Tale of Two Cities

theatrenut2 Profile Photo
#1Tale of Two Cities
Posted: 7/3/08 at 10:40am

Does anybody know anything about this musical? Thanks in advance.

bob8rich Profile Photo
#2re: Tale of Two Cities
Posted: 7/3/08 at 10:49am



#2re: Tale of Two Cities
Posted: 7/3/08 at 10:50am

Heads get lost.

Very sad.

"If my life weren't funny, it would just be true. And that would be unacceptable." --Carrie Fisher

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#3re: Tale of Two Cities
Posted: 7/3/08 at 11:25am

It is the worst of musicals, it is the best of musicals.

#4re: Tale of Two Cities
Posted: 7/3/08 at 11:26am

Lots of knitting.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

Calvin Profile Photo
#5re: Tale of Two Cities
Posted: 7/3/08 at 11:40am

The opening number, "I See London, I See France" was cut early in the workshop phase, unfortunately.

#6re: Tale of Two Cities
Posted: 7/3/08 at 12:48pm

This is actually a good show. The score is decent and the actors are great. I saw one of there numerous readings. It moved me. BUT I worry for this Broadway production. Almost every member of the production team is making there Broadway debut in there capacity. That is scary for a huge show. Also keeping James Barbour is a PR nightmare! He is a wonderful actor and great in the role but it gives you an uphill battle when your star is a convicted sex offender and you will need to market your product heavily to student groups.

esparza 333
#7re: Tale of Two Cities
Posted: 7/3/08 at 1:14pm

I want this show to do well. I really do. I want it to get praised by the critics and for it to win many tony awards including ones for Natalie Toro and James Barbour. I hope audiences see past his past (LOL) and just judge him by his performance.

Current Avatar:The sensational Aaron Tveit in the soon to be hit production of Catch Me If You Can.

#8re: Tale of Two Cities
Posted: 7/4/08 at 1:23am

Hi, theatrenut2! I can answear your question firsthand!!
I was immensely lucky enough to have witnessed the *birth* of ATOTC in Sarasota! And, I'm **EXCITED, EXCITED, EXCITED about seeing this show on Broadway!!!
The production is incredibly well done, and will appeal to many. The sets were really efficient and made the impact, even though the Asolo Theater stage was quite smaller than what is really required for such a show, and all that activity onstage!!
The lighting was very cool and smart, and I really enjoyed the costumes. And the story is so well adapted, that I am afraid many out there will never read the book, if they can see this show!!
The cast in Sarasota was amazing, even though the ensemble was mostly students from FSU (they are on campus at the Asolo and have their own theater productions, as well). Many student groups in this community were able to see the production, so, inspite what has been said, not "just" the older demographics compiled the audience for Tale. I found no fault with any performance, and two characters were really worthy of praise: James Barbour, the leading actor, and Natalie Toro, who played Mdme DeFarge. I really think these two should definetely be nominated for Tonys, they were THAT good! They really owned their parts!
And, now, about the music------what a great score! I can really say that some of these songs made me cry! Some were just SO beautiful! I can't still grasp what talent Ms. Santoriello must have, to produce such lyrics and music, as I understand she is "self taught"?! The singing was also phenomenal!
Anyways, I noticed that you are from Ft. Lauderdale, and I have a friend who is trying to form a tour to go to New York to see this show: Would you be interested in going? I can get her to contact you, or you can contact "Broadway Across America" at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts. She is at the first stages of getting this proposed to them, so nothing is quite set-up yet. But you could ask them to let you know when/if the group is formed. I understand the Asolo Theater already has a group formed to go in October, but it is quite a long ride for us. Send me a message if you are interested.
If you like musical theater, this show should NOT be missed. I am so upset about so many other shows I have missed through the years, because I have not been able to make it to Broadway to see them, and then they closed. So my friend is trying to get something set up for us to be able to experience it in all its glory, on Broadway.
Honestly, I cannnot wait to see the *final* tweaked production! There were a few things that they were planning on changing about the show, especially the ending, so I really want to finally see the end product!!!
All I can tell you, firsthand, is that this show is WORTHY!

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#9re: Tale of Two Cities
Posted: 7/4/08 at 1:41am

As a (belated) birthday gift, my friend/colleague just bought a pair of tickets for her and I today! Monday, September 15th @ 8:00pm! SO EXCITED! Admittedly, I can't recall ever *reading* the novel, but I am familiar (somewhat) with the storyline(s) throughout. Somewhat. I'd muuuuch rather go into the darn thing 'cold' it'd make it all the more entertaining, I think. Anyway, I digress. TALE... is coming, and this fella is super-duper stoked to see it!

#10re: Tale of Two Cities
Posted: 7/4/08 at 3:15am

you guys all just made me smile (as i sit here at 3am (as usual re: Tale of Two Cities) working on our little skit!) thank you.

alfgiotir Profile Photo
#11re: Tale of Two Cities
Posted: 7/4/08 at 4:29am

score or script jill? :)

#12re: Tale of Two Cities
Posted: 7/4/08 at 5:20am

Here to another smile, Jill...I already have my tickets (2) for Tale, in previews re: Tale of Two Cities
And.......almost everyone I know has loved your music from the concept CD...! re: Tale of Two Cities
Sending smiles your way..... re: Tale of Two Cities re: Tale of Two Cities re: Tale of Two Cities re: Tale of Two Cities re: Tale of Two Cities re: Tale of Two Cities re: Tale of Two Cities

son_of_a_gunn_25 Profile Photo
Posted: 7/4/08 at 11:09pm

My avatar is a reminder to myself. I need lots of reminders...
Updated On: 4/3/10 at 11:09 PM

#14re: Tale of Two Cities
Posted: 7/5/08 at 1:24am

I love this score and can't wait to hear a obc for it. I don't think many people are gonna know about what James did. I certainly didn't.

#15re: Tale of Two Cities
Posted: 7/5/08 at 2:37am

Gee, you guys were all up later than me last night! Way to go!

Alfgiotir, it was score last night and tonight. Working on arrangements and other fun stuff. (but script and sundry all day.)

Good night!

#16re: Tale of Two Cities
Posted: 7/5/08 at 3:05am

All of us here are glad, and respect the fact, that you are staying up revising and preaparing your creation for us to enjoy even more, very soon!

So...night, night, Jill :)

And...happy belated 4th!

#17re: Tale of Two Cities
Posted: 7/6/08 at 9:27pm

I am new posting, but I have been reading on/off some of the posts in these threads for a while, because my friend is a regular poster. I believe you guys call it *Broadway Legend*?
Anyway, my comment is to set the record straight about Florida theater audiences, because a lot of misconceptions and belittling language has been used to describe the scene here.

First, not every theater patron is old, or from a nursing home. Where I live, we have a very grand center for the performing arts, where they have a Broadway series supported by *Broadway Across America*. I try to see as many shows as my schedule allows, and have a lot of young friends who do the same, on a regular basis. Sure a lot of the patrons are *old*, but they do not seek them from the nursing homes, believe me.
In Sarasota, where I saw A Tale of Two Cities, they have mostly an older theater fan base, but there's also a lot of younger people who attend. You would be surprised to know that the older residents there are very mobile, active members of the community, and seems like none of them are in a nursing home, at all. They are also very savvy about theater, since a good number of them resided in New York in their younger days, and saw a lot of Broadway.
I also found interesting folk there, who had been dancers, actors, stage hands, choreographers, and had, at some point, other theater related careers. The lot is very colorful!
As in Sarasota, we have plenty of student based productions in South Florida, as well as community theater, and these are very well attended by the locals. Then, there is the Broadway series. The biggest performing centers are in West Palm Beach, Miami, Ft Lauderdale, and further up, Tampa, and Orlando. And there is so much more!
Although limited, there is also a healthy movie/TV industry down here.
So you see, we are not a bunch of uneducated crackers here. We support theater, the arts, and know when a show has the excellence to be Broadway bound, just like the best of them.
It has given me inmense pride and satisfaction to have taken part in the *pilot* program to advance a show like Tale to the likes of Broadway.
Now, *on with the show!*
Regards from all us *crackers* re: Tale of Two Cities

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#18re: Tale of Two Cities
Posted: 7/6/08 at 9:30pm


"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#19re: Tale of Two Cities
Posted: 7/6/08 at 11:38pm

Hey Ashley... You go girl!!!!

theatrenut2 Profile Photo
#20re: Tale of Two Cities
Posted: 7/7/08 at 3:57pm

Thank you all so much for the information. Ashley--You Rock! I am going New York in December, and I was wondering if I should get tickets. I shall based on what you said. Thanks!

#21re: Tale of Two Cities
Posted: 7/7/08 at 4:46pm

I would change only one thing in Ashley's wonderful post - you don't have to see Broadway to know theatre. There are wonderful companies & productions all over the place, run & enjoyed by people who KNOW THEATRE & don't particpate in or attend Broadway shows.

Let's not be so snooty my fellow theatre geeks! :)

#22re: Tale of Two Cities
Posted: 7/7/08 at 6:12pm

So, I had purchased the concept CD when I first heard about just over two years ago. I absolutely love this score. I was so disappointed to see it stalled, but so excited to hear when it went back into workshops and readings, and eventually a production at the Asolo. I cannot wait for this show and will be making a trek to NY to see it. Ms. Santoriello has composed a wonderful score, with my personal favorites being The Tale, Up In the Garret, and The Promise (Did these remain in the Asolo production?) I am, however, most disappointed that her brother, Alex Santoriello, will not be playing the role of Sydney Carton. He was absolutely fantastic on the concept recording. I cannot wait for this show. Just my two cents. Updated On: 2/15/14 at 06:12 PM

#23re: Tale of Two Cities
Posted: 7/8/08 at 8:28pm

Okayfinre, I hope that nobody thought I was implying that only Broadway exposed you to good theater! Anyway, I think from your wording, perhaps you didn't, just stated that you would expand to my post, and I heartily agree!
Notice that I mentioned that we do have plenty of local and student theater down here, which are just as wonderful as any theater. Once in a while, one of these productions will turn out to actually be a *gem* of a show, and a unique experience to have witnessed it at such an inexpensive price for an evening, as compared to a bad day for a Broadway series show, at a much steeper price.
Good theater, like age, has *no boundaries*! re: Tale of Two Cities

#24re: Tale of Two Cities
Posted: 7/8/08 at 8:39pm

theatrenut2, great! I've heard it through the *grapevine*, that the show is going to be more amazing than when it played in Sarasota!!!
Since good seats in December might be hard to find, I would say do buy them prior, and ASAP, so you can actually get what you really want.
But, would you be interested in a *group price*? At the moment, my friend is busy trying to just get the notion going about a group to New York.
But she still needs to decide 'when', and any ideas about dates when people would be most interested in going, would be most appreciated, I'm sure.
PM me if you are interested, OK?

