1 ticket, please

raulmark Profile Photo
#11 ticket, please
Posted: 2/13/09 at 12:23am

just curious..I was wondering..How many out there usually always go alone to shows?
I ask this, because I do. My theory and experience is..if you wait to see something with someone else that they want to see and want to spend money on plus can arrange a mutual day you'll never see anything.
Who goes alone?......?

#2re: 1 ticket, please
Posted: 2/13/09 at 12:26am

*puts hand up*

When I've bought subscriptions, I usually do it alone because I know it's a hassle trying to work out dates and times with others (usually always results in scheduling conflicts). Individual tickets, exactly like what you said and I usually find that I'm definitely not the only one in that situation, going alone, etc.

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#2re: 1 ticket, please
Posted: 2/13/09 at 12:27am

I have gone alone. If I waited for my friends to get their lives together I'd never see anything. So, one day, I decided that I was going to stop missing things and started to go alone. Never regretted it. I don't always go alone but I'm not opposed to doing it.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

#2re: 1 ticket, please
Posted: 2/13/09 at 12:27am

I do, and totally agree with everything you said. It's always so nice to go with someone, but most of the time I have no one to go with lol.

#4re: 1 ticket, please
Posted: 2/13/09 at 12:32am

I go alone plenty. I like going with other people, but I have absolutely no problems going alone. I will never, ever miss something because I couldn't find someone else to go with.

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

Pianolin717 Profile Photo
#5re: 1 ticket, please
Posted: 2/13/09 at 12:38am

I go alone most times, but I don't mind it
I love eavesdropping on other peoples conversations since I don't have anyone else to talk to lol

#6re: 1 ticket, please
Posted: 2/13/09 at 12:39am

Six of one, half a dozen of the other. Don't really care either way. I have often gone with a companion, but didn't sit with them because the best available seats weren't together. What do I care? I'm not going to be talking to them anyway.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#7re: 1 ticket, please
Posted: 2/13/09 at 12:40am

I do it. Not that regularly anymore, but it is nice to have that freedom.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#8re: 1 ticket, please
Posted: 2/13/09 at 12:47am

Pianolin, hahah so true!!

Plus, sometimes if you just need one ticket you can get a better seat. ; )

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#9re: 1 ticket, please
Posted: 2/13/09 at 12:54am

Last month I decided to see a show alone at the last minute. Not only did I manage to get a seat front row center but I was seated next to a lovely family visiting from Ireland. We chatted all through intermission.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

#10re: 1 ticket, please
Posted: 2/13/09 at 12:58am

All the time. It's just easier to see what you want for the price you want that way. But when I go with friends/family one of us always wins a lottery, except for Wicked, which I tried with others numerous times, but finally won when I was alone and literally tried every day for two weeks (lol I was a second-semester senior in hs and my school was 15 blocks away from the theatre).

#11re: 1 ticket, please
Posted: 2/13/09 at 1:25am

I go alone 9 out of 10 times and I don't mind. That is, most people I know aren't huge fans of the theater, maybe if that were different I would feel different.

2008: Feb. 18- Rent, Feb. 19- Curtains, April 18- Xanadu, April 22- Wicked, April 26- Legally Blonde, May 31- Wicked, June 13- The Little Mermaid, June 28- Wicked and Young Frankenstein, July 2- The Little Mermaid, July 6- A Chorus Line and Legally Blonde, August 16- Xanadu, September 13- Legally Blonde and 13, September 28- Xanadu and Spring Awakening, Oct. 12-GYPSY and [title of show], Oct. 19- Hairspray & Legally Blonde, Nov. 9- Wicked and 13, Dec. 14-13, Dec. 26- Billy Elliot, 2009: Jan 1- Shrek, Jan 2- 13 and Wicked, Jan 4- 13, Feb 17- In The Heights, Feb 19- Billy Elliot, Feb 22- Sweeney Todd (tour), March 28- Mary Poppins, April 4- Mamma Mia!, April 15- Jersey Boys (on tour), April 25- next to normal & 9 to 5 May 1- Billy Elliot, May 3- Spelling Bee (tour), May 8- Chicago, May 21- Wicked, June 6- Everyday Rapture, June 23- The Wiz, June 25- Hair July 15- Shrek, August 9- Wicked, September 7- Rock of Ages, October 11- Next To Normal, October 23- The Marvelous Wonderettes, November 7- Ragtime November 29- Dreamgirls, December 25- Billy Elliot, December 30- Finian's Rainbow, 2010: January 9- Bye Bye Birdie, January 16- Memphis February 17- The Phantom of The Opera, February 18- God of Carnage, March 7- Billy Elliot, March 31- American Idiot

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#12re: 1 ticket, please
Posted: 2/13/09 at 1:48am

If I want to see a show badly enough and I can't get anyone else to work out their schedule I'll go alone, but I usually prefer to go with someone. It's only happened once or twice.

Byron Abens
#13re: 1 ticket, please
Posted: 2/13/09 at 1:52am

Since most of the times I decide to go see a show last minute I often go alone. I find it very relaxing and I can concentrate more on the show since I don't have to give even a moment's thought as to whether or not the person I'm with is enjoying it or not. Not to say that I dislike going with a friend(s), but it is a very different experience and just as good for me.

#14re: 1 ticket, please
Posted: 2/13/09 at 2:33am

i tend to go alone... if it's not something like WICKED or RENT or some popular modern musical everyone's talking about... my friends won't see it... which sucks... what also bugs me is that my friends always tell me they want to see shows and i should ask them more often... but they find it too expensive to go but they refuse to pay for cheap seats because they want to sit up close... damn friends

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#15re: 1 ticket, please
Posted: 2/13/09 at 3:04am

I go alone most of the time as well. It doesn't bother me. And it is true about getting good single seats at the last minute. Actually, I think the only time I have gone to the theater with another person was when someone else bought the tickets. But yeah, if I did not take initiative to see many of the shows that I have seen, I would have missed out on lots of good theater. Especially since many shows I've seen have closed.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

yay_gerb Profile Photo
#16re: 1 ticket, please
Posted: 2/13/09 at 3:24am

the only time i'm actually not alone when i go to shows are when i pay for my brother to come lol. he likes theater but isnt that interested it the whole scene. alone is better. get a better seat. nothing to worry about. get to enjoy the show a little more.


#17re: 1 ticket, please
Posted: 2/13/09 at 3:38am

Whenever I make my trips to the city with a friend, we usually can never decide on the same shows to see so we'll see some together but most alone. I have no problem with it really. It's nice to bring someone to feed off their excitement during the show in addition to your own, but I'm perfectly content going solo.

#18re: 1 ticket, please
Posted: 2/13/09 at 3:48am

I know I didn't start this topic, but can I just say I feel so relieved to hear that so many people go alone, and enjoy it?? For my next trip to NY, I'm going to half of the shows alone, and when I tell people that they give me such a sad look lol.

And I totally agree wishingonlywounds, the main reason I go alone is because none of my friends/family enjoys theater as much as I do. If I did have a theater buddy, it would probably be different.
Updated On: 2/13/09 at 03:48 AM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#19re: 1 ticket, please
Posted: 2/13/09 at 5:09am

I very often go to show alone, perhaps 75% of the time on average. (Although RECENTLY, I can't seem to get any alone time!)

I love being in the city by myself. No worries about "pleasing" anyone. No bargaining about what to see, where to eat, what to do. If I want to go to a museum, I get to decide whether to leave after 20 minutes or to stay for 4 hours.

The only part that I miss when alone at the theater: is being able to discuss the show with a person that has JUST experienced the same live performance. (But I almost always strike up a conversation with someone sitting next to me!)

I rather like my extended trips, when I have the best of all worlds...different friends meeting up with me for a show or a meal throughout my stay intermixed with solo time.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#20re: 1 ticket, please
Posted: 2/13/09 at 6:38am

I go alone almost all the time, and I've found it often works to my advantage in getting really good seats. Example: during the last month of Beauty and the Beast when demand was crazy for it, a friend told me she would buy me a ticket as an early birthday present (she was seeing it vicariously through me), no matter where. So on July 4, I went online to look for tickets ~ and ended up with 6th row dead center for a weekend night two days later! There was that one little seat in the middle of larger groups. Had I been going with someone else, it would never have happened.

I definitely agree with those who say if they waited to get it together with their friends, it would never hapen.

My other thing is if I'm the one who talked someone into seeing something and they don't like it, I feel so responsible. It's crazy I know ~ I can't take blame for someone else's opinions and reactions ~ but I do it anyway.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

adamgreer Profile Photo
#21re: 1 ticket, please
Posted: 2/13/09 at 6:42am

I go with friend sometimes, but I agree with others....it's often easier just to go on your own. When you involve friends that aren't as into it as you are, it suddenly becomes a big production. Pun completely intended. re: 1 ticket, please

Elke Profile Photo
#22re: 1 ticket, please
Posted: 2/13/09 at 6:46am

Add another solo theatregoer to the list. I travel from Europe to NY several times a year to see shows, practically always on my own. None of my friends feel like being dragged from one theatre to the other, so this way is better for everyone.

winston89 Profile Photo
#23re: 1 ticket, please
Posted: 2/13/09 at 8:14am

More often then not, I usually go alone. But, to be honest with you, I prefer it that way. I find going to the theatre and doing a rush or whatever that night or that afternoon, to be my quiet time. I find walking around with my Ipod on, alone, to be very relaxing. Same with seeing a show. It's not that I don't mind the company. It's just that because more often then not, I end up going to the theatre myself. And, because I do I usually have a better time alone.

I also do it because I really don't know anyone who is into theatre. Sure, there are the one or two friends, but, god knows it is hard to get our schedules to work out so that we can see a show together.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

lindatnyc2 Profile Photo
#24re: 1 ticket, please
Posted: 2/13/09 at 9:26am

Great thread!

I used to dread going alone, but nowadays I really don't find it so bad anymore. I am in the same situation with some of you: I don't have many friends that are into theater and it is likely that I would've missed out on many shows due to scheduling conflicts or different views on what to see/not see. A handful of you commented on the seating options: it is often easier to fine one great seat as opposed to a pair. I do try to sit together when I go to the theater, but don't mind sitting apart (a few seats or rows apart) at concerts.

Updated On: 2/13/09 at 09:26 AM
