Legally Blonde Rush

#1Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 3/27/07 at 5:16pm

Did a search and couldnt find anything...Does anybody have any idea if there will be a rush or lotto or something for Legally Blonde? I'm coming to NY the first week that it starts previews and need to get cheap tickets. Thanks for any help

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#2re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 3/27/07 at 5:16pm

I don't believe that has been officially released yet.

Though some have stated they've heard it's general rush. Not a lottery.

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde

bwaybound865 Profile Photo
#2re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 3/27/07 at 5:17pm

When is the OBC recording coming out?

#3re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 3/27/07 at 5:22pm

After it's recorded.

IF it's recorded.

#4re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 3/27/07 at 5:31pm

It will be recorded. - most underrated performers on broadway

#5re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 3/27/07 at 5:42pm

There is a discount code that I used for Legally Blonde on

#6re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 3/27/07 at 7:45pm

I stopped by the Palace this past weekend and they said that information regarding rush should be available by the end of this week.

"I'll cut you, Tracee Beazer!!!! ...Just kidding. I'd never cut anyone." -Tina Maddigan, 9/30/06, WS stage door
Avatar: JULIE "EFFING" WHITE, 2007 TONY WINNER. Thank God. I'm thinking about legally changing my name to Lizzie Curry...

#7re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 3/31/07 at 5:13pm

So...any info yet?

#8re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 3/31/07 at 5:17pm

Stopped by the Palace this morning. The policy is as follows:

Student rush only, day of. Two tickets per valid, photo student ID. ID is required both to purchase tickets and to enter the theatre.

Sounds pretty strict. I've never heard of ID required to enter. We'll see what happens. There you go!

"I'll cut you, Tracee Beazer!!!! ...Just kidding. I'd never cut anyone." -Tina Maddigan, 9/30/06, WS stage door
Avatar: JULIE "EFFING" WHITE, 2007 TONY WINNER. Thank God. I'm thinking about legally changing my name to Lizzie Curry...

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#9re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 3/31/07 at 5:25pm

Good. We can finally stop the phonies buying up the rush tickets and selling them for more than they're worth.

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde

courtnyj Profile Photo
#10re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 3/31/07 at 5:25pm

The ID required to enter thing sounds sort of like what I was told when I bought rush tickets to Jersey Boys in November. They printed the name from the ID on the ticket and said it had to match the ID shown at the door when you enter. But they never checked our ID when we gave our tickets that night.
Updated On: 3/31/07 at 05:25 PM

#11re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 3/31/07 at 5:27pm

Hm...thats weird...So if I'm a student and I buy 2 tickets but one is for my dad, will he still be able to enter the theatre?

courtnyj Profile Photo
#12re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 3/31/07 at 5:29pm

You should be able to.

#13re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 3/31/07 at 5:29pm

ID at the door....sounds a bit too uncontrollable.
Updated On: 3/31/07 at 05:29 PM

Broadwayboy2631 Profile Photo
#14re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 3/31/07 at 5:31pm

when does the rush start?

SmeagolxIsxSexy Profile Photo
#15re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 3/31/07 at 5:39pm

Do the tickets go on sale two hours before, or when the box office opens?

JumpJumpJumpSoHigh Profile Photo
#16re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 3/31/07 at 11:43pm

Oh yeah, I've heard the "ID to enter the theatre" thing before, too, at many shows, but I have never seen ANYONE check.

So when do tickets go on sale, and where are the seats? I'm going to the show on Monday night, but if the rush deal is any good, I may try to go to first preview, too....


Dear Ken, I'm in pieces. Why the cold shoulder? Love, Barbie

liotte Profile Photo
#17re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 3/31/07 at 11:46pm

I remember at Aida, they used to photocopy the student IDs when you got rush tickets. I don't think they ever did anything with them though.

AC126748 Profile Photo
#18re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 3/31/07 at 11:47pm

ID at the door....sounds a bit too uncontrollable.

I believe they used to do that at RENT when it first implemented it a decade ago.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

#19re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 4/1/07 at 12:14am

As stated, day of. If it had been a specific time, I would have included that information. As far as the location of the SR seats, I don't know; someone else in Midtown can check with the box office and post. Rush starts Tuesday.

"I'll cut you, Tracee Beazer!!!! ...Just kidding. I'd never cut anyone." -Tina Maddigan, 9/30/06, WS stage door
Avatar: JULIE "EFFING" WHITE, 2007 TONY WINNER. Thank God. I'm thinking about legally changing my name to Lizzie Curry...

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#20re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 4/1/07 at 12:18am

Do you have any idea how much they cost?

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

#21re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 4/1/07 at 12:27am


"I'll cut you, Tracee Beazer!!!! ...Just kidding. I'd never cut anyone." -Tina Maddigan, 9/30/06, WS stage door
Avatar: JULIE "EFFING" WHITE, 2007 TONY WINNER. Thank God. I'm thinking about legally changing my name to Lizzie Curry...

#22re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 4/1/07 at 12:32am

Any idea on seating location?

AC126748 Profile Photo
#23re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 4/1/07 at 12:37am

I heard front row from someone, but I don't know if that's true or not.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

#24re: Legally Blonde Rush
Posted: 4/1/07 at 1:19am

According to the box office person that I talked to, rush will not be available Tuesday and Wednesday due to a benefit that is occurring on the first two previews. It will then be effective, but as of Wednesday, they did not know if it was going to be balcony or front row.
