In The Heights Coincidence

#1In The Heights Coincidence
Posted: 8/30/08 at 4:04pm

I am terrifed that In The Heights controls the electricity in my neighborhood..I was listeing to "Blackout" and right after they said "Blackout, Blackout! Oh No!"
My power went out.
Spooky stuff.

You're At Destiny's Crossroads...

Drunk Chita Rivera Profile Photo
Drunk Chita Rivera
#2re: In The Heights Coincidence
Posted: 8/30/08 at 4:10pm

I've had that happen but not right when they said Blackout.

#2re: In The Heights Coincidence
Posted: 8/30/08 at 4:14pm

That's actually pretty spooky, I won't lie. Lin-Manuel Miranda really IS everywhere, you know.

The same thing happened to me when I listened to "Find Your Grail." As soon as Sara Ramirez said the words, BAM. There it was.

Weez Profile Photo
#3re: In The Heights Coincidence
Posted: 8/30/08 at 4:32pm

OMG, you guys too? I was just lietening to 'Caroline, or Change' earlier, and then the maid stole twenty bucks! Ooh I was hopping mad I can tell you!

#4re: In The Heights Coincidence
Posted: 8/30/08 at 5:25pm

well I wish I could say something like this has happened to me, but it hasn't

"And We Have A Shepherd's Pie Peppered With Actual Shepherd On Top" - Mrs. Lovett, Sweeney Todd

#5re: In The Heights Coincidence
Posted: 8/30/08 at 7:26pm

Once a helicopter flew over my house while I was listening to "The Fall of Saigon."

I thought it was pretty freaky, anyway.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

legallysam Profile Photo
#6re: In The Heights Coincidence
Posted: 8/30/08 at 7:45pm

ooh this is spooky!
I was listening to Gimme The Ball from ACL revival, and just as Greg said BINGO...well ya!

*this is a bit of british sarcasm not meant to be taken seriously* :P

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#7re: In The Heights Coincidence
Posted: 8/30/08 at 7:47pm

There was that time when I saw Spamalot and Sara rose out of the lake and said, "Come with me..." and I... okay, nevermind.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

EugLoven Profile Photo
#8re: In The Heights Coincidence
Posted: 8/30/08 at 7:49pm

I always find blue fur in my teeth while listening to "You Can Be As Loud As The Hell You Want"

dramarama2 Profile Photo
#9re: In The Heights Coincidence
Posted: 8/30/08 at 7:49pm

Well, when I needed a Nanny, who'd of thunk that all I needed to do was listen to my Mary Poppins cast recording.

A little known fact is that in the original screenplay, Pan's Labyrinth was Pan's FLAByrinth. Hmmmmmmm...glad they changed it.

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#10re: In The Heights Coincidence
Posted: 8/30/08 at 8:12pm

drama, the SAME thing happened to me. Then the damn winds changed.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!
