
If and When Laura Osnes Leaves Grease, Who is Going To Be The Next Sandy??

If and When Laura Osnes Leaves Grease, Who is Going To Be The Next Sandy??

yankees1253 Profile Photo
#1If and When Laura Osnes Leaves Grease, Who is Going To Be The Next Sandy??
Posted: 6/9/08 at 11:13pm

i heard that ashley spencer is in talks about going over to grease take over the role as sandy.

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
musicaltheatrefan3 Profile Photo
#2re: If and When Laura Osnes Leaves Grease, Who is Going To Be The Next Sand
Posted: 6/9/08 at 11:14pm

Did anyone take the Britney rumor seriously? And why do you care? It's not like anyone on BWW actually goes to see that show.

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
#3re: If and When Laura Osnes Leaves Grease, Who is Going To Be The Next Sand
Posted: 6/9/08 at 11:18pm

says the poster who spams the board with WICKED fangirl threads...

#4re: If and When Laura Osnes Leaves Grease, Who is Going To Be The Next Sand
Posted: 6/9/08 at 11:20pm

No if, Laura IS leaving July 20th.

As far as the Ashley rumor, I highly doubt it. She is already working and most of the contestants are really trying to distance themselves from the reality show.

"You just can't win. Ever. Look at the bright side, at least you are not stuck in First Wives Club: The Musical. That would really suck. " --Sueleen Gay

adamgreer Profile Photo
#5re: If and When Laura Osnes Leaves Grease, Who is Going To Be The Next Sand
Posted: 6/9/08 at 11:20pm

Honestly, Britney Spears playing Sandy might be the one thing to get me to sit through that revival again...and I'd go on her first night.

(because it may well turn out to be her last night as well)

A Fleur De Toi Profile Photo
A Fleur De Toi
#6re: If and When Laura Osnes Leaves Grease, Who is Going To Be The Next Sand
Posted: 6/10/08 at 12:17am

Britney *gasps! Spears.

though britney spears will most probably boost Grease's grosses on her first month or something.

and TooDarnHot, why do you have some sorta personal vendetta against Wicked? Im not doubting u certainly know ur theatre stuff and must have worked in the field of a heck of a long time, but quit bringing up a personal preference of liking Wicked as a judge of their taste, or worse, their personality (ie the Wicked FanGirl). Do bear in mind that perhaps the long term survival of Broadway is resting upon the purchasing power of these FanGirls you seem so quick to bash. The way you attack, makes Wicked threads such a taboo topic on these boards. it is as if Wicked is not a musical on broadway.

U make me just so god damn agitated every time I wanna come have a little snoop around BWW to discuss musicals.

I just really wish you could be less annoying. garh.

In Soviet Russia, Wicked hates you too!

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#7re: If and When Laura Osnes Leaves Grease, Who is Going To Be The Next Sand
Posted: 6/10/08 at 12:21am

Karl Urban

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

into_the_woods2 Profile Photo
#8re: If and When Laura Osnes Leaves Grease, Who is Going To Be The Next Sand
Posted: 6/10/08 at 12:33am

A Fleur de Toi, I am totally with you on the "quit hating on wicked fan girls" thing, because people tend to immediately place you in the obnoxious teenage girl category if you say that you like Wicked. I love Wicked, it's one of my favorite shows of all time, and I hate how people judge so harshly on it.

However, I don't think that is what TooDarnHot was saying. I think what he meant was that MusicalTheatreFan3 has had a history of posting obnoxious threads and should not be ripping on this one.

I think getting Britney Spears as Sandy would be such a good thing for many reasons: it would make Grease a heck of a lot more successful and it would hold Britney accountable for her actions more. Plus I personally would see Grease if Britney was in it and I wouldn't otherwise

"The good news is I have an excellent Tony speech. The bad news is I've had it for forty-five years."-Elaine Stritch

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
#9re: If and When Laura Osnes Leaves Grease, Who is Going To Be The Next Sand
Posted: 6/10/08 at 12:42am

thank you for clearing that up, into_the_woods. you are correct

a fleur de toi - it was not a hack against WICKED fangirls. It was strictly an insult to MTF3. you must have missed the Disaster of June 4th

A Fleur De Toi Profile Photo
A Fleur De Toi
#10re: If and When Laura Osnes Leaves Grease, Who is Going To Be The Next Sand
Posted: 6/10/08 at 12:50am

receiving u loud and clear into_the_woods.

i guess i get what TDH is saying to MTF for starting too many threads (i was actually there at the whole hullabaloo). but i guess i was just frustrated at TDH for his hijacking comments on other threads. Anyway I as a Wicked fan, didnt even think too highly about Wicked and did agree it was rather mediocre to say the least. I dont even want to defend Wicked, I dont even like the tunes as much as I like Chess. But the way he hates on every Wicked fan, just makes me so irritated.

and to be perfectly honest, i discovered my love for musicals only recently. previously i had preferred edgy plays to singing musicals and show tunes etc. So this whole new world is pretty exciting for me. And TDH just makes me feel that musical theatre has an invisible wall that keeps out those who are new to this. Like his comments on a person's age as a signifier for his taste in musicals for instance. or his "oh you like Wicked=FanGirl=annoying=idina menzel groupie" equation.

like whatever. I cant be bothered much more already.

Sorry i went so off topic on this thread. But if Britney gets this role, it wouldnt be her first BW experience, she acted in Ruthless the musical when she was younger. So i guess she could actually revive Grease. Although it probably comes at the expense of more annoying Britney Fan Girls to Broadway, as some might point out.

In Soviet Russia, Wicked hates you too!

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
#11re: If and When Laura Osnes Leaves Grease, Who is Going To Be The Next Sand
Posted: 6/10/08 at 12:55am

A Fleur De Toi - this is why the internet is so bad. clearly, I do not blame you for making assumptions but I have NOTHING against Wicked.

I know it must seem like that but I don't actually hate the show... I'm a big Schwartz fan and enjoy parts of the WICKED score.

But it's these extremely obnoxious stereotypical fangirls that make me resent the show's reputation! The same goes for RENT and its Rent Heads.

LuPwners, on the other hand, have a fabulous reputation and will... Forever. re: If and When Laura Osnes Leaves Grease, Who is Going To Be The Next Sand

A Fleur De Toi Profile Photo
A Fleur De Toi
#12re: If and When Laura Osnes Leaves Grease, Who is Going To Be The Next Sand
Posted: 6/10/08 at 1:14am

TDH - well i guess with the anonymity the internet accords, we can pretty much say whatever we want.

However, i hope you can realise that Wicked and other popular musicals may be introducing a whole new generation to Broadway (like yours truly), who may in time, learn more and enough about musicals to appreciate the diversity of shows that have been on Broadway. Wicked wasnt my first musical, but it really got me excited about BW and im sure it is the same for many other out there. But to put us down right from the start, as being young, denies us any opportunity to grow and learn more about BW. True, you may have nothing against Wicked per se , but you certainly have something against the idea of Wicked-esque musicals appealing to the masses and youth which you feel is an impediment to a genuine appreciation of BW. And it is that very notion that is getting to me.

I want to let you know that popular musicals or not, they are as much a musical and part of Broadway as any other. I dont deny you can be a Schwartz fan - who couldnt like Pippin? But I hope you see the point I am making. I dont mean to be snarky and mean, so you could just take it that i'm:

1. Drunk
2. Tired
3. Drunk and tired.

But give us a chance to learn more by discussing what we like about the musicals that we CURRENTLY love. Who knows, although god forbid, we could grow into the next generation of LuPwners :)
But anyway im sorry if my comments were ad hominem or anything. I was just well. frustrated.

In Soviet Russia, Wicked hates you too!

BroadwayBound86 Profile Photo
#13re: If and When Laura Osnes Leaves Grease, Who is Going To Be The Next Sand
Posted: 6/11/08 at 10:08pm

i heard that ashley spencer is in talks about going over to grease take over the role as sandy.

I overheard some of the people from softball (Broadway Show League) talking about this but I didn't hear the whole story. From what I heard it sounds like she might be stepping in to the show, but it's not definate.
Updated On: 6/11/08 at 10:08 PM

#14re: If and When Laura Osnes Leaves Grease, Who is Going To Be The Next Sand
Posted: 6/18/08 at 4:29pm

I also heard the same rumor about Ashley Spencer. I hope it is true. She was my first choice for Sandy. Great stage presence!

Brave Sir Robin2 Profile Photo
Brave Sir Robin2
#15re: If and When Laura Osnes Leaves Grease, Who is Going To Be The Next Sand
Posted: 6/18/08 at 5:21pm

I would actually like to see Britney do good as Sandy. I'd fly to NYC to see it!

"I saw Pavarotti play Rodolfo on stage and with his girth I thought he was about to eat the whole table at the Cafe Momus." - Dollypop

folkyboy Profile Photo
#16re: If and When Laura Osnes Leaves Grease, Who is Going To Be The Next Sand
Posted: 6/18/08 at 7:19pm

is Austin stepping into the role of Patty Simcox?

#17re: If and When Laura Osnes Leaves Grease, Who is Going To Be The Next Sand
Posted: 6/18/08 at 7:30pm

More people on BWW go to see it than you think!

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#20re: If and When Laura Osnes Leaves Grease, Who is Going To Be The Next Sand
Posted: 6/19/08 at 12:54am

Ashley Spencer? Wouldn't that sort of defeat the purpose of the competition in the reality show, if the runner up eventually gets the part anyway?

Was this reliable source someone from the production?

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

#21re: If and When Laura Osnes Leaves Grease, Who is Going To Be The Next Sand
Posted: 6/19/08 at 9:47am

I don't think that anyone would turn down a LEAD role. I know I wouldn't, no matter what.

#22re: If and When Laura Osnes Leaves Grease, Who is Going To Be The Next Sand
Posted: 6/19/08 at 1:05pm

musicaltheaterfan3: Wrong, people from this board have seen Grease. Some like it, some didn't. I did!

Brittney Spears was a rumor started by a scandal sheet in England that others sources repeated and quoted them, but had NO validity then and has none now.

No matter what show you can name, some will like it, others will not. Haven't seen a show that posters here that when someone panned it, someone else defended it because they liked it.

Live long and prosper. Marriage equity now!
Updated On: 6/19/08 at 01:05 PM

yankees1253 Profile Photo
#23re: If and When Laura Osnes Leaves Grease, Who is Going To Be The Next Sand
Posted: 6/19/08 at 1:19pm

i will def ask her or one of the hairspray cast members tommorrow night about ashley and i guess she is moving to grease. i feel such joy for her and i wish her well, plus yes i do agree who would turn down a lead role. at least she wont be next to max or even ashley parker angel anymore. hear great reviews about josh as danny...so i am glad she is going to have an awesome love interest on stage with her. she will def blend with the ladies really well. plus grease fills the theatre better than hairspray.
i will also ask her when her last day as amber will be.
congratulations and good luck to her. it is def a good time for her to move on.

why do we get the correct infomation from the box office and cast members than the broadway websites?.
