Clay On The View!

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#1Clay On The View!
Posted: 1/22/08 at 10:25am

I hope he sings! Did the fans get special tickets? How did that work?


Jane2 Profile Photo
#2re: Clay On The View!
Posted: 1/22/08 at 10:27am

I hope he does, too, Sueleen. But I'm doubting he will. I'll be tuning in!


#3re: Clay On The View!
Posted: 1/22/08 at 12:22pm

re: Clay On The View!

Screencap credit gerwhisp.

Quick summary:

He talked a mile a minute, which is tough with all 4 ladies talking at once.

He lightened his hair because he thought that dark color made him look older.

Spamalot red wig looks so real that it scares him sometimes.

He did some British accent and some yodeling.

Tried to show them the Russian dance, got all the hosts down on their knees to try it, but they couldn't do it.

Said his dance instructor had the patience of Job teaching him all the moves.

One of the toughest things for him is not reacting to the audience, because he's so used to interacting with them during his concerts, and now he has to completely ignore them.

Said all the screaming for him on Friday was a little embarassing because he did not want the other cast members to feel bad, but they told him they loved the the enthusiasm of the crowd.

Pippin Profile Photo
#3re: Clay On The View!
Posted: 1/22/08 at 12:27pm

Does CTV stand for "Clay TV"?

"I'm an American, Damnit!!! And if it's three things I don't believe in, it's quitting and math."

#4re: Clay On The View!
Posted: 1/22/08 at 12:29pm

No, it's a Canadian TV station.

#5re: Clay On The View!
Posted: 1/22/08 at 12:33pm

To me he came across as a bit of a jerk. He said the he is "trapped until May" Sorry you feel that way, why don't you leave right now.

#6re: Clay On The View!
Posted: 1/22/08 at 12:36pm

I think he means trapped in the city, which can sometimes feel that way if you're not used to living in NYC. It certainly is very different from living in Raleigh, NC.

Pippin Profile Photo
#7re: Clay On The View!
Posted: 1/22/08 at 12:40pm

"All of her days have gone soft and cloudy,
all of her dreams have gone dry.
All of her nights have gone sad and shady.
She's getting ready to fly.

Fly away,
fly away,
fly away.

Life in the city can make you crazy
for sounds of the sand and the sea.
Life in a highrise can make you hungry
for things that you can't even see.

Fly away,
fly away,
fly away.

In this whole world there's nobody as lonely as she;
there's nowhere to go and there's nowhere that she'd rather be.

She's looking for lovers and children playing,
she's looking for signs of the spring.
She listens for laughter and sounds of dancing,
she listens for any old thing.

Fly away,
fly away,
fly away.

In this whole world there's nobody as lonely as she;
there's nowhere to go and there's nowhere that she'd rather be.

All of her days have gone soft and cloudy,
all of her dreams have gone dry.
All of her nights have gone sad and shady.
She's getting ready to fly.

Fly away,
fly away,
fly away.

- John Denver

"I'm an American, Damnit!!! And if it's three things I don't believe in, it's quitting and math."

nmartin Profile Photo
#9re: Clay On The View!
Posted: 1/22/08 at 12:55pm

Was that picture taken at a tent revival?

#10re: Clay On The View!
Posted: 1/22/08 at 1:17pm

I would think his comments are more on the lines of not being used to being there or anywhere other than home for that long of a stretch at a time. Remember, he's not used to living there or being in a play or any setting night after night. He's used to being on a bus in a different city, doing whatever he wants night after night, not the same exact lines, movements, songs, etc. I can totally understand that in some ways as I used to travel a lot for my job. It's great and I love it, but then being assigned to one client for months, instead of the usual days or weeks, takes on a whole different feel. Just the typical, "nice place to visit, but no place like home."

folkyboy Profile Photo
#11re: Clay On The View!
Posted: 1/22/08 at 1:23pm

i don't really think being a homosexual is synonymous with being arrogant. i think one is a choice and one is not.

not that i'm on insinuating ANYTHING about Clay Aikin. let him live his life how he chooses. i just think throwing epithets at the man because of his character is kind of out of line.

Pippin Profile Photo
#12re: Clay On The View!
Posted: 1/22/08 at 2:24pm

very true.

He could live in the burbs and have an Idol Limo pick him up every day.

The pink one.

"I'm an American, Damnit!!! And if it's three things I don't believe in, it's quitting and math."

folkyboy Profile Photo
#14claymation live onstage in living color
Posted: 1/22/08 at 2:56pm

haha you're hilarious, papa

nickip Profile Photo
#15claymation live onstage in living color
Posted: 1/22/08 at 3:51pm

"i got on a dress!!"


#16claymation live onstage in living color
Posted: 1/22/08 at 4:49pm

for those interested, here's a transcription of what he said:

Sherri: How are you handling New York, cuz you’re from a real small town and now you’re in New York

Clay: You know, I’ve visited New York, but I’ve never been-- I don’t mean to say it in-hardly in a negative way, but I’m kind of like trapped, you know. Normally I can leave and go somewhere else but now, I’m here ‘till May 4th without question…

Interpret how you will, but those are the words in context.

nmartin Profile Photo
#17claymation live onstage in living color
Posted: 1/22/08 at 5:27pm

Someone needs to coach him on how to answer questions.

#18claymation live onstage in living color
Posted: 1/22/08 at 5:32pm

"Someone needs to coach him on how to answer questions. "

What's the point? No matter what he says, some people will interpret it in the worst possible way.

Pippin Profile Photo
#19claymation live onstage in living color
Posted: 1/22/08 at 5:36pm

or the best

"I'm an American, Damnit!!! And if it's three things I don't believe in, it's quitting and math."

Posted: 1/22/08 at 5:39pm

Updated On: 5/8/09 at 05:39 PM

me2 Profile Photo
#21claymation live onstage in living color
Posted: 1/22/08 at 5:48pm

Well, look at the mob of people waiting for him at the stage door. Imagine trying to go out and get pizza.

Plus don't forget, he has to walk everywhere if he wants to get anywhere (maybe he does have a driver, but it's not like being able to drive himself places like he could at home).

Clay Aiken has the same right as everyone else to choose to express himself or not express himself. He may or may not be gay, but his choices are his OWN and to attack him for that is not right. I think there's a subtext to some people's opinions here that are not just unbiased thoughts.

Posted: 1/22/08 at 5:51pm

Updated On: 5/8/09 at 05:51 PM

Mikers Profile Photo
#23claymation live onstage in living color
Posted: 1/22/08 at 6:01pm

It looked to me that he stated a fact. He's used to a being free to do a lot of traveling and is now in one spot for 4 months. He went on to say what he likes about NY.

#25re: Clay On The View!
Posted: 1/22/08 at 7:24pm

"I'm not saying he deserves what he gets, but it's not like he didn't know what he was getting into. "

I doubt that a college kid signing up for singing competition could anticipate everything that happened to him in the last five years.

Updated On: 1/22/08 at 07:24 PM

StageFan2 Profile Photo
#27re: Clay On The View!
Posted: 1/22/08 at 7:38pm

"I doubt that a college kid signing up for singing competition could anticipate everything that happened to him in the last five years."

Granted - however when you sign on to do a Broadway Show for 4 months, you should expect you'll be in NYC for that amount of time. As was stated earlier, he doesn't have to live 'within' the city.

Posted: 1/22/08 at 7:50pm

Updated On: 5/8/09 at 07:50 PM
