Disrespect for Liza?

scot Profile Photo
#1Disrespect for Liza?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 12:54pm

Updated On: 12/19/07 at 12:54 PM

Perfectly Marvelous Profile Photo
Perfectly Marvelous
#2re: Disrespect for Liza?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 12:58pm

The only thing I find disprectful is trying to make sense of your sonnet-like writing style. Using a full paragraph or two never hurt anybody.

"I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and dreamer of improbable dreams." - Doctor Who

"Yes, the brutalities of progress are called revolutions. When they are over, men recognize that the human race has been harshly treated but it has moved forward." - Les Miserables

folkyboy Profile Photo
#2re: Disrespect for Liza?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 1:00pm

leave Rosie O'Donnell alone.
Updated On: 12/19/07 at 01:00 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#3re: Disrespect for Liza?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 1:04pm

Liza has done more for Broadway,
music, film, and humanity than most
people will ever care to.

Oh, Jesus Christ. And I'm a fan of Liza!

PalJoey Profile Photo
#4re: Disrespect for Liza?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 1:14pm

Why so many people go after someone's relapse

How DARE you call this a relapse? There is absolutely NO PROOF WHATSOEVER that Liza has relapsed.

How can you show so much disrespect?

Apologize NOW!

#5re: Disrespect for Liza?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 1:23pm

i thought it was a prolapse.

morosco Profile Photo
#6re: Disrespect for Liza?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 1:27pm


oh god. i think i just fainted a little bit.

#7re: Disrespect for Liza?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 1:45pm

Perez Hilton? Consider the source, dear.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#8re: Disrespect for Liza?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 1:51pm

Liza would hate this thread.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

Ivan the Wonderful Profile Photo
Ivan the Wonderful
#9re: Disrespect for Liza?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 1:54pm

I wish I had been there to cathc her as she fell.
I know what it it like to have people make fun of you for being fat and drunk. I am not as old as Liza is and I hope I am never that old but you have to respect her for being a trooper.

"you freakin freaks. get a ****in life. theres more to life than this stupid website." stage manager 2

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#10re: Disrespect for Liza?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 1:55pm

Also, Liza didn't 'collapse' while performing. She collapsed AFTER she finished and was leaving the stage.

If she 'collapsed' in mid-performance, then I think all this crap would be merited, but she didn't. She performed her entire set as intended.

Kudos should be given to her for actually performing after mentioning to others that she wasn't feeling well before she performed.

HughE2030 Profile Photo
#11re: Disrespect for Liza?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 1:56pm

I love Liza too, but this would explain why there hasn't been follow-up news to her “illness”. I have been scouring the news every since the fall for something. And I saw the clip too, which has now been yanked off You tube, why did she need to be held up on stage. Even Marie Osmond gave us a little curtsey after she got up off the floor.


Mag Wildwood
#12re: Disrespect for Liza?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 2:01pm

Whatever, my "disgusting" comments about that coked up has-been have been deleted. So there.

LEAVE LIZA ALONE!!!! Updated On: 12/19/07 at 02:01 PM

#13re: Disrespect for Liza?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 2:03pm


scot Profile Photo
#14re: Disrespect for Liza?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 2:21pm

Updated On: 12/20/07 at 02:21 PM

Mag Wildwood
#15re: Disrespect for Liza?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 2:24pm

Her only worthy performances were in Arrested Development.

Poor aged freak.

scot Profile Photo
#16re: Disrespect for Liza?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 2:27pm

Updated On: 12/20/07 at 02:27 PM

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#17re: Disrespect for Liza?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 2:32pm

It is the culture we live in. If Liza were to be left alone, then Britney, Amy Winehouse, et al. deserve the same treatment. It's not gonna happen. Those who love Liza aren't impacted by this and don't buy into any of the crap.

Fans ala "Chris Crocker" just become more comical fodder for those who are talking the trash in the first place. Rants by hyperviligant fans just add fuel to the fire and come off as unbalanced.

People in general just need to relax and stop paying attention to every little thing they see/read about a celebrity they like.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

Gypsy9 Profile Photo
#18re: Disrespect for Liza?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 2:32pm

There IS help that is available for alcoholics, and I don't mean only Alchoholics Anonymous, although that CAN help. 20 years ago I checked myself into Roosevelt Hospital in NYC for depression and alcoholism. I spent 3 weeks there, working hard with the other in-patients and with therapists, receiving medication, and taking part in the de-tox patients group sessions. I will always be grateful for the help I received at Roosevelt. That started my recovery process and I have been fairly sober for the past 20 years, "falling off the wagon" for a short period of time, starting with wedding festivities, but otherwise OK, and now completely sober for 2 years. I am determined never to go back to booze. I have also been in continuous therapy for these past 20 years and am on medication for depression and anxiety. It works for me. I am lucky to have good medical coverage. Liza should get such help.

Sorry if I went on a "Gee, look at me" rant, but that first poster got me started.

"Madam Rose...and her daughter...Gypsy!"

#19re: Disrespect for Liza?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 2:40pm

I've managed to screen out the most hateful comments about Liza, but I'm still bothered by all the cheap judgments being handed out (in advance of the facts). Has everyone forgotten her accomplishments? Not to mention the fact that she survived a bout with encephalitis several years ago which nearly killed her? If she's suffered a relapse of that, or if there's been some other medical emergency (unrelated to her famous problems) the same people currently exchanging cheap barbs about her would start to drip with syrupy false "sympathy."

As for Mag Wildwood--I'd rather be a has-been than a NEVER-WAS!

I ask in all honesty/What would life be?/Without a song and a dance, what are we?/So I say "Thank you for the music/For giving it to me."

#20re: Disrespect for Liza?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 2:42pm

And who says her collapse had anything to do with booze, drugs etc.? For all we know it was brought on by a medical condition. Mag, I hope you never age.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#21re: Disrespect for Liza?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 2:45pm

scot--YOU are the one spreading vicious rumors.

I demand you APOLOGIZE for inferring this was a relapse (YOUR word).

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#22re: Disrespect for Liza?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 3:00pm

"but I'm still bothered by all the cheap judgments being handed out (in advance of the facts)."

Umm, who is handing out the judgements and "facts"? Uh, Perez Hilton, some lame-ass bloggers. I mean, consider the sources.

Plus,someone posted it on here, which gives it even more life. As I said earlier-just let go.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

HughE2030 Profile Photo
#23re: Disrespect for Liza?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 3:33pm

It wasn't a made-up Perez story, he has a link to the Sweden newspaper Afton Bladet.


Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#24re: Disrespect for Liza?
Posted: 12/19/07 at 3:35pm

No disrespect, but who is reading the "Afton Bladet?" Bloggers digging for any kernel to keep their postings fresh. That's who.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello
