high ballad belting songs

#1high ballad belting songs
Posted: 9/3/08 at 8:50am

i posted a question like this in the student forum and i didnt find any of the suggested songs perfect.. yet. :)
well i need a belting song for a competition.. i usually like songs which build up to a climax and has that wow factor

i'm 16 years old.. i am a soprano and can belt to an G6# (but i can go to an A6)
i don't want any fast songs.. i usually like slow ones which build up

thanks in advance :)

(ps i've already used the search function to look at other questions like this, but i didn't like any of the songs)

why yes, i do frequently burst out in song. i have a very serious medical condition called musical tourettes. :)

BroadwayBound115 Profile Photo
#2re: high ballad belting songs
Posted: 9/3/08 at 3:30pm

"I Am Changing" from Dreamgirls
"Only In New York" from Thoroughly Modern Millie
"These Are My Children" from Fame!
"A New Life" from Jekyll and Hyde

some of those are roles for african-american women. I don't know if that would be an issue in your contest. But all of those are ballads that lead up to a big finish.

philly03 Profile Photo
#2re: high ballad belting songs
Posted: 9/3/08 at 3:33pm

Mine was already taken so..."A New Life" from J&H or "Gold" from Camille Claudel/Linda Eder.

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#3re: high ballad belting songs
Posted: 9/3/08 at 3:43pm

Doesn't "Someone Like You" do that?

blondebaby589 Profile Photo
#4re: high ballad belting songs
Posted: 9/3/08 at 4:21pm

"I Am Changing" from Dreamgirls is a great pick. Look at "And I Am Telling You" and "One Night Only" both also from Dreamgirls. (fyi, "Only in New York" from Millie doesn't go very high at all.) "Astonishing" from Little Women belts an E (I think...) at the end which is getting up there.


#5re: high ballad belting songs
Posted: 9/3/08 at 4:26pm

Gimme Gimme Thoroughly Modern Millie

The Wizard and I Wicked

I Know The Truth Aida

Anything from funny girl

"And We Have A Shepherd's Pie Peppered With Actual Shepherd On Top" - Mrs. Lovett, Sweeney Todd

#6re: high ballad belting songs
Posted: 9/3/08 at 4:26pm

Gimme Gimme Thoroughly Modern Millie

The Wizard and I Wicked

I Know The Truth Aida

Anything from funny girl

"And We Have A Shepherd's Pie Peppered With Actual Shepherd On Top" - Mrs. Lovett, Sweeney Todd

#6re: high ballad belting songs
Posted: 9/3/08 at 4:26pm

Gimme Gimme Thoroughly Modern Millie

The Wizard and I Wicked

I Know The Truth Aida

Anything from funny girl

"And We Have A Shepherd's Pie Peppered With Actual Shepherd On Top" - Mrs. Lovett, Sweeney Todd

#6re: high ballad belting songs
Posted: 9/3/08 at 4:26pm

Gimme Gimme Thoroughly Modern Millie

The Wizard and I Wicked

I Know The Truth Aida

Anything from funny girl

"And We Have A Shepherd's Pie Peppered With Actual Shepherd On Top" - Mrs. Lovett, Sweeney Todd

#9re: high ballad belting songs
Posted: 9/3/08 at 4:49pm

I'm Not Afraid of Anything- Songs for a New World

#10re: high ballad belting songs
Posted: 9/3/08 at 4:52pm

Come to Your Senses - tick, tick... BOOM!

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

#11re: high ballad belting songs
Posted: 9/3/08 at 4:55pm

Um. "The Wizard And I" is not a ballad.

I like the suggestions already given. Or if you want something lesser known, as in, no one has heard it ever, I wrote one called "Finally Free." Holler

#12re: high ballad belting songs
Posted: 9/3/08 at 5:00pm

I think "Meadowlark" goes fairly high, and it's a gorgeous song (IMO).

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

JRybka Profile Photo
#13re: high ballad belting songs
Posted: 9/3/08 at 5:00pm

There is an amazing song by Linda Eder called Let Him Fly.. Now that's a Ballad!

"Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport. General opinion's starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that. It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there - fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge - they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around."

philly03 Profile Photo
#14re: high ballad belting songs
Posted: 9/3/08 at 5:11pm

LOL Basically ANY Linda Eder song!

#15re: high ballad belting songs
Posted: 9/3/08 at 5:16pm

Yeah, Meadowlark is a great choice! Eden Espinosa does some ridiculously high belting in her version.
You could basically take any contemporary belting piece and interpolate high notes.

#16re: high ballad belting songs
Posted: 9/3/08 at 10:13pm

Just make sure you can actually belt the notes properly.

I can't tell you how many times I've known girls who pat themselves on the back for having such a strong, high belt; it turns out more like a flat, never quite on pitch scream.

Nothing is more painful than a beautiful song, with some high belting opportunities, ruined.


WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#17re: high ballad belting songs
Posted: 9/4/08 at 12:59am

If you'd like something with a more "legit belt" try "And This is My Beloved" from Kismet. It's not technically belting, but more like soprano shimmering, and a WONDERFUL song at that!

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

Byron Abens
#18re: high ballad belting songs
Posted: 9/4/08 at 3:19am

"Just make sure you can actually belt the notes properly."

The other ones that make me cringe are the ones who think they have this terrific high belt, but you can see the veins throbbing in their necks and that wonderful redness that starts in their neck and then moves up into their faces as they keep forcing this sound out of their bodies. Watching people like that I always think I'm going to see blood start pouring out of their mouths as they burst all the blood vessels in their throat, all the while hearing those nodes forming.

Posted: 9/4/08 at 3:22am

Updated On: 5/1/09 at 03:22 AM

#20re: high ballad belting songs
Posted: 9/4/08 at 5:41am

thanks for the suggestions so far! anymore would be helpful :)

i don't want to sing anything too overdone, like songs from dreamgirls/thoroughly modern millie/wicked etc.
i've already sang astonishing for another competition so i don't want to repeat this haha

and yes i can belt properly.. and no my face doesn't go all red etc.
i choose belting songs cause i like to show the judges what i am capable to do (previously i sang once upon a time from brooklyn in a competition which i won)

i would never belt if i knew i wasn't capable of doing it.. if all this belting i've done was all screaming then i probably wouldn't even have a voice now! haha.
(i hope no one mistakes this for cockyness... :/ just wanted to assure to you guys that yes i can belt)

ps. meadowlark is beautiful!!


why yes, i do frequently burst out in song. i have a very serious medical condition called musical tourettes. :)

#21re: high ballad belting songs
Posted: 9/4/08 at 9:38am

You should also be careful if you want to sing as a soprano. According to Rebecca Cain, belting a lot causes a loss of color from the top register.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

#22re: high ballad belting songs
Posted: 9/4/08 at 10:15am

i don't always entirely belt them out.. sometimes i use a mix of head and belt so yea :)

i sing and learn classically so my teacher will make sure that the loss of colour won't happen.. i only belt in those big competitions (ie. this haha) so its not occasionally that i do this

why yes, i do frequently burst out in song. i have a very serious medical condition called musical tourettes. :)

#23re: high ballad belting songs
Posted: 9/4/08 at 2:17pm

Ordinary Thursday isn't as known, and can be riffed to show off more, such as this:

elphaba.scares.me Profile Photo
#24re: high ballad belting songs
Posted: 9/4/08 at 4:34pm

I agree, hard to top "Meadowlark"...but instead of focusing on alternate notes and tricks, sing it as written and work on building it in intensity and volume as the song goes along. It's WAY better to sing the first chorus, for example, in mix or head voice.

But more than that, work on telling the story. The whole story is told to justify the last verse. So think about it backwards...most of the song is almost an aside...the meat of it (and, of course, the real vocal payoff) is the last verse through the end.
