Official Video/DVD of musicals

benjamin_barker Profile Photo
#1Official Video/DVD of musicals
Posted: 1/15/07 at 1:13am

Having recently gone through a buying blitz and getting all the Sondheim shows available on DVD, I'm wondering:

Given that we live in an age that is increasingly aware of capturing the magic of the stage (in things like PBS' great performances, and the aforementioned Sondheim), are most (or many) new Broadway shows filmed? Obviously not with intent to sell, but by directors for posterity? Or just as a matter of habit?

I ask partly because I wanna know why more aren't available (at least once the show has closed), and partly cause - watching a Broadway documentary recently - I noticed how many clips from shows with their OBCs (I noticed clips from original productions of Rent and La Cage among others) there are. I wondered if these are from vaults of hundreds of filmed musicals locked away in some storage vault, or if we're destined to go without all of these stage marvels.

"Demons are prowling everywhere, nowadays..." - - Tobias, "Sweeney Todd"

emo_geek Profile Photo
#2re: Official Video/DVD of musicals
Posted: 1/15/07 at 1:17am

I know...I just got Purlie on vhs (well my friend turned it into a dvd for me) and it is amazing and I wish more shows were available.

"I never had theatre producers run after me. Some people want to make more Broadway shows out of movies. But Elliot and I aren't going to do Batman: The Musical." - Julie Taymor 1999

CapnHook Profile Photo
#2re: Official Video/DVD of musicals
Posted: 1/15/07 at 1:25am

Search for past threads on the subject about which ones are "officially" available on DVD/VHS.

Mostly all shows on Broadway are filmed for archival purposes at the Lincoln Center Library. You can view almost any show there at the library with special permission. This is also discussed in other threads.

As for why more aren't "officially" released - it's mostly about money. I asked Lonny Price the same question - he brought us CANDIDE to television among other releases - and he responded "it cost $500,000 to produce a show onto DVD and we're lucky if we make half of that back." There just isn't a demand for it, at least not enough to make a profit.

But then you ask why PETER PAN, SWEENEY TODD, FOSSE, SMOKEY JOE'S CAFE, JEKYLL & HYDE, CATS, THE MAN WHO CAME TO DINNER, and other shows have a DVD available...and for that, I cannot give an answer because each case is different. CATS should be obvious. But something obscure like THE MAN WHO CAME TO DINNER? The only thing going for it in terms of marketing is the name Nathan Lane. Other than that, why would anyone outside theatre want to purchase it?

And then there's always the argument that theatre is meant to be experienced live and in no other format. I disagree with this mindset, because not everyone has the the opportunity to experience live theatre, so the next best thing is to watch it on your television screen, even if it does take away the purpose of theatre being 'live.'

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

benjamin_barker Profile Photo
#3re: Official Video/DVD of musicals
Posted: 1/15/07 at 1:35am

Exactly! To echo Elaine Stritch, once a production is over, new generations should still be able to see this work!

"Demons are prowling everywhere, nowadays..." - - Tobias, "Sweeney Todd"

#4re: Official Video/DVD of musicals
Posted: 1/15/07 at 2:02am

A fair amount of shows are filmed for posterity, but not all of them. Many of the clips you mentioned (that were on news shows and ads etc.) are actually segments that were filmed, they aren't scenes from the taped copy. The taped copy of a show is not commercial quality. The reason shows aren't filmed commercially is cost. With so many unions involved and the lack of mainstream demand for such recordings, it is practically impossiible for such a venture to ever make any money.

benjamin_barker Profile Photo
#5re: Official Video/DVD of musicals
Posted: 1/15/07 at 2:09am

I guess this was the answer I was expecting. Well, I guess I'll just hope for a more musically-minded future then, to dust off these old recordings and get them out there.

Or I'll have to sleep with someone in the biz, and get them for free. Either way!

"Demons are prowling everywhere, nowadays..." - - Tobias, "Sweeney Todd"

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#6re: Official Video/DVD of musicals
Posted: 1/15/07 at 2:15am


That stupid "TIME OUT please take our survey" ad was at the top, and suddenly started making noises! It sounds like my computer was making fart noises...and it was just in the middle of my music so I was like "WTF?"

end off topic.

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

AnythingCanHappen Profile Photo
#7re: Official Video/DVD of musicals
Posted: 1/15/07 at 2:42am

how does one get special permission?

"Don't worry, it should never be seen. It's comparable to Britney's hoo-ha." - being.jeremiah in response to the High School Musical 2 logo "You look fantastic, all you need are high heels, cake and a dream." - Amneris

kec Profile Photo
#8re: Official Video/DVD of musicals
Posted: 1/15/07 at 3:25am

"how does one get special permission? "

As I understand it, you need a legitimate reason -- i.e. researching a show or a particular role.

Also, shows still running are not available for viewing.
Updated On: 1/15/07 at 03:25 AM

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#9re: Official Video/DVD of musicals
Posted: 1/15/07 at 10:11am

Also, the shows that are filmed for the archives are filmed in static full-stage shots -- no different camera angles or zoom-ins, etc. So they're not suited for commercial release.

These are simply done so that years from now they can see the show's original blocking/staging, etc. They're not done for actual entertainment value.

Whenever you see clips of shows on TV, those are from the B-Rolls that the media is provided, which is simply specially filmed sequences from shows to show during TV segments, etc. Due to Equity logistics, they are not permitted to film an entire performance, just those short sequences. Tons of people think those clips are from the Lincoln Center Archival video -- they are not.

Those video previews here on are from those B-Rolls and not from the Lincoln Center Archives.

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#10re: Official Video/DVD of musicals
Posted: 1/15/07 at 11:00am

I don't understand why you have to get permission to view those videos. I mean, if they are not still running on Broadway, then what's the point?

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

#11re: Official Video/DVD of musicals
Posted: 1/15/07 at 11:09am

they aren't on video so that people can cast major film stars and try and re-create it to a movie.. cough.. hairspray?


#12re: Official Video/DVD of musicals
Posted: 1/15/07 at 11:22am

"Also, the shows that are filmed for the archives are filmed in static full-stage shots -- no different camera angles or zoom-ins, etc. So they're not suited for commercial release."

That's not true at all.

professor Profile Photo
#13re: Official Video/DVD of musicals
Posted: 1/15/07 at 2:38pm

"I don't understand why you have to get permission to view those videos. I mean, if they are not still running on Broadway, then what's the point?"

I used to work in a theatre library (not Lincoln Ctr.) that housed the video archive of a major regional theatre. We also used to require that people have a valid reason to watch one of our videos. The reason was that with each viewing, the tape deteriorates a little bit. This was in the days of 3/4 inch tape and the very beginning of VHS. Things might be different now with digital technology.

"Inside every actor there is a Tiger, a Pig, an Ass, and a Nightingale. You never know which one is going to show up." -John Michael Higgins in FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION
