hare would be great considering how underrated he is as an actor :)

#2re: Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?
Posted: 9/23/06 at 2:11pm


ljay889 Profile Photo
#3re: Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?
Posted: 9/23/06 at 2:12pm

Will Cerveris come back?

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#4re: Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?
Posted: 9/23/06 at 2:13pm


"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

#5re: Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?
Posted: 9/23/06 at 3:35pm

Supposedly Cerveris and Gets are unavailable.

I've always pitured someone older than Cerveris in the Snake/Baladeer/Tigerkeeper?Narrator/Fairy Godmother roles. Maybe Gary Beach?
Updated On: 9/23/06 at 03:35 PM

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#6re: Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?
Posted: 9/23/06 at 3:45pm

Gary Beach will be doing Les Mis.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.

#7re: Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?
Posted: 9/23/06 at 6:07pm

Denis is doing A SPANISH PLAY. He can't do it either.

But I like your way of thinking, folkyboy.

allofmylife Profile Photo
#8re: Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?
Posted: 9/23/06 at 7:44pm

Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?

I would. In a country second.

http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=972787#3631451 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=963561#3533883 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=955158#3440952 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=954269#3427915 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=955012#3441622 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=954344#3428699

#9re: Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?
Posted: 9/23/06 at 8:46pm

I've heard that George Wendt and Mandy Patinkin have been approached to join her.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#10re: Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?
Posted: 9/23/06 at 8:48pm

Really? Interesting

#11re: Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?
Posted: 9/23/06 at 8:52pm

I don't know which of the two roles they're being considered for, though.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#12re: Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?
Posted: 9/23/06 at 8:53pm

Were they both approached for the same role, or two different roles?

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#13re: Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?
Posted: 9/23/06 at 8:54pm

George Wendt is touring with "Twelve Angry Men," so he is out of the running.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.
Updated On: 9/23/06 at 08:54 PM

Doogie Profile Photo
#14re: Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?
Posted: 9/23/06 at 9:15pm

I seem to recall hearing in an interview with Gets that he REALLY REALLY hoped this would hit broadway cause he wanted to do it again.

cooperross Profile Photo
#15re: Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?
Posted: 9/24/06 at 11:57pm

well since Mandy Patinkin has a tv series that will be filming until April or May of next year I doubt he will be able to do it.

-Politics is like driving. To go backward, put it in R. To go forward, put it in D.

toomeytwopiece Profile Photo
#16re: Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?
Posted: 9/25/06 at 12:06am

I would LOVE to play the Snake - I am going to try the EPA - but I think they are going older ;(


#17re: Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?
Posted: 9/25/06 at 1:18am

I hadn't thought of it but you'd actually be quite ideal in the role, still, I'm holding on for you to play Che when Evita transfers. *Crosses fingers*

#18re: Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?
Posted: 9/25/06 at 7:47am

I believe one of the two roles Has been cast...wonder who they got?

#19re: Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?
Posted: 9/25/06 at 8:33am

What is Roger Bart doing? He could play Adam.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

#20re: Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?
Posted: 9/25/06 at 9:20am

Actually, Roger Bart could play either male lead.

Hey - how about Roger in the Adam roles and B.D. Wong in the Snake roles? Charlie Brown reunion!

mejusthavingfun Profile Photo
#21re: Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?
Posted: 9/25/06 at 9:28am

I know he's tall for her, but I would love to see Will Ferrell opposite.

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#22re: Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?
Posted: 9/25/06 at 9:32am

Roundabout seems to be good with getting the big names.

Perhaps they'll pull through once again.

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde

#23re: Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?
Posted: 9/25/06 at 9:35am

"Roundabout seems to be good with getting the big names."

Antonio Banderas as the Snake.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

Katecab99 Profile Photo
#24re: Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?
Posted: 9/25/06 at 9:45am

I'm definitley curious, though as I said in another post, I loved Cerveris and Gets in those roles and am totally bummed that they can't return re: Who will join Chenoweth in THE APPLE TREE?
