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Hillary Clinton officially launching her presidential run on Sunday- Page 4

Hillary Clinton officially launching her presidential run on Sunday

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#75Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/12/15 at 8:49pm

The Hills are alive...

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#76Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/12/15 at 9:01pm

More like the Hills have eyes...

At least we have more Kate McKinnon impersonations to look forward to.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

#77Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/12/15 at 9:07pm

It sure seems prescient that they hired Darrell Hammond (of all people) to replace Don Pardo on SNL.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 4/12/15 at 09:07 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#78Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/12/15 at 9:12pm

I thought the same thing last night during SNL. 

Liza's Headband
#80Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/12/15 at 11:18pm

If you wish to help out a classless, lying, cheap, greasy, slimy, corrupt POS... then you should definitely sign up. Same goes for every single other Presidential candidate on either aisle. Until we take back our country from the bureaucratic cronies and lifetime politicians (public service was never intended to be a career), who exist only to serve their own special interests, we will never be free. F*ck politics, f*ck the government. 

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#81Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/12/15 at 11:19pm


#82Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/12/15 at 11:43pm

The last thing the world needs is another right winger unable to carry off his portrayal of a "centrist" mansplaining everything that's wrong with every option. Real centrists would realize Hil is a Goldwater Republican.  But that would require the perception of a REAL centrist.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

tazber Profile Photo
#83Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 4:43am

....but the world goes 'round
Updated On: 4/13/15 at 04:43 AM

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#84Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 7:50am

Until Josiah Bartlett steps up and runs, I will hitch my wagon to the person who closest represents my interests. If a better candidate comes forward and has a snowball's chance, my vote may sway. Abstaining is a vote for the super conservative jackasses running red.  While I do love Russell Brand, his, "don't vote!" idea doesn't work in a two party system.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

Liza's Headband
#85Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 9:06am

Which goes to prove my point that the two-party political system is a bunch of bullsh*t and only formally found itself after corrupt cronies and lifetime politicians discovered how to manipulate it. There's no reason we have to fall into the two-party trap or settle for the lesser of two evils. 

Liza's Headband
#86Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 9:15am

The last thing the world needs is another right winger unable to carry off his portrayal of a "centrist" mansplaining everything that's wrong with every option. Real centrists would realize Hil is a Goldwater Republican.

I support:

- gun control

- marriage equality

- legalization of marijuana

- freedom of press/speech/etc.

- government subsidies for private healthcare

- more federal oversight in municipalities

I oppose:

- overseas nation building

- unjustified droning

- tax increases

- the IRS

- abortions beyond second trimester

- government mandated healthcare

- the NRA

- national standardized testing & curriculum

Sorry, you pathetic piece of sh*t, but I am not a "right winger." I refuse to align myself with any corrupt political party that only cares about getting money from the unhinged environmentalists (left) or firearms nut jobs (right). I am f*cking sick of those who mindlessly hit their wagon to the person who closest represents their interests, as JG2 claims. News flash: they do not represent your interests. They represent the interests of the corrupt cronies and lobbyists in D.C.  Politicians enforce policies and mandates that are designed solely to line their own pockets from special interest groups. 

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#87Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 9:59am

Let's see, gun control = with you 100%, might be more extreme on that one.

Marriage equality = That was too easy.

Legalization of pot = sure will it bring the price down, I'm in.

Freedom of press and speech = we're on a roll

Government subsidies... oops, no universal health care please.

More federal oversight in municipalities = OK

Overseas nation building = OK, I hope that means slashing the military also.

Unjustified Droning = Droning is always justified by someone, I don't get this one Liza.

Tax Increase and banning the IRS = I'm for tax increases on the wealthy, we need the IRS to make sure they're paying.

Abortions .... = I'm a guy I don't go there.

Government health care = sorry, something along Canadian and Euro style is the only fair thing to me.

The NRA = They are offensive to me also, but what do you propose to do about them?

National Standardized.... = I haven't given this issue much thought.

Overall you read like a Rand Paul Libertarian, my main problem with Libertarians is they seem rather heartless towards the poor.  However most Libertarians love their guns and I along with you seem to despise the gun culture.   


Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
tazber Profile Photo
#89Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 10:30am

Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday

....but the world goes 'round

Liza's Headband
#90Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 10:31am

Overall you read like a Rand Paul Libertarian, my main problem with Libertarians is they seem rather heartless towards the poor.

I am not a libertarian, as I believe in and support military intervention when legal (unlike Iraq in 2003), necessary (unlike Afghanistan in 90's), and approved by Congress (unlike Libya in 2011). I am not part of any one party. I'm registered as an Independent and despise the two-party political system. I am Centrist... I believe in the issues. Not the partisan lines.

Further, your "heartless towards the poor" claim is completely inaccurate as most Libertarians believe in making the government smaller and more efficient, which actually helps the lower class because they would be reaping the benefits from a reallocation of funds & resources. Many Libertarians, for example, support the idea of Economic Freedom Zones; a plan to classify impoverished rural and urban communities eligible for special tax breaks and targeted stimulus spending. The poor would also benefit from a less burdensome tax code, such as a fair or flat tax, since it would create a more level playing field by removing most loopholes and credits to the wealthy, which is something Hillary Clinton actually OPPOSES (she is rich and is in bed with Wall Street's most wealthy). 

tazber Profile Photo
#91Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 10:33am

Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday

....but the world goes 'round

tazber Profile Photo
#92Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 10:34am

Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday

....but the world goes 'round

Liza's Headband
Liza's Headband
Liza's Headband
#96Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 10:45am

When someone points out your utter lack of credibility, Headinjury, you immediately respond with your go-to POS initials or spell it out, and it proves the point.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

madbrian Profile Photo
#97Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 10:53am

I think HRC will make a terrific president, and I would vote for her without reservation.  However, I don't see her being transformative, and that's what our country truly needs.  Many of us hoped for transformation with Obama, and while I feel history will regard his accomplishments as extraordinary, he hasn't really changed our trajectory.  I find Warren to be inspirational, but in our current political environment I don't know that anyone can accomplish the fundamental changes that we need.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

Liza's Headband
#98Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 10:55am

I need no credibility to point out the corruption that lies within our government and with those running for President, from Clinton to Cruz. We are all puppets and the lobbyists are the puppet masters. Politicians merely facilitate (and condone) it. If you hate Reagan for looking the other way during the AIDS epidemic, you should hate Clinton for looking the other way during the Iraq War and financial crisis/recession of 2008. She would have no problem authorizing another illegal invasion or bailing out greedy cronies who support her lavish, excessive lifestyle with under-the-table contributions and kickbacks. 

Bilbo3 Profile Photo
#99Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 10:56am

"Until we take back our country from the bureaucratic cronies and lifetime politicians (public service was never intended to be a career), who exist only to serve their own special interests, we will never be free. F*ck politics, f*ck the government."

You're the LAST person who should be complaining about our government. Your psycho tactics to reveal people's real identities are borderline McCarthyism. Your blatant hypocrisy is even more appalling cause you don't even realize it and then you complain about not having credibility.

Countdown til Jordan comes on raging about how much loves me! 3..2..1...
