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Can The Adults Please Smoke? 30th Anniversary Special: Thirty, Dirty,Flirty and still FABULOUS!- Page 192

Can The Adults Please Smoke? 30th Anniversary Special: Thirty, Dirty,Flirty and still FABULOUS!

bdwaygirl Profile Photo
#4775First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)
Posted: 1/5/10 at 11:19am

I usually take a couple every time I'm over, but she's most always doing the same thing! First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!) Little cuddlebug.

I hung out with Cheyenne Jackson in his dressing room waayyyyyy before he tickled D2.

"unleash the girly"

Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.

Puppies are babies in fur coats.

Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator

midnghtdolphin Profile Photo
#4776First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)
Posted: 1/5/10 at 11:23am

lmao good point boobs. i should've realized and not even fallen for it. what can i say... it's the morning and that means middy's brain is not functioning.

Broadwayboobs Profile Photo
#4777First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)
Posted: 1/5/10 at 11:32am

Middy, what is this "nook" you speak of?

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson

bdwaygirl Profile Photo
#4778First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)
Posted: 1/5/10 at 11:37am

Gettin' kinda personal there, aintcha? First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)

Isn't it similar to a Kindle?

I hung out with Cheyenne Jackson in his dressing room waayyyyyy before he tickled D2.

"unleash the girly"

Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.

Puppies are babies in fur coats.

Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator

Broadwayboobs Profile Photo
#4779First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)
Posted: 1/5/10 at 11:40am

In that case, Middy would be happy to know that I do own a Kindle. First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson

midnghtdolphin Profile Photo
#4780First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)
Posted: 1/5/10 at 11:42am

lol, yup it's like the kindle only better (cause it's b&n).

Broadwayboobs Profile Photo
#4781First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)
Posted: 1/5/10 at 11:54am

I'm surprised you didn't end that with "nah,nah,nah,nah,nah"

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson

bdwaygirl Profile Photo
#4782First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)
Posted: 1/5/10 at 11:56am

I've really only heard of the Kindle for the past year or so. It wasn't until the last couple weeks of Christmas in high gear, that I heard of the Nook.

I hung out with Cheyenne Jackson in his dressing room waayyyyyy before he tickled D2.

"unleash the girly"

Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.

Puppies are babies in fur coats.

Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator

Broadwayboobs Profile Photo
#4783First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)
Posted: 1/5/10 at 12:00pm

Yea, leave it to B&N to steal an idea from Amazon. Let's face it, Amazon put this out 1st First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson

midnghtdolphin Profile Photo
#4784First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)
Posted: 1/5/10 at 12:00pm

girly, that's because the nook was just released in December.

bdwaygirl Profile Photo
#4785First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)
Posted: 1/5/10 at 12:06pm

LOL! Well that would explain why I'd never heard of it before! LOL!!

I hung out with Cheyenne Jackson in his dressing room waayyyyyy before he tickled D2.

"unleash the girly"

Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.

Puppies are babies in fur coats.

Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator

midnghtdolphin Profile Photo
#4786First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)
Posted: 1/5/10 at 12:15pm

lol, yup. it's the first real competition that the kindle has.

MotorTink Profile Photo
#4787First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)
Posted: 1/5/10 at 12:55pm

I've never heard of this "nook". Everyone is on my case to get a Kindle or the iphone app that does the same thing. I just can't get over the fact of not ACTUALLY having a book in my hand....

YWIW - the only pic I have right now is on my facebook page. Puppy moves around a lot and with my crutches made it difficult to snap pictures lol. I'm sure there will be plenty in the future.

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

D2 Profile Photo
#4788First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)
Posted: 1/5/10 at 1:07pm

I'm with you Tink - give me a "real" book.

Cheyenne Jackson tickled me. AFTER ordering SoMMS a drink but NOT tickling him, and hanging out with Girly in his dressing room (where he DIDN'T tickle her) but BEFORE we got married. To others. And then he tweeted Boobs. He also tweeted he's good friends with some chick on "The Voice" who just happens to be good friends with Tink's ex. And I'm still married. Oh, and this just in: "Pettiness, spite, malice ....Such ugly emotions... So sad." - After Eight, talking about MEEEEEEEE!!! I'm so honored! :-)
Updated On: 1/5/10 at 01:07 PM

shameless Profile Photo
#4789First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)
Posted: 1/5/10 at 1:07pm

I'm with you, Tink, I like having the book in my hands.

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson

harris007 Profile Photo
#4790First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)
Posted: 1/5/10 at 1:11pm

*the cows bring cocoa in their uncle boobsie has the best idea hoodies and go back to planning the party*

Attend the tale of Bovine Boy His party threads we all enjoy But does he have Mad Cow Disease? He doesn't eat beef - but cows skating? - oh please!!! With cocoa!?! And lemonade!?! The heifer-mad poster of Broadway (World)

Broadwayboobs Profile Photo
#4791First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)
Posted: 1/5/10 at 1:23pm

You people have issues with havng things in your hands First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Broadwayboobs Profile Photo
#4792First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)
Posted: 1/5/10 at 1:25pm

BTW harris, I am proud of you...2010 is the year of "an eye for an eye"....screw always turning the other cheek. I did that for too long....everyone better watch out this year!!!!

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#4793First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)
Posted: 1/5/10 at 1:25pm

I read less than stellar reviews of the nook. I also heard that the Apple Table may crush the competition, though the initial price point ($700-800) may be a bit high.

And, I also like an actual book. There is something about being able to bend the page you last read as a book mark that I find comforting.

#4794First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)
Posted: 1/5/10 at 1:35pm

"bend the page you last read as a book mark"

*makes mental note not to lend YWIW books*

First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)

bdwaygirl Profile Photo
#4795First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)
Posted: 1/5/10 at 1:37pm

Bend the page??!!


I hung out with Cheyenne Jackson in his dressing room waayyyyyy before he tickled D2.

"unleash the girly"

Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.

Puppies are babies in fur coats.

Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator

#4796First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)
Posted: 1/5/10 at 1:38pm

I bend the page, too. It just feels good. I would do that with other people's books, though.

The year of an-eye-for-an-eye? Geez, why didn't you tell me that before, Boobs? Where was the memo? I could really settle a score. Or two.

#4797First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)
Posted: 1/5/10 at 1:43pm

I had a little nook last week, not bad after 18 years!

DayDreamer Profile Photo
#4798First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)
Posted: 1/5/10 at 1:44pm

I bend the page ... and I just love having several books next to my bed and figuring out which one to read.

Celebrate Life

Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. - Randy Pausch

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#4799First Tuesday of 2010 (and it's still fffffreezing!)
Posted: 1/5/10 at 1:54pm

For books people loan me, and hard covers, I use a bookmark (or the sleeve).

For mass produced paperbacks, that page is meant for bending.

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