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Hillary Clinton officially launching her presidential run on Sunday- Page 5

Hillary Clinton officially launching her presidential run on Sunday

Liza's Headband
#100Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 10:57am

Of course you wouldn't hesitate... Because you are willfully ignorant and have never suffered at the hands of the government. "HRC" is a shamefully corrupt crony who will stop at nothing to arrange special deals with foreign terrorist nations in return for their millions of dollars in contributions to the Foundation. She is just as bad as Bush, Carter, Nixon, Romney, Palin, and anyone else. 

#101Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 11:06am

Why aren't you spending time working with all the people you have been collaborating with to reshape the political structure of the US for all the years you have been spouting the same empty tea party rhetoric?  I mean, it's probably too much to assume you actually DO something other that spout off, but still.  It does you no good to post here where nobody believes a word you type, which is nobody's fault but your own.  When you write "we" (what "we", white man?) "need to take back our government" you're writing with the assumption of agreement on what those terms mean, but you have made it so nobody here agrees with what you assert.

Go someplace where you haven't made yourself persona non grata and foment the change you want to see.  But it's never ever ever going to happen here.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

HorseTears Profile Photo
#102Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 11:16am

So, the one thing I didn't like about this campaign launch was the new logo.  Apparently, I'm not alone

#103Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 11:20am

I love the lede, "Everyone's freaking out."  They must be reading the Headcase.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

PalJoey Profile Photo
#104Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 11:53am


The Internet is where people go to complain about things. They should it the Kvetcher-net. 

She's going to make a fantastic president, and it's going to be a GREAT EIGHT YEARS!



HorseTears Profile Photo
ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#106Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 12:11pm

"She's going to make a fantastic president, and it's going to be a GREAT EIGHT YEARS!"

Especially for the wealthy! 

#107Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 12:11pm

I love me some emily flake, she's my homegirl.


Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

PalJoey Profile Photo
#108Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 12:17pm

It's been pretty fantastic for the wealthy under Obama.

If anything, it's going to be better for working-class people and the unreported unemployed.

Liza's Headband
#109Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 12:22pm

That's patently false. Please stop spreading lies. She's far too cozy with Wall Street. 

Liza's Headband
#110Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 12:24pm

You cannot fight for the "working class" if you've never been a part of it, and especially not if you've received millions of dollars in perks/kickbacks from foreign terrorist nations + billionaire pedophiles. 

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#111Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 12:28pm

"It's been pretty fantastic for the wealthy under Obama."

I agree. That's one of the reasons I didn't vote for him again in 2012.

I don't believe Clinton will do any better than Obama for the poor or middle class. She's more in debt to Wall Street than Obama ever was. And she strongly advocated for Wall Street during the financial collapse.

Maybe she's changed and can convince me otherwise. That hasn't happened yet for me.

#112Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 12:29pm

You will change nothing with your ranting here, Headcase.  Nothing.  But I suppose it's easier than actually going out in the world and doing something to make the changes you go on and on about theoretically.

You have zero credibility.  You can claim to be what you're not politically, (and you do, oh BOY how you do), but the minute you mentioned "flat tax" well, you're cut loose floating out in space like George Clooney.  Bye, George.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 4/13/15 at 12:29 PM

Liza's Headband
#113Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 12:32pm

If you actually read my post and had any reading comprehension skills whatsoever, you'd realize I was explaining to South Florida (Stephanatic) what the Libertarians believed in and supported. I did not make the claim I believed in any of that. You're a f*cking idiot. Re-read it, dumbass. 

Liza's Headband
#114Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 12:34pm

If anything, it's going to be better for working-class people and the unreported unemployed.

But not for the unreported unemloyed's immigrant children, right?



Updated On: 4/13/15 at 12:34 PM

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#116Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 12:49pm

Meanwhile, Hillary is all...


Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

Liza's Headband
#117Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 1:02pm

Or drinking...

Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday

Updated On: 4/13/15 at 01:02 PM

#118Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 1:11pm

The gays in Hil's commercial have invited her to their wedding.  

The Republican candidates (whom one do-nothing right-winger on this site says ARE EXACTLY THE SAME as Hilary), support laws that could prevent them from getting a wedding cake.

"Thanks for inviting us to your big day @HillaryClinton. We're returning the favor & inviting you to ours. #wedding 
Jared Milrad (@JaredMilrad) April 12, 2015"

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 4/13/15 at 01:11 PM

Liza's Headband
#119Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 1:37pm

If you read Erik's extremely insightful article, there is full proof of Hillary voting for a number of laws/measures/etc. in Senate that discriminate against homosexuals. Don't believe everything you hear or see a Presidential Candidate say. Look at their voting record. 

#121Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 1:43pm


Hillary's logo was stolen from a now defunct British grocery store named Hillards. Coincidence? I think not.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.
Updated On: 4/13/15 at 01:43 PM

tazber Profile Photo
#122Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 1:47pm


Why do you think she would need to steal some grocery store's logo?


....but the world goes 'round

#123Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 1:48pm

We'll see, of course.  It looks like Hillary's going to be the Anointed One and we'll be stuck voting for her or the Forces of Absolute Evil. 

I'd be fine with her, but she and Bill are just way too friendly with the Bushes.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#124Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/13/15 at 1:49pm

8 years ago NO viable candidate was completely supportive of same-sex marriage. Obama's thinking "evolved." It was commonly believed that no one could get the votes if they supported marriage equality. You won't be able to find a candidate with a shot who hasn't voted against our rights at some point.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!
