
A TALE OF TWO CITIES- An evening of average yet solid theatre

A TALE OF TWO CITIES- An evening of average yet solid theatre

#1A TALE OF TWO CITIES- An evening of average yet solid theatre
Posted: 8/26/08 at 12:24pm

After reading everyones reviews of TOTC I was curious as to what I would see last night. The show is not a mess by any means it is a solid production. I will be interested to see how well it sells in the coming weeks. It deserves something although what I a not sure.

The show is solid yet average. I enjoyed myself and the cast is superb! Each character I found interesting. However the material is beneath the performances. It is not bad material but its not strong either which is a pity because the performers are. To begin with that prologue needs to go away. I think the orchestra striking up with the title image projection was thrilling. That is how it should start. The prologue was confusing and boring.

The show does have many moments that are so Les Mis-esque that it almost makes you chuckle. However I do not believe that is the shows fault. They do exist in the same world. I think the problem is the dull spots of TOTC are duller than the dull spots of Les Mis and the exciting parts of TOTC are not as thrillng as the exciting parts of Les Mis. It is this reason that it ends up being hurt by the comparisons.

However that being said the show has some wonderful moments. As many have said James Barbour turns in a solid star performance, although I have to admit seeing him since a song about his love of the little girl did make me a bit uncomfortable. It is the character but still.

The supporting cast shines just as brightly though. Natalie Toro and Nick Wyman are both wonderful standouts. Warren Carlyle has done a great job staging some that needs sprawling epic granduer. He keeps the stage very open giving the actors a lot of playing space and it pays off well.

The audience seemed to like it and its been a while since we had a sweeping epic like this. So although the show is average and by no means something for the ages it is no trainwreck. Which is great since so many predicted it would be awful. It is fine. So it will be interesting to see how audiences take to something that is just okay but has not extra pull such as a star or gimmick. Just a solid yet average telling of a great story. How will that far in the current broadway climate? Look forward to seeing.

Kalimba Profile Photo
#2re: A TALE OF TWO CITIES- An evening of average yet solid theatre
Posted: 8/26/08 at 12:31pm

What did you think of the graveyard number? Do you think it should be cut?

Weez Profile Photo
#2re: A TALE OF TWO CITIES- An evening of average yet solid theatre
Posted: 8/26/08 at 12:35pm

Y'know what I think? I think ATOTC is going to be the new 'Marguerite'. It's not *bad*, per se. It's even quite good, and the cast are certainly doing their damnedest. But at the end of the day... will it be good *enough*? 'Marguerite' wasn't. Let's see how ATOTC goes.

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#3re: A TALE OF TWO CITIES- An evening of average yet solid theatre
Posted: 8/26/08 at 12:38pm

Marguerite?? I've never heard of it. When did that show appear?

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

Weez Profile Photo
#4re: A TALE OF TWO CITIES- An evening of average yet solid theatre
Posted: 8/26/08 at 12:50pm

It's been in the West End over the summer, but it's closing early, because while it is *good*, it is just not good *enough*. It's quite uncomfortably in-between those two viewpoints actually; if it were rubbish, it'd be much easier for me to discuss it with the people who think it and star Ruthie Henshall are OMG the greatest things EVAR!!!. Ah well. ^_^

#5re: A TALE OF TWO CITIES- An evening of average yet solid theatre
Posted: 8/26/08 at 1:49pm

I actually saw Marguerite last month. I think that is a wonderful comparison. Marguerite was entertianing and the cast was fantastic. It also was beautifully designed with and staged but as you said...it was not good enough. It could very possibly follow the same path.

KALIMBA-As for the graveyard number. I happen to enjoy it but it should be cut. It's fun but there is no need for it in what is an overly long 1st act.

#6re: A TALE OF TWO CITIES- An evening of average yet solid theatre
Posted: 8/26/08 at 5:33pm

I'm considering going in October, but still have bad dreams about The Pirate Queen, which is the last "epic" show I saw. Is this anything like it? Have enjoyed the occasional Les Mis rip-off (La Cava anyone?)

jordangirl Profile Photo
#7re: A TALE OF TWO CITIES- An evening of average yet solid theatre
Posted: 8/26/08 at 11:06pm

I saw it tonight ~ the graveyard number was cut, reportedly today ~ and did enjoy it more than I thought I would. Act I could definitely use some tightening, but I thought Act II was good. I would definitely say it's better than The Pirate Queen ~ which I liked as well.

Even before I experienced how much longer Act I was than Act II, there were a couple of numbers (the ship number specifically could go completely and the tavern number and wedding number could be shortened I think) I thought could be removed or tweaked. Specifically Act I currently as of tonight has twice as many numbers as Act II. I know why they choose to make the intermission break when they do, but the storytelling in Act I could benefit from some tweaking and editing.

Overall, I was impressed though. I'll go back.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

#8A TALE OF TWO CITIES- Now an evening of solid theatre
Posted: 8/26/08 at 11:21pm

Tonight (by my cheap watch):

Act I: 7:05-8:30

Act II: 8:46-9:40

p.s. Audience loved the show tonight, and the actors noticed.

shira467 Profile Photo
#9A TALE OF TWO CITIES- Now an evening of solid theatre
Posted: 8/27/08 at 12:14am

I definitely enjoyed it tonight. I think that while it lacks strong material and the comparisons to Les Miz, while inevitable, don't help it a bit.

However, the production is excellent and the cast is superb. The prologue, however, confused the HELL out of me, especially as I've never read the book. And please, don't yell at me to read the book.

Deet: Shira, I Love You!

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#10A TALE OF TWO CITIES- Now an evening of solid theatre
Posted: 8/27/08 at 1:07am

Thank you for cutting the resurectionist number. I'm so glad the creative team is doing everything they need to do to make this show even better! Can't wait to go back on Monday night!
Updated On: 8/27/08 at 01:07 AM

winston89 Profile Photo
#11A TALE OF TWO CITIES- Now an evening of solid theatre
Posted: 8/27/08 at 2:56am

I am glad that they cut the graveyard number. I got the point as to why it was there. It was there as a comic comic relief number, I understand and get that. However, I felt like it dragged too far of the path of the main plot.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

#12Not yet an evening of solid theatre
Posted: 8/27/08 at 2:59pm

shira 467: "The prologue, however, confused the HELL out of me, especially as I've never read the book. And please, don't yell at me to read the book."

You shouldn't have to read any book to understand any show that purports to tell a story. Nor should you have to see the show twice to finally "get it."

And, to all of you Les Mis-maniacs, not everyone has seen Les Mis (yes, hard to believe, I know), so comparisons to it are really beside the point. If more than one show is depicting the peasants' revolt of the French Revolution, those depictions are likely to resemble each other in certain predictable ways. Leave it alone already.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#13Not yet an evening of solid theatre
Posted: 8/27/08 at 3:15pm

I haven't read the book (plan to, but just haven't gotten there yet on my to-be-read-classics list), but I didn't find the prologue confusing. I don't think you're supposed to know who it is...just that someone not of the same class was set up for committing murder. What else were you supposed to get?

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

Kev14 Profile Photo
#14Not yet an evening of solid theatre
Posted: 8/27/08 at 4:08pm

It sounds like great news they cut the resurectionist number. I don't really like those numbers in epic shows. I LOATHE Master of the House and Boys will be Boys. So it sounds like a huge step in the right direction!

Upcoming Shows: Quilters, A Bronx Tale, August: Osage County, Wicked, Spring Awakening, Little House on the Prairie
Updated On: 8/27/08 at 04:08 PM

LeaGirl Profile Photo
#15Not yet an evening of solid theatre
Posted: 8/27/08 at 4:24pm

Saw this last night and actually had a really good time!

Barbour is giving quite the performance. Loved him. Also had a great time watching Natalie Toro - she's fun.

Constructive criticism - I agree the number on the boat ought to go - also - the housekeeper (don't have playbill with me) seems unsure of some of her timing with the comedy in her act I material - not sure why because she's much better in act II - so I couldn't tell if it was a book issue or what. She just seemed sort of unsure of exactly what direction she was supposed to be taking with the character.

They get 10 more minutes cut from act I and this could be really pretty solid though.

I enjoyed it and I'm going to go back after it is frozen!

Now what would you say if today I started over? Without a thing but this taped together four leaf clover And I'll pretend like everything is already alright And I'll run toward the sun till the castle's out of sight

Posted: 8/27/08 at 4:45pm

Very interested to hear that they cut the graveyard number. They had to. It was comic relief that did nothing in the way of plot, character development, anything. "No Honest Way" is enough in that genre, and it serves the plot.

If I could make one change, and it'd be a big one, I'd knock out one of the ensemble numbers. Maybe axe Until Tomorrow, the Act I closer, and move things around so that they could end with one of the early versions of Out of Sight, Out of Mind or one of the other innumerable ensemble pieces that are all quite similar in tone.

Posted: 8/27/08 at 7:59pm

"And, to all of you Les Mis-maniacs, not everyone has seen Les Mis (yes, hard to believe, I know), so comparisons to it are really beside the point."

This is the most salient point about the entire "Les Mis Knockoff" controversy.

There's a vast number of people who have never seen the show and inspired theater patrons now who weren't even born when the show landed on Broadway in 'the mid eighties.

Posted: 8/29/08 at 12:43am

Hey all, I went to see the show again yesterday, having seen it in the first week. They had cut Dr. Manette's opening song, but Edelman told me at the stage door that they are changing that opening every day, and it could just as well be back in today. The graveyard scene cut is a good one, and they moved Lucie's Act II song up to let the ending flow better.

My first stage door experience, lots of fun.

I wrote posts on my blog if anyone is interested in lots of detail. Not trying to self-advertise or anything (it's a low key personal blog), just don't want to bore people with huge posts on here.
and about the stage door experience:

Testing1232 Profile Photo
Posted: 8/29/08 at 12:24pm

Friend of mine went last night, and REALLY enjoyed it !!

Still on TDF, so gonna take a shot on 9/17
