My short review of ALL MY SONS

#1My short review of ALL MY SONS
Posted: 9/25/08 at 7:58am

Hi, I'm new. I've been going to Broadway on and off for the past two years (I'm a straight 23 year old male college student. I don't think it's normal for me to be going to broadway but I go with my girlfriend so I don't look like a tool).

I saw All My Sons. I thought it was pretty good. All performances were great. HOWEVER, the fact that Tom Cruise was in the crowd was both good and bad. GOOD because I GOT TO SEE TOM CRUISE. Bad because it was hard suspending disbelief when I have Katie Holmes (who is supposed to be the love interest in the play) and her high profile husband both within eyeshot. (I had student rush so we had left balcony boxes.)
I also liked the music, it constantly felt like drama building up throughout the play.
Overall, I hope this stays on broadway for quite some time. It brings a classic story to life with a modern touch.

Thanks for reading,

#2re: My short review of ALL MY SONS
Posted: 9/25/08 at 8:00am

You is gonna run into problems here...

#2re: My short review of ALL MY SONS
Posted: 9/25/08 at 8:01am

Why's that?

#3re: My short review of ALL MY SONS
Posted: 9/25/08 at 8:15am

Your equation of straight+Broadway=not normal.

#4re: My short review of ALL MY SONS
Posted: 9/25/08 at 8:22am

Oh, well, it's just what I've seen. I don't know ANYONE that is straight that likes broadway. I do though. I'm hoping to break that bias by reading posts on this board.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#5re: My short review of ALL MY SONS
Posted: 9/25/08 at 8:30am

I'm straight and I love Broadway. Anyway, I really enjoyed ALL MY SONS. Its not perfect but its a very strong revival. And Holmes was surprisingly good.

KQuill Profile Photo
#6re: My short review of ALL MY SONS
Posted: 9/25/08 at 11:04am

I go see a Broadway show every saturday night by myself while my gf is at work - does that make me a tool?

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#7re: My short review of ALL MY SONS
Posted: 9/25/08 at 11:19am

Congratulations on liking ALL MY SONS. I hope this experience opens a lot of fine theatrical experiences for you in the future.

With all due respect, your implied attitude that enjoying or attending theater somehow demeans you as a man is very troubling. I have faith that you will one day snap out of it, but at age 23 you might want to think about hurrying the process; high school is OVER, kid. There is a lot out there that society tells men they shouldn't enjoy because its not manly. At age 23, you might want to consider politely refusing that Kool Aid.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

#8re: My short review of ALL MY SONS
Posted: 9/25/08 at 11:24am

The point is it ISN'T manly to go to Broadway shows. Clearly. But I still like it anyways. I've seen most things on Broadway right now. I am refusing the Kool Aid, which is why I go to Broadway shows. You done?

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#9re: My short review of ALL MY SONS
Posted: 9/25/08 at 11:29am

Yeah, I'm done. Good for you for coming to Jesus. re: My short review of ALL MY SONS

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

#10re: My short review of ALL MY SONS
Posted: 9/25/08 at 11:59am

So what is manly? A bunch of people tackling each other over an oval ball?

#11re: My short review of ALL MY SONS
Posted: 9/25/08 at 12:17pm

A "straight guy" writing that he got to see Tom Cruise in all caps.

Uh. Huh.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#12re: My short review of ALL MY SONS
Posted: 9/25/08 at 12:40pm

Yes, I GOT TO SEE TOM CRUISE. I think every man would write that in caps, straight or gay.

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#13re: My short review of ALL MY SONS
Posted: 9/25/08 at 12:42pm

If you're not a sock puppet, you're an idiot. It's not manly to go to Broadway shows? I think it makes you less of a man, personally.

#14re: My short review of ALL MY SONS
Posted: 9/25/08 at 12:44pm

I don't get it. I make a small comment as my intro and some people are jumping all over me. I think it's funny with the liberal nature of Broadway that the fans just can't stand someone that isn't part of the general crowd come and try to discuss something. Get over yourselves(the few that are trashing me).

TonyVincent Profile Photo
#15re: My short review of ALL MY SONS
Posted: 9/25/08 at 12:47pm

Thanks for calling me a tool. YGOS? Updated On: 9/25/08 at 12:47 PM

#16re: My short review of ALL MY SONS
Posted: 9/25/08 at 12:51pm

"I think it's funny with the liberal nature of Broadway that the fans just can't stand someone that isn't part of the general crowd"

Red flag.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

d5johnston Profile Photo
#17re: My short review of ALL MY SONS
Posted: 9/25/08 at 12:59pm

Whoa whoa whoa, back off my friends.

This young man has a different outlook at life and theatre than you do, but it is a commonly held belief.

Let us welcome him to theatre, especially a play. Let us discuss cultural trends that lead the average person to think theatre isn't manly.

Let's not attack this young man. Let's be grown-ups and have true conversation. Attacking this young man via message board is ineffective.

Read LETTERS TO A YOUNG ARTIST by Anna Deavere Smith!

#18re: My short review of ALL MY SONS
Posted: 9/25/08 at 2:16pm

Boonanas, there are straight guys who enjoy musical theatre, even if they are few and far between. And no, you do not look like a tool -- only if you try to hide your face when entering a theater.
In his defense, I'm certain in the eyes of the American public, most not all, would consider seeing a Broadway show emasculating. Putting boonanas "in his place" seems like high school; we just need to show him it's okay to see musicals if you're straight, and you lose no dignity in doing so.
Updated On: 9/25/08 at 02:16 PM

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#19re: My short review of ALL MY SONS
Posted: 9/25/08 at 2:25pm

So plays aren't emasculating?

#20re: My short review of ALL MY SONS
Posted: 9/25/08 at 2:31pm

I've seen Hairspray on broadway, First Row, I felt my penis literally retracting into my belly, that's how much less I felt like a man. But I loved the show anyways and so did my girlfriend.

#21re: My short review of ALL MY SONS
Posted: 9/25/08 at 2:36pm

Out of curiosity - what defines "feeling like a man"?

#22re: My short review of ALL MY SONS
Posted: 9/25/08 at 2:52pm

Lifting heavy objects, watching movies like Rocky, drinking a cold one, eating a hoagie, you know, man things.

I'm just kidding, but I know I don't feel like a man watching Tracy Turnblad singing her heart out, and then myself singing the same things to my girlfriend later on. I feel like a woman. A big-breasted woman.

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#23re: My short review of ALL MY SONS
Posted: 9/25/08 at 2:55pm

Such feelings are good for you. I say EMBRACE THEM with pride!

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

#24re: My short review of ALL MY SONS
Posted: 9/25/08 at 2:56pm

This has got to be a joke...if not it's just sad.