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Hillary Clinton officially launching her presidential run on Sunday- Page 3

Hillary Clinton officially launching her presidential run on Sunday

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#50Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/11/15 at 10:52am

You write compelling things Liza, then you go too far.


#51Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/11/15 at 11:28am

I should have known it was made up since Doris Kearns Goodwin's name was attached.

I love the irony of the fake centrist mansplaining the fake moderate.

I want Hil to stack the Supreme Court with women who will outlaw mansplaining.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#52Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/11/15 at 11:38am

I want Hil to stack the Supreme Court with Barack Obama, Laverne Cox, Linda Hunt & Michelle Visage.

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#53Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/11/15 at 12:50pm

Holy sh*t, that is a line up!

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

Liza's Headband
#54Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/11/15 at 12:55pm

You write compelling things Liza, then you go too far.

You can never go too far when warning voters of the dangerous cronies who masquerade as "moderates" in order to gain the Independents. 

#55Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/11/15 at 12:59pm

Ha ha haaaa.  Now that's a good parody post.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Liza's Headband
#56Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/11/15 at 1:01pm

Hey, old bitter gay queen. Don't you have any family or friends to see on this beautiful Saturday (probably not)? 

#57Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/11/15 at 2:04pm

It's been a very full week of family and friends so I'm enjoying a little me time this saturday afternoon.  But thanks for mentioning it, it's been 20 years to the day since I met my boyfriend!!  And I take the word "old" as a compliment since I lived through the early and most frightening days of the AIDS epidemic, caring for friends and offering support and activism wherever I could, staying safe and serving my community.  "Old".  What a luxury!

A dear friend of mine who died of AIDS in the early-mid-'90s was a teacher who was invited to a luncheon at the Clinton White House. He sat with Hilary and had a great conversation with her about the state of the world at the time.  At one point she said to him, "In my previous life, when I was allowed to HAVE opinions…."  Oh, Bill K loved that experience. 

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 4/11/15 at 02:04 PM

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#58Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/11/15 at 8:50pm

"in my previous life when I was allowed to have opinions..."  That's sad.


JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#59Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/12/15 at 4:03pm

It's official.


Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#60Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/12/15 at 4:09pm

648 days to inauguration day!

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#61Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/12/15 at 4:26pm

Liza , you want Paul or Sanders or someone different, so do I. we don't live in that fantasy.



Phyllis Rogers Stone
#62Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/12/15 at 4:34pm

Isn't Liza no spring chicken himself?

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#63Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/12/15 at 5:04pm

Dead of winter chicken. 

PalJoey Profile Photo
#64Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/12/15 at 5:15pm

That video is beautiful.

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#65Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/12/15 at 5:32pm

I may have cried a little. Eight years ago, the idea of a major candidate announcing with a video featuring two men planning their wedding and two women snuggling on a couch was just unimaginable. 

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!
Updated On: 4/12/15 at 05:32 PM

Fantod Profile Photo
#66Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/12/15 at 5:53pm

I'll be 18 by the time November 2016 comes around. Of course, Hillary is definitely going to win California, but every vote counts.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#68Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/12/15 at 7:55pm

She's smart to go for the dog people AND the cat people.  

I can't believe it may come to pass that I see a black president and a woman president in my lifetime.  The world only spins forward, unless of course it's Ted Cruz, Rand Paul or Mike Pence's world.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

dented146 Profile Photo
#69Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/12/15 at 8:04pm

To me it's just PR nonsense. What is her plan? What is her vision? How does she feel about Israel and the talks with Iran? Why can't she stand in front of the media deliver a speech and speak to issues facing the American people? Does her name entitle her a free pass where everyone accepts her because someone is excited about growing tomatoes?

How can someone with her history with Wall Street stand there and proclaim that she is going to even out the playing field? The Clinton Foundation has taken in tens of millions from everyone including countries where women are virtual slaves. Today she dropped out of the Foundation. Does she feel that what she has been doing for the last six years doesn't count anymore?

The Republican candidates may be a bunch of losers but, at least, they will go in front of a camera and state their position. And when they are deceitful or change a position like Jeb has done with immigration, they have to face the music.

With Hillary, so far, it's been " I'm a woman, I want to help the middle class, and now that I'm a grandmother I see how important is the future.

All she has done so far is blow smoke.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#70Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/12/15 at 8:08pm

But the difference is that she doesn't have to get in front of the cameras and state her positions on everything under the sun. Unlike the possible republican nominees, she essentially has the democratic nomination already. She needs to pander to absolutely nobody. 

#71Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/12/15 at 8:14pm

DentDude, it's the day of the announcement.  They're going about this in a very strategic way.  Six weeks of grassroots organizing, face time with citizens.  BIG kick-off speech later.

Oh, and Ted Cruz making phone videos of himself rolling his eyes.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

HorseTears Profile Photo
#72Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/12/15 at 8:30pm

Well, that was an exceptionally well produced video.  Dented, it's a bit early for specifics. This is a statement moment.  I'm sure we'll get specifics of her platform in the coming weeks.  And I hope Warren keeps the heat on her with regard to this fight for the middle class.  

#73Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/12/15 at 8:31pm

Me too.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

javero Profile Photo
#74Hillary Clinton officially announcing her presidential run on Sunday
Posted: 4/12/15 at 8:48pm

Go Hills!

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
