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American Horror Story: Hotel- Page 3

American Horror Story: Hotel

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#50American Horror Story: Hotel
Posted: 10/7/15 at 4:50pm

If you have time to think critically, you have too much free time on your hands!

darquegk Profile Photo
#51American Horror Story: Hotel
Posted: 10/7/15 at 5:03pm

All I know, I learned from telly: "the bigger the telly, the smarter the man."

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#52American Horror Story: Hotel
Posted: 10/7/15 at 5:22pm

Luscious said: "Why can't y'all just relax and enjoy the ride?




Or if you don't like, don't watch. I really don't get this "hate watching" trend. I barely have enough time to keep up with the shows that I like, let alone the ones that I loathe. Some people just have too much free time on their hands.




As for complexity of plot and character, that's not really what I'm looking for in a horror movie. The majority, even the classics, don't have either. I'm just looking forward to a fun and wild ride!



Meh, I've never really bought that argument.  I admit that Murphy and co's product fascinates me (as do fans who find his work genuinely groundbreaking.)  So I do plan on at least watching the first few episodes.  They interest me on several levels--I like some of the actors a lot, I think he (and Falchuk) are often good at setting up concepts and, yes, I find it oddly fascinating how inept their follow through is, and, yeah, I kinda like pointing out how his seemingly transgressive themes almost always ultimately seem to reinforce the status quo he claims to be fighting against.  And while I can now see early signs of all of his problems in his early work like Popular and the first season or maybe two of Nip/Tuck, I genuinely was a fan.

Although, in hindsight I have no idea how or why I made it through all (I think?) of The New Normal.

Luscious Profile Photo
#53American Horror Story: Hotel
Posted: 10/7/15 at 9:10pm

Well, have fun hate watching and tearing it apart! I won't be dropping in here again until the season is over. Too much negativity. Don't want it to mar my experience. Call me crazy, but I like rooting for things to succeed, not to fail. And, yes, I'm sure y'all be devastated and will miss me terribly. xo

Updated On: 10/7/15 at 09:10 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#54American Horror Story: Hotel
Posted: 10/7/15 at 9:37pm


Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#55American Horror Story: Hotel
Posted: 10/7/15 at 10:19pm

5 minutes in and I see that Murphy watched THE SHINING while copying, I mean writing this. 

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#56American Horror Story: Hotel
Posted: 10/7/15 at 10:34pm

Ryan Murphy must be so bad at sex. 

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#57American Horror Story: Hotel
Posted: 10/7/15 at 10:37pm

Oh it looks like he watched SE7EN a bunch of times also while copying, I mean, writing this script. He's probably banking on nobody having ever seen that one so they won't know he's ripping it off. 



Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#58American Horror Story: Hotel
Posted: 10/7/15 at 10:56pm

50 minutes in and I have no f*cking clue what this show is about. 

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#59American Horror Story: Hotel
Posted: 10/7/15 at 11:16pm

Gaga is ... well, I think her best scene was the one where she didn't have to speak.   

#60American Horror Story: Hotel
Posted: 10/7/15 at 11:17pm

65 minutes in and already Gaga has shown better acting chops than Madonna has in her whole career.  #shesnotshe

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 10/7/15 at 11:17 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#61American Horror Story: Hotel
Posted: 10/7/15 at 11:33pm


Phyllis Rogers Stone
#62American Horror Story: Hotel
Posted: 10/7/15 at 11:33pm

Well, sure, but that's a low bar. 

#63American Horror Story: Hotel
Posted: 10/7/15 at 11:36pm

I enjoyed it.  Maybe this season they can delay the inevitable collapse a couple of episodes longer than last year?  Baby steps.  Oh, and 90 minutes without glaring misogyny!!! YAYRYANMURPHY, YOU GO, GURRRRRRRL.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

haterobics Profile Photo
#64American Horror Story: Hotel
Posted: 10/7/15 at 11:38pm

Luscious said: "Well, have fun hate watching and tearing it apart! I won't be dropping in here again until the season is over. Too much negativity. Don't want it to mar my experience."


What site do you think you're on?!?

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#65American Horror Story: Hotel
Posted: 10/7/15 at 11:38pm

Usually the first episodes are good and it goes downhill from there. But this felt like it should have been 8 episodes in. I thought it was a total nonsensical mess. 

ClydeBarrow Profile Photo
#66American Horror Story: Hotel
Posted: 10/7/15 at 11:39pm

That was...something. It was like an hour of "look at this crazy sex sh!t" followed by 30 mins of what Ryan Murphy might consider plot. He's really turning into Zack Snyder shooting things as basically music videos. 

"Pardon my prior Mcfee slip. I know how to spell her name. I just don't know how to type it." -Talulah

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#67American Horror Story: Hotel
Posted: 10/7/15 at 11:41pm

Welcome to the Hotel California...

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#68American Horror Story: Hotel
Posted: 10/7/15 at 11:42pm

I was so glad they played that because I never would've made the connection otherwise!

#69American Horror Story: Hotel
Posted: 10/8/15 at 12:02am

How about that Sopranos-y touch of cutting it off at "You can NEVER leave--".  I thought my cable went out!

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#70American Horror Story: Hotel
Posted: 10/8/15 at 12:05am

Please come back, Jessica, all is forgiven. 

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#71American Horror Story: Hotel
Posted: 10/8/15 at 12:09am

Lange should consider herself lucky she never checked into this hotel. 

Fantod Profile Photo
#72American Horror Story: Hotel
Posted: 10/8/15 at 12:12am

Well I for one liked it. I agree with Jordan that this is the kind of episode you usually see about 8 episodes in, but I think that it's still pretty good. I like Gaga's character and I actually think she's pretty good in the show. Of course, it looks great and it's moody and atmospheric. Hoping for at least 6 good episodes this season. (Though that's unlikely as the show is on a downward trajectory with 10 good episodes in Murder House, 8 in Asylum, 5 in Coven and 4 in Freak Show)


Edit: Oh yeah, worth it for Matt Bomer alone.

Updated On: 10/8/15 at 12:12 AM

#73American Horror Story: Hotel
Posted: 10/8/15 at 12:17am

I am sooooooooooooooo happy Jessica is not there doing that one Jessica thing Jessica does on this show.


I like the late-'70s cop movie feel of the cop's segments.  He might be a leftover from the "Cruising" investigations.


Also, how did I never ever hear "Tear You Apart" by She Wants Revenge before in my life?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 10/8/15 at 12:17 AM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#74American Horror Story: Hotel
Posted: 10/8/15 at 12:20am

Whatever. Jessica could drink a highball, smoke, and monologue like no one else!
