They need to extend the weekends!
Hallo. I need to call NJ tax office. They couldn't confirm my identity when I went to Webfile Friday night. This should be fun. Not. Need more coffee before attempting this one.
Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.
Puppies are babies in fur coats.
Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator
Well, surprisingly, that was quite painless. Less than 15 minutes. Now I wait an hour or so for it to reset.
Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.
Puppies are babies in fur coats.
Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/14/05
Did you find yourself in the process?
Long morning in criminal court with my client and one of our best friends. Discussing plea agreement for the pervert!
C17 was accepted to Fordham - only 60K out of pocket/year - hilarious!
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/14/05
Did you find yourself in the process?
Long morning in criminal court with my client and one of our best friends. Discussing plea agreement for the pervert!
C17 was accepted to Fordham - only 60K out of pocket/year - hilarious!
Brd, congrats to C17!!! Go Fordham! Condolences on the financials. Ouch!
Girl, all that coffee must've done the trick! You're you again!
I just KILLED it with my state return! I was so concerned because of severance, etc. I worried for nothing!
Brd, my bro graduated Fordham in 1978. Alan Alda spoke at his commencement!
Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.
Puppies are babies in fur coats.
Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator
Happy HUMP Day peeps & peepers! The weekend is almost here although I'm not sure how excited I should get. My insane cousin (some of you met) is coming for a visit. Sat. - Fri. God grant me the serenity....
Good morning, Boobs! The Everglades are close by. Just sayin'.
Hi Poddie! Great idea. I will suggest an airboat tour of the Everglades
P is coming down?!
Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.
Puppies are babies in fur coats.
Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/28/04
Hola, peeps (of both kinds)!
I am currently dealing with the water company. There is a water main leak somewhere between my property and my next door neighbor's home. They are coming out tomorrow to check the infow pressure for both homes and possibly do some digging. If they find something in either yard, extensive digging will commence. There goes the landscaping.
Yes Girly she is!!!
Moony, I hope they don't found those bodies.
Awwww Blue Moon is on the work radio
Lordy, Lord. Batten down the hatches. Hurricane P heading your way!!
Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.
Puppies are babies in fur coats.
Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator
More like Typhoon P !!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/14/05
Does Boobs have her P?
C17 will NOT be going to Fordham unless I win the lottery. It makes me feel like a failure as it would be a great opportunity!
Going to Florida with Mrs Brd, C17 and two of his friends - great time for a quick get away! C20 has recovered well from sinus surgery - I really hope it gives her more energy.
brd, the weather down here is getting nicer.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/14/05
Hoping for sun! This is out of our comfort zone. The boys are excited.
Morning peeps & peepers!
brd, it's been sunny here all week even though they've been calling for rain
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/14/05
NO RAIN next week. We have all earned this short break. Raining here. C17 is on a megabus returning from a college visit. Such a complete Pussy! He says it is "terrible"
Mornin' all! Happy Friday! Can't wait for the weekend!
Morning peeps & peepers! Happy Good Friday! If I was still working on Wall St. I'd be sleeping still. What's everyone's Easter plans?
Hey LS, I saw you getting into your car as I was pulling out of my driveway.
Stalker! :-P
Yeah, I saw you too, but I couldn't catch up to you, Speed Demon.
I'm going to see the Spring Awakening tour on Saturday night with my handsome Italian neighbor.
MWAH Just call me Mario
Funny I'm seeing Spring Awakening tomorrow too with these awesome lesbians.
I saw a white, fluffy bunny hop through here a moment ago. He seemed to be carrying a basket. Did anyone see where he went?
Happy Easter, dear Peeps!