
Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?

Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#1Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?
Posted: 6/14/07 at 9:14pm

Sure, Beauty is basically a copy of the film, but I still find this production miles better than the unwatchable Tarzan. Anyone else think Tarzan should go and Beauty should stay?

Steve2 Profile Photo
#2re: Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?
Posted: 6/14/07 at 9:18pm

I rarely complain however Tarzan was one of the worst experiences I have ever had at the theatre. I am surprised it is still around.
Updated On: 6/14/07 at 09:18 PM

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#2re: Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?
Posted: 6/14/07 at 9:20pm

How about along with BEAUTY?

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#3re: Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?
Posted: 6/14/07 at 9:21pm

Well, at least Beauty has wonderful costumes and a wonderful story. Its a great introduction piece for young people and I think is bashed unfairly.

#4re: Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?
Posted: 6/14/07 at 9:22pm

I still think Beauty is the best of the four, not counting Aida, open right now...

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#5re: Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?
Posted: 6/14/07 at 9:29pm

While I'm no fan of Beauty, I would much rather see Tarzan go before Beauty and the Beast.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

#6re: Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?
Posted: 6/14/07 at 9:45pm

I think Lion King and Mary Poppins are better than Beauty and the Beast but Beauty and the Beast is worse than Tarzan.

I shave me Xanadu every morning!

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#7re: Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?
Posted: 6/14/07 at 9:50pm

B&B might have been good five years ago, but its quality has significantly declined since then. Although this happens to most, if not all shows, Tarzan is still running strong from its fresh-opening. Lion King is starting to slip in the quality department as well, and I would love to see it re-visited or set a closing date before it gets too far down the ladder.

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

#8re: Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?
Posted: 6/14/07 at 10:08pm

Updated On: 6/19/07 at 10:08 PM

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#9re: Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?
Posted: 6/14/07 at 10:09pm

Beauty and the Beast is much more enjoyable. I would love to see it stay open as opposed to Tarzan; however, I wouldn't want Mermaid to get the Richard Rogers.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

#10re: Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?
Posted: 6/14/07 at 10:14pm

Trazan features a hot guy in loincloth, therefore it should remain open for decades.

Raviolisun Profile Photo
#11re: Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?
Posted: 6/14/07 at 10:15pm

Beauty and the Beast is much more enjoyable. I would love to see it stay open as opposed to Tarzan; however, I wouldn't want Mermaid to get the Richard Rogers.

Which is why they're closing Beauty and keeping Tarzan.

One time, Patti LuPone punched me in the face...

It was awesome.
- theaterkid1015

Unmasked05 Profile Photo
#12re: Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?
Posted: 6/14/07 at 10:16pm

Hmmm...I honestly have to say that TARZAN is actually enjoyable..I mean YES its a Disney Musical but if its making money then "HEY" they must be doing something right because its still open. I like Beauty and The Beast and it is treated unfairly but its time for the show to go now..to me they messed up when they downsized everything and brought in the National Tour Set.

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wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#13re: Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?
Posted: 6/14/07 at 10:17pm

" if its making money then "HEY" they must be doing something right because its still open."

Becuase, it's a Disney show.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

#14re: Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?
Posted: 6/14/07 at 10:19pm

Ok I agree Mary Poppins is better than Beauty.. re: Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?

#15re: Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?
Posted: 6/14/07 at 10:22pm

Tarzan's aweful. Close it.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#16re: Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?
Posted: 6/14/07 at 10:23pm

"Which is why they're closing Beauty and keeping Tarzan."

Even if they closed Tarzan, it doesn't mean Mermaid would've gone into the Rodgers.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

theatrenut2 Profile Photo
#17re: Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?
Posted: 6/14/07 at 10:24pm

I agree that Beauty is a better show. There is no reason to close it. It has paid for itself, and tourists still fill it. Tarzan is truly insulting, but I must agree that I would hate to see Little Mermaid at the Richard Rogers.

SDav 10495 Profile Photo
SDav 10495
#18re: Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?
Posted: 6/14/07 at 10:29pm

If I remember correctly, one of the reasons given for choosing BatB was that Disney did not want to have two traditional princess musicals running at the same time--they both appeal to the same market and would be kind of redundant. Obviously there's much more to the decision than that, but it's something to consider.

"If there is going to be a restoration fee, there should also be a Renaissance fee, a Middle Ages fee and a Dark Ages fee. Someone must have men in the back room making up names, euphemisms for profit." (Emanuel Azenberg)

#19re: Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?
Posted: 6/14/07 at 10:35pm

But come on...

If you close it, where will I go for eye candy? Updated On: 6/14/07 at 10:35 PM

wickedfan Profile Photo
#20re: Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?
Posted: 6/14/07 at 10:38pm

Disney's full of crap. I haven't believed one word they've stated in the press ever. Once Tarzan closes after five years, obviously having lost dozens of millions of dollars, Disney will state that they have no regrets and that Tarzan was kept open strictly because of strong ticket sales and the public's positive reaction towards it. Tarzan's one of the biggest duds to come along the Great White Way in a long time. Disney doesn't want to admit defeat...just yet, so it seems more obvious to them to close up shop on their longest running show that is still doing relatively well and at least has great source material, than to shut down their worst entry yet simply because of ego.

If only Katzenberg were still with Disney. Man was a nut job, but he knew what he was doing.

"Sing the words, Patti!!!!" Stephen Sondheim to Patti LuPone.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#21re: Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?
Posted: 6/15/07 at 12:47am

And what if the new "Princess" show is a mess like TARZAN.
No wonder Tommy will be out by the begining of next year.

bially082 Profile Photo
#22re: Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?
Posted: 6/15/07 at 1:18am

I def think tarzan needs to leave. Beauty isn't in the best shape. Personally I'd love to see them both close, have beauty redone, recast, and freshened up, and reopened possibly in a different theatre. Thats what I think should be done since it is so successful.

You are young, life has been kind to you. You will learn.

Mistress_Spouzic Profile Photo
#23re: Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?
Posted: 6/15/07 at 2:39am

i think Beauty is way past its prime.

roseaddams Profile Photo
#24re: Anyone Else Think Tarzan Should Be Booted Before Beauty?
Posted: 6/15/07 at 3:37am

"I'm surprised the powers that be in Burbank haven't said or done anything about this financial irresponsibility."

As a denizen of Burbank, I announce the show's closing as August 21. Buy your tickets now, because obviously you haven't yet.

"You mean what was the best picture of the year or what did they pick as the best picture of the year?" - California Suite
